1 DECEMBER 1860, Page 10



The market for English Stocks has been rather sensitive all the week, although the fluctuations have never exceeded per cent. On Monday Consols were just quoted firm at 93a for 6th December ; but later in the day there was a sharp reaction to 931 sellers, consequent upon telegrams announcing the extremely low rate of American exchanges ; this decline, however, did not last any time, for in the later hours there were buyers at that figure. The market, until this afternoon, showed great firmness, and a recovery yesterday took place to 931, after it became known that the Bank Directors had reduced the rate 1 per cent, leaving the minimum at 5 per cent. The measure had been pretty generally expected, although now that it has been done the advisability of the affair is much questioned. The improvement in values has not been supported ; and today Consols, after being nearly 93f, close 931 931, with a heavy tendency, Bank Stock is 231 233; India, TM 225; Ditto Five per Cents, 1031 103k; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 91f 911. The demand for Money was very quiet until the reduction of the rate, when applications were renewed. A large sum has been withdrawn today for New York. The Discount Establish- ments have reduced their allowance on deposits from 41 to 4 per cent for Money at call, and from 5 to 4/ per cent with seven days' notice.

In the Railway Share Market the transactions have been numerous and a considerable rise has occurred in most of the leading lime, although the highest points of the week have not been maintainedt Thus, Midland Stock was quoted on Wednesday 1351 1351, but is now only 1341 1341, this latter quotation, however, shows an advance of fully 6 per cent during the fortnight ; Great Western has risen to 73.1 731; London and North- Western, 1001 101 ; London and South-Western, 93i 94k; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1181 119; this latter has been in great demand, and some very extensive purchases have been made. Caledonian Stock good at 941 941; London and Brighton firm, 114 115; South-Eastern and Dovert 85 854;. Great Northern and the A stock both at 110 111; North British, 102k 103k; Berwick, 62f 63k; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 281 29; and Chester and Holyhead, 5354. The Foreign Share Market Las been quiet, but prices are somewhat dd- ressed. Transactions have been-been very limited. Lombardo-Venetian, 1 die. ; Luxembourg, 61 61; Paris and Strasbourg, 231 24k; Paris and Lyons 351 36; Great Western of Canada 10f 11. Indian Shares firm but quiet—East Indian, 1011 102; Great Ink= Peninsula, 961 97i. Crystal Palace Shares were last quoted 281 28f. In the Market for Foreign Securities, the attention of dealers has been principally ergaged in preparations for the settlement, which took place today. Quotations are dull, but there is no material alteration from the latest of last week. The following are the most important prices—Spanish Three per Cents, 491 50; Ditto Deferred, 41 41k; Ditto Certificates 51 6;. Brazil Four-and-a-half per Cents, 89 90; Buenos Ayres, 8486 ; Ditto, per Cents, 25 26; Russian Five per Cents, 105 107; Ditto Four-and-a-half perCents, 94 9.3; Victor Emmanuel, 97 98 ; Grenada Stock has been active and closes 16 17; and for the Deferred, 51 6. Turkish Stocks have been drooping, and leave off 73 731 for the Old Six per Cents ; 58 581 for the New • 101i 102 for the Four per Cents guaranteed. Venezuela, 21 22; and the Ole-and-a-half per Cents, 11 12. Money during the settling was scarce.

• SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCK. No material alteration has taken place in the English Market, and the• Railway Share Market still remains active.

The Board of Trade returns continue to present extraordinary proofs of the growth of the commerce of Great Britain. According to the figures just issued for the month of October, the declared value of our exports is 11,232,181/., showing an increase of 514,308/., or nearly 6 per cent over Octo- ber, 1869, when the total was only 10,717,873/., a difference which would have been still larger but for the fact that telegraph wire to the value of 189,850k. was shipped in October last year, against which there is no equi- valent total on the present occasion. The chief augmentation has again been in cotton goods, but metals are also largely on the favourable side. Thecountries to which cottons have been sent in increased quantities du- ring the month are Turkey, Egypt, Brazil, and India, notwithstanding the unsatisfac•ory accounts received from the latter country for some time past.. To China, America, and Australia the totals show a contraction. In the exportation of woollen manufactures there has been a slight falling off, but linens show a good increase.

The total exports during the first ten months of the year have been 112,956,5271., against 108,755,184/. In the same period of 1869, showing an increase of 4,201,3431., or 4 per cent. The changes have been as follows—



— £226,026 February.

£1,107,797 —


sit — 919,758

April ."" 21,710 ... — May

463,444 ...

June July

. 1,429,437 1,237,247 ... — August

1,417,930 ...


2,015,028 — October


Compared with 1858, an cent.

er augmentation is shown of 16,377,4011., or 17 per-

The imports of wheat and flour are very heavy, and show a great increase eyer October, 1859; 845,129 quarters and 336,894 being the two amounts; Eut other "bread stuffs" show a falling off; only 355,807 quarters against 425,498 in October, 1859; but salted provisions, coffee, tea, and sugar, are largely taken. In wine, there is no material increase. The Vienna advices state that the rates of exchange continue to become more adverse for Austria, the movement during the last two days having been equal to 2 per cent. Reports of a contemplated increase of paper issues appear to be among the causes of the alarm.

The effect of our 6 per cent rate of discount in attracting money front the Continent for employment on this side, is said already to have been mani- fested, several amounts having been remitted hither, to be employed in the discount of long bills.

Increase. Decrease.