1 FEBRUARY 1834, Page 8

The t:overtuilent prosecution of the 'frac Sim, for a libel

011 the Reformed House of Commons, and tot recommending non-payment of the .-1ssessuel Taxes, which has hetet hanging over that journal for some months, is to be brought to all issue on 'llautrsday next. It is perhaps useless to represent to the It.Isig Ministers, the gross injustice of car- rying on Crown prosecutions for libel, in die present odious state of • the libel law u butt it may be worth their while to consider the roust.- quetwes which may ensue, both to themsel v is ald the public service, should the thji taunts be acquil It iF. IS this l'Vk I:t eery; improbable ? ir- eurnspice."