1 AUGUST 1952, Page 16

Battle of Britain Week

Sur,—As Battle of Britain Week again approaches (September 15th-21so, may I commend to your attention the work of the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund. Last year we spent £640,466 on all forms of assis- tance to serving and ex-Service R.A.F. personnel and their dependants. More than 24,000 individual cases were aided.

Many of your readers may wonder why—on the twelfth anniversary of the Battle of Britain—it should again be necessary for me to appeal for public support. The answer, quite simply, is that the fund's needs do not shrink but grow with the passing of the years, because those who fought the war are growing older and needing help for the first time, prices continue their merciless' rise, children are reaching school age in increasing numbers. Even yet we cannot estimate when our expenditure will reach the maximum. Last year there was a gap of £199,239 between ordinary income and expenditure. Gifts or donations should be sent to Lord. Riverdale, The R.A.F. Benevolent Fund, 67 Portland Place, London, W.1.—Yours sincerely,