1 DECEMBER 1838, Page 6

Mr. Hamilton Dowdull, through the influence of the Archbishop of

Dublin, is to be the new Secretary to the Education Board.

It now appears that the arrears of tithe returned to the Castle amount to 816,0001.; from which sum is to be deducted the claim of the Duke of Devonshire, for 19,000/., and a few other lay proprietors; and also the demands made against landlords put down in the third column. It is likely that, after making all these deductions, there will remain arrears to the amount of 700,0001.; to liquidate which, there is only 260,0001., which tshl not give more than 7s. in the pound.—Irish Paper.

We are happy to find that the landlords evince the utmost readiness to satisfy the claims of the clergy by a prompt payment of the rent- charge, under the new Tithe Bill. Already several of the clergy have received a large proportion of their income for the year ending the 1st of this motith.—Limerich Chronicle.

A meeting of landed proprietors, merchants, bankers, and engineers, took place on Friday at the Commercial Buildings, Dublin, for the purpose of effecting, as far as possible a union of all parties connected in the forwarding a general system of railroads through Ireland, and more especially in the province of Connaught, and thus forming a shorter and more direct communication with America by means of steam navigation.