1 FEBRUARY 1851, Page 7

A_ deputation waited on the. Chancellor of the Exchequer yesterday

; and two deputations had intervews with the Premier. The one to Sir Charles Wood, headed by Mr. -Ewart and Mr. Charles Villiers, was one to urge repeal of the advertisement-duty : it was received with jocose good- nature, and thanked for the refresher to the official memory. The depu- tations to Lord John Russell were one from the Committee of Poor-law Medical Officers, headed by Sir b fr Dc Lacy Evans, and Mr. Jacob

Bell, MY., and one from the Metropolitan Sanatory Reform Associa- tion, headed by Lord Ebrington, M.P., and Colonel Thompson, M.P. Beth were listened to politely.

'This morning the Chancellor of the Exchequer received, and similarly entertained without enlightening, a deputation headed by Sir James Duke, M.P., and Mr. Masterman, M.P., praying for the abolition of the soap-duty.

Without noting its previous announcement, that Lord Over one would second the address in the Peers, the Globe this evening gives the "re- port" that Lord Cresnome, an Irish Peer, will be the seconder.

Mr. T. A. Mitchel, M.P., will give notice at the opening of the ensu- ing session of Parliament of a motion for a Committee to inquire into the constitution of the Board of Customs.—Morning Chronicle.

At a special meeting of the Metropolitan Sewers Commission, yester- day, was read the report of Mr. Frank Foster, the engineer of the Com- mission, embodying his plan for the drainage of the Metropolis North of the Thames. It is proposed to build two great arterial sewers which shall run generally parallel to each other, from Bayswater and Kensington in the West, till they converge at a point on the Eastern bank of the river Leonear the Four Mills Distillery. The Northern sewer will take generally the line of Holborn and Oxford Street, the Southern one will generally skirt the Thames ; the first will deliver its contents about forty-seven feet above the second ; and on the hank of the Lea will be erected three steam-en- gines of 550 horse-power each, which will lift the drainage brought on a low level by the South sesrer to the high level of the North sewer : from the Lea the united stream will be conducted to the bank of the river RodMg, which discharges itself into the Thames at the Eastern extremity of Galleon's Reach. The cost will be about 1,080,0001. The report eli- cited general approbation, and it was ordered that it be printed for genera circulation before any resolution is taken on it.