31 JULY 1947, Page 1


FOR the eleventh time the Soviet Union has exercised the veto in the Security Council and so driven one more nail into the coffin of that body. It was not to be expected that, having argued all along that the situations in the Balkans is due to Greek action and that it is not necessary to hold an unrestricted investigation on the spot to establish this thesis, the Soviet delegate would suddenly agree, to the American resolution for the establishment of a com- mission of investigation and conciliation. Neither was it likely that the Soviet Government, having so abruptly cut itself off from the rest of the world in the economic field, through its rejection of the Marshall proposals, would suddenly become more conciliatory in the political field. The Russian attitude throughout has been, like that of Greece's northern neighbours, unreasonable, cynical and dangerous. The fact that armed bands from Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria have persistently raided Greece has been established beyond reasonable doubt, but the formal recognition of that fact by the United Nations and the initiation of proper measures to deal with it has been prevented by Mr. Gromyko. In these circumstances the hearing of a Soviet resolution ostensibly meant to restore order on the Greek frontier is a farce. It merely underlines the fact that Russian policy has made a mockery of the Security Council not only in this matter but in every matter it considers. In fact it will never be an effective instrument until the Russians leave it or change their policy. It is an amazing tribute to the patience of the other members, and to their will to make the United Nations a reality, that they have still not recognised procrastination for what it is and acted accordingly.