1 DECEMBER 1894, Page 12

Hope's Legacy. By Mrs. Henry Clarke. (Sunday School Union.) —Madge

Ecroyd is a girl of the new type,—that is, she is pos. sessed with the wholesome conviction that there is no disgrace in a woman's earning her own living. She pays a visit to some cousins, the Ardleighs, of Ardleigh, to whom this truth has not penetrated, and has the satisfaction of making a convert. The Ardleighs are fallen upon evil days, and the ruling spirit of the house is bent solely on keeping up appearances, and maintains for that object an elaborate system of deceit by which she con- ceals the truth from her invalid sister. This is well told. But the author somewhat spoils the moral with the rich uncle whom she introduces at the last. Thanks to him, the Ardleighs will be " of Ardleigh" still, and will have no need either to toil or spin.