1 DECEMBER 1866, Page 3

Will nobody ever do anything for London streets? For the

last four days they have been almost impassable, being covered with slimy, glutinous mud, on which horses slip about like child- ren or girls on ice. We saw on Thursday a little scene in the Strand which would have clone the heart of a horsedealer good— an omnibus, a carriage, and two cabs literally unable to move. One- of the horses of the omnibus. was down, the near horse in the carriage—one of the hundred-guinea sort—was vainly endeavour- ing to keep its feet, one cab-horse had just slid on to its side; and the other was frying hard to prevent his head going through the baele panel of the carriage. The , mud left, in oar streets by the vestries must cost the homey interest many thousands a year, and might all be removed by an expenditure of a few hundred pounds on a water supply. In Turkey the- vestrymen would be set to clean the streets under the whip, and it is greatly to be regretted that cabmen, omnibus-drivers, and coachmen, and tho upper ten thousand who pay for expensive horseflesh do not lyneh a vestry- man or two. We suppose it is hopeless to remonstrate about pav- ing, but three weeks ago Regent Street was being ptevedihy hundred- guinea- horses, the poor brutes walking on angular bite of granite as if they werered-hot.