1 DECEMBER 1849, Page 10



The English Funds have been in a state of almost continued advance- and though trifling reactions have on more than one occasion occurred, the geneivise- stilt of the week's business has been to establish an improvement of more than 1 per cent .npon the closing prices of last Saturday. The price of Consols has been as high as 95a; ' which point was reached after-the usual hours of liminess yesterday; and though a reaction of 1 per cent occurred in the course of this morning, the market closes firmly at thehighest price-951 for Account. The improvement is entirely occasioned by the ;great plenty of money, and the DA' sequent closing of some speculative accounts which were opened in anticipation that the political state of Europe would produce a decline in prices. The trans- actions of the week have been unusually extensive; some very large sales of stnek by influential brokers having occurred. The rate of discount continues the sitine —namely, from 2 to 21 per cent. The business of-the Foreign Market has been more extensive 'than usual; With a greater demand during the last day or two for the Peninsular and South Arne • rican Stocks than has been observed for some time. Spanish Active Bonds re.ached 191, and the Three per Cents 291, in the course of the day; and though not so firm as it has been, 'the market closes within a shade of the highest quota- tions. An advertisement has appeared notifying the payment on the 1st Feb- ruary next of the dividend on Portuguese Three and Four per Cent Consolidated Stock, which became .due on the 1st July 1848. The price of these securiaes has consequently advanced about 2k-per cent; the Four per Cents having been done at 361, and the Three per Cents at 35h. Mexican Stock has also advanced -about 1 per cent, and closes at 27a 1. Of "the South American 'Bonds, Buenos Ayres -have advanced to 44—that is, between 2 and 3-per cent; and Venezuela nearly in the same proportion, the latter having been at 291, and closing at 271 -to 281. The Russian, Dutch, and other Northern European Stocks are also higher' although the transactions in them have been unimportant. The Railway Shares are firmer, and the general tone of the market is better than it has been for some time. The advance upon the more important Shares is from 2/. to 31., and upon the leaser varieties from os. to 10s. Some interest is attached to the coarse of Brighton Shares. It was anticipated, -that upon the cessation of the cholera and the return of the numerous persons who were driven to Brighton to escape that -disease, the tolls of the Railway would decline: this does not ap- pear to have been the case, and the price of the shares, which had been improving, has risen this week between 21. or 31.


The opening price of Consols for Account:was 9, and for Abney 95a4 the quotation is now 951 a for Money, while them are bayets at 95a for Account. As yet the transactions of the morning have been unimportant. hi the Foreign Mar- ket there is an evident disposition to purchase Spanish Stock; the Active Bonds have been done at 191, and the Passive at 4/. Mexican are also higher, as are most of the current varieties, although the quotations are for the most part merely nominal. The Railway Share Market is advancing, and there is a greater disposition for investment than has been for some time observable. The follow- ing are the only transactions yet recorded—Eastern Counties, 74 ; Great West- ern, 61; Brighton, 82; North-western, 11444; Midland, 511 51.

3 per Cent Consols 931 a Ditto for Account 931

3 per CentReduced 94a a

31 per Cents 9(4 .

Long Annuities 8 .746 }

Bank Stock . 193. 200 Exchequer Bills 47 50 pm. India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents 86 7

Belgian 41 per Cents 85 7

Gillian 6 per Ceuta 96 8 Dardslib per Cents 98 100 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 2} per Cents .Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 Peruvian G per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 'Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents DittoS per Cents 1842 Venezuela

72 4 54a sk G21 31 271 1 52 3 367 Si 3 108 110 19} a 39 a 28 30

Government Securities, Including Dead-weight Other Securities Notes unissued 543,740 Actual Circulation


Notes Issued 361,130 Bullion 342,944 This week. Total Bullion in both Departments 16,380,184 Actual Circulation 17,999,030

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 24th November exhibit, when comptred with those of the preceding week, the following results...-.

RANKIN./ DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

£702 Best Pithile Deposits Other Depvsits Seven;day and other Bills 849,127 456,388 77,989 16,886 £70,060 182,610 Last week.

16,037,690 18,181,640