1 DECEMBER 1888, Page 1


THE greatest importance is attached in Paris to an immense demonstration, which is to take place to-morrow, in honour of M. Baudin, the Radical Deputy who was shot on a barricade on December 2nd, 1851, while encouraging the people to resist the Coup d'Etat. An immense procession is to march to his grave, headed by numbers of Radical Deputies ; the manifestation is favoured by Government ; and the military preparations to secure order are on a serious scale. The idea seems to be that there may be fighting in the streets between the Radicals and Boulangists, and the Reactionaries are full of a story that M. Floquet intends to make of this an excuse for the arrest of their leaders, including General Boulanger, and for carrying a stringent Law of Public Safety. General Boulanger himself declares his full belief in the existence of a design of the kind, and his confidence that if he were sent to Mazas, his party would immediately triumph. We have given elsewhere some reasons for believing that the Republicans have considered very violent plans ; but it is most improbable, from the character of the President and the inability of the Premier to act without him, that the resort to force will take the form of a coup (rad. The rumour, how- ever, will increase the uneasiness prevailing, and the occur- rences of Sunday should be watched with careful attention.