1 AUGUST 1970, Page 23


From D. A. N. Jones, B. Engerl, Sir Frederic Bennett, MP, John H. MacCallum Scott, John Field, Nicholas Alderson, Alan Ross. T. St. John Barry, Patrick Middleton, Antony Walker, A Davey, Dr Donald M. Bowers, T. M. Norton, Michael Ivens.

lain Macleod

Sir: George Hutchinson (Spectator's note- book', 25 July) congratulates the Foreign Secretary for insisting on a British passport 'that is, and looks, worth having'. But, for a Kenya Asian, it is not worth having.

In your appreciation of lain Macleod, on the opposite page. you remark that the late Chancellor was `the only man from either the Labour or the Conservative front benches to vote against the mean-minded Bill which shut out the Kenya Asians.'

If we really want an all-party tribute to Macleod, I would suggest (as a Labour party member) that it would be a good idea to rescind this mean-minded Bill, and allow these people to come in if they want to. This could surely be done without considering electoral advantage or the interesting ques- tion about which political forces (those represented by Kenyatta, Sandys, Mellish . . . ?) are most to blame for the Kenya Asians' present situation.