1 DECEMBER 1939, Page 22


SIR,—Last year many of your readers gave generously to the Sudeten Social Democrat refugees who were in camps in various parts of Surrey. Many of these are still in the same camps, and though some families have been emigrated to Canada their places have been quickly filled, and the camps are likely to be full for a long time. Meanwhile the local funds have been spent on education, clothing, medical sup- plies, &c. There are, of course, endless appeals now, but it is hard to face a second Christmas as a refugee, and any help to make it more tolerable will be very gratefully received. Most of the men are waiting to be called up for war work, and many are still separated from their wives and children and can get no news of them now, while the terror in Prague gives them acute anxiety. Gifts of working clothes and boots for men will be welcomed at the Refugee Clothing Depot, 21 Castle Street, • Guildford ; and money to the Mayor of Guildford's Fund for Refugees (Sudeten), Guildhall, Guild-