1 DECEMBER 1883, Page 2

The news from Tonquin is not pleasant for Frenchmen. It

is rumoured, on good authority, that Admiral Courbet refuses to advance on Bacninh without further reinforcements ; and he has only 600 men to expect immediately, and 1,200 men in a month. It is, moreover, certain that the Tonquinese are ex- hibiting a new audacity in attack, probably because they are sure of Chinese support. On the 17th ult., they attacked Raid- zuong, a French fort protecting a bend of the Red River, with such courage that they lost 200 men, and, but for the accidental arrival of the gunboat 'Lynx,' the French would have lost the fort and the steamer ' Carabine.' As it was, the garrison evacuated the place, and went on board the 'Lynx.' It is moreover reported that the Russian Embassy has re- ceived intelligence of a severe " battle " at Haiphong, the first French station on the best mouth of the river. This may be untrue, but the rumours indicate that the whole delta is swarming with Black Flags, sent down from the higher lands, and that Admiral Courbet will need half his army to guard his communications.