1 AUGUST 1952, Page 21


A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, August 12th, addressed Crossword, and bearing NUMBER of the puzzle to 99 Gower Street, London. W.C.1.


1. Crudely smart with thanks in it. (6.) 4. In Downing Street he was followed by a man with a flag. (8.) 10. " Quick, thy - memory." (Arnold.) (7.) 11. In the crossword it may be one of many. (7.)

12. Not Quite the first man in, except for Surrey. (4.)

13. No doubt she appealed to Cophetua. (10.) 16. Material weight in school. (6.) 17. Defect in the floor covering ? No, just art. (4, 3.) 20. " Let's - no more, love." (Brown- ing.) (7.) 21. Old ship of song. (6.) 24. Swirl of steam in canvas. (10.) 25. Philosophical Manx cat. (4.) 27. Is a crop so dull ? (7.) 29. A trifling ill, but just too much for the great surgeon. (7.) 30. Today in correspondence. (4, 4.) 31. Arthur's antagonist evidently wasn't an extreme left-winger. (6.)


I. Insular pile of stones at the bottom of a hole. (8.)

2. A suggestion of love-making among Arthur's followers. (11.) 3. Trunk check. (4.) 5. Not the gardener's idea of a fruit bed. (5, 3.) 26. ' A good professional in the local," the schoo boy rendered it. (3, 4, 7.)

Met in the writings of Sir Robert Peel. (3.)

Beast capsized in layers. (6.) The teacher loses his head. (5.)- -but recovers it with a house. (5. 6.) Against musicians in a group ? (10.) A good meat ration, but short weight. (8.) Drab hero profoundly disliked. (8.) Two-pronged diet. (6.) Dagger work. (5.) See 6.

- far-off divine event, to which the whole creation moves." (Tennyson.) (3.)

26. 28.