1 DECEMBER 1860, Page 10

A telegram from Naples, November 27, states that "a state

of siege has been proclaimed in the Abruzzi. A proclamation of General Pinelli orders that all persons found bearing arms without permission, or ex- citing the peasantry, or insulting the national flag, are to be shot. Colonel Delagrange has already established the state of siege in the Abruzzi. General Sirtori has issued a proclamation against street de- monstrations. The general reminds the Volunteers that the King loves them, but there are military laws which must be respected."

According to the Pays of yesterday, "the report that the assembling of the Corps Legislatif will be hastened is inexact. It will take place, as usual, in the beginning of February. The Senate, however, will meet earlier, in order to regulate the execution of the resolutions contained in the Imperial decree of the 24th November."

Prince Lucien Murat, it seems, has not given up all pretension to the throne of Naples. He has written another letter, implying doubts of the 'Validity of the late vote of annexation.