1 DECEMBER 1923, Page 2

On Tuesday the Times published an interesting message from.its Paris

correspondent, who had evidently been informed of the lines on which a settlement had been reached by the Tangier Conference. From his message it appears that a somewhat elaborate com- promise has been reached between the French view that the Tangier zone should become an integral part of the dominions of the Sultan, or, in other words, of France, and the British and Spanish view that the local adminis- tration should be strengthened. The correspondent sums up the settlement which has been arrived at :- " In short, the status of Tangier will recognize the sovereign rights of the Sultan, but the town will be administered internation- ally to an extent that will be sufficient to secure the neutrality of Tangier in time of war, and to keep the door open for the trade of all nations on a basis of equality. At the same time, the measure of internationalization to be introduced will in no way detract from the principle of the Sultan's sovereignty, which to a large extent will exist in fact as well as in name."

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