1 DECEMBER 1855, Page 9

" Jenny Lind "—as the public will persist in calling

the Swedish Nightingale—has arrived in London, after six years absence, accompa- nied by her husband, M. Otto Goldschmidt. She has come with the In- tention of giving a series of concerts and oratorios. They are to be car- ried on under the management of Mr. Mitchell of Bond Street ; who has announced that The Creation will be performed at Exeter Hall on Monday the 10th, and ElVah on Monday the 17th of this month. These are the two oratorios, it will be remembered, in which "the Nightingale" sang during her last season in England, and in which she produced an im- pression, by the wonderful beauty and greatness of her style, as striking as that which she had made on the stage. All accounts of her recent career in Germany agree in describing her vocal powers, and the enthu- siasm excited by them, as undiminished. The concerts at Exeter Hall are to be conducted by Mr. Benedict.