1 DECEMBER 1944, Page 4

My opinion of Scotland and Scotsmen was always high, but

it is rising steadily. It is remarkable how many of the subscriptions I have received for the Malta Shrine of Remembrance Fund (and which I hereby gratefully acknowledge) have come from north of the Tweed. I have not tabulated the actual numbers, but it is out of all proportion to the population of Scotland as compared with England, and this though the shrine is to be erected in an Anglican Cathedral and Scotland is predominantly Presbyterian. Another feature of note is the number of contributions generously sent by clergy—not a conspicuously affluent section of the population. Readers willing to assist in pushing the present total of L85o up to the desired £2,000 should address their letters, Janus, 99, Gower Street, London, W.C. t, and make cheques payable to The Spectator. * * * *