1 FEBRUARY 1851, Page 7


&rota Exonatroa, ITRIDAY hrrsaxoorr.

The English Stock Market continues in a. state of torpor, without fluctua- tion or business of importance. The only variation in Consols has been front buyers to sellers at 96k; the closing price this afternoon is ost ft. Money is much more abundant than it has been at any period since the commenoe- ment of the year ; interest at the rate of 2 per cent per annum being with difficulty obtainable upon loans upon first-class security for short periods. The transactions in the Foreign Market scarcely admit of more remark than those in the English Funds. The settlement of the half-monthly Ac- count occurred today ; when the rates of continuation were generally much lower than on the 15th, from 6 to 10 per cent being the highest rate of in- terest obtainable upon the least valuable class of securities. The receipts for the over-due Coupons of the Mexican Stock will not be ready till the lit March. Considerable difficulty was consequently experienced today in settling the Account in that Stock. A very small amount was actually do. livered ; the Stock passes with an engagement for the delivery of the cors responding receipt when issued from the Commission. Spanish Active Stock has experienced an advance of from to per cent; some considerable de- mand having occurred, arising from the conversion of the Deferred, and the market has been almost entirely cleared. The Russian Four-and-a-halfper Cent Stock has advanced, and has been done currently at 97 and 97i. The Dutch, and all the other Northern European Stocks, are also higher. The Railway Shares continue to advance, and something nearly approach- ing the fever of 1845 has been apparent. The principal improvement has been in Great Western, which have risen to 86; a quotation higher than the shares have stood at for the last two years. The French Shares have been quite stationary, and scarcely any business of importance has occurred in them. Notwithstanding the improvement of the French Funds in Paris, there seems no disposition either for speculation or investment in French Securities.


The opening price of Consols was 96} I both for Money and Account; and the market is steady at that quotation, with but little doing. Bank Stock has been done at415.T he Foreign Funds are without material change, and nothing of importance has yet occurred in the Railway Share Market- SATURDA.7 Two o'Clocx. The English Stock Market closes at the morning's quotations, without the occurrence of any business of importance. The transactions of the Fe

Market have been more extensive than usual, and prices generally we rss

firmer; the following being the principal bargains recorded—Brazilian, 901; Buenos Ayres, 47; Danish Five per Cents, 1021 MeXican, 331"1 ex div. ; Peruvian,-501 ; Ditto Deferred, 361 ; Portuguese Three per Cents, 351 ; Ditto

Fear -per Cente,e 331 f ex , div. - Russian Five per Cents, 1131 • Ditto Four- and-a-half per Cents, 97# # 1 •' Spanish Active, 181; Ditto Passive, " 31 #';'' Ditto Three per Cents, 381 f ; Dutch Two and-a-half per Cents, 581; flitter Fear per Cents, 911.

The Railway Market is still in the ascendant, nearly every description of Share being in demand. The improvement in the day's business in North- western has been about 2L; and • in Great Western and Midland; about the sable. The Transactions in French Shares have been more extensive than usual, and prices are slightly higher. Thefollowing are the principal bargains recorded—Aberdeen, 101. 1 ,• Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 1 dis. ex div. ; Ca- ledonian, 17} + 18; Ditto New 10/. Preference, 15+ 1 # ; Earitern Counties, 61 F' Ditto 5 per Cent Preference No. 2, 4 pm. par. •' Ditto New Preference .6 per C.ent, 11; Great Northern, 18k; Great Western, 871. 9 si Of 88k 89; Ditto 2feiv, 17/., 141; Lancashire and 'Yorkshire, 571 7 81 571. 81 81; Ditto Fifths,' 4i i ; London and Blackwell, ni; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 95k; Ditto Guaranteed 5 per Cents, late Croydon Thirds,. 11; London and North-western, 1291 9 301 30 31; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 22+; Ditto Fife* 17k; London and South-western, 881 71 si S8; Midland, 541 b 541 51 6f • Norfolk, 261; North British, 811 1 ; North Staffordshire, 101 101- 1; South-eastern and Dover, / 11 1; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 2eii# 1 1 1 ; Ditto Extension, 151 • Ditto G. N.Y. Purchase of Preference, 811; York and North Midland, 1.1 1 ; Boulogne and Amiens„ 91 I 1 f ; East' Indian, 121; Namur and Liege, - 81 1; Northern of France, 151'; ; Orleans- and Bordeaux, 4; Rouen and Havre, llf 1 ; Tours and Nantes, 5i. - . ' ,

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 45 per Cents Chili= 6per Cents

Danish 5 per Cents 965 5

961 5 9.7 1 98 5 - 75 13-16 214 215 58 61 pm.

--- ' 89 91 ' ' ' 90 2 102 4 101 3 Danish 3 per Cents ..., ., .. ,

Dutch 2 Cents' ' Ditto 4 per Cents .. MexMan 5 per Cents 1846 ...

-Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 335 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1821, Russian 5 per Cents . .. ' ... .

Spanish (Active) 5 per cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela

76 9 , 58 91 331 I 794 805 41 ea 4 84 6

112 116 18,1 19' 38 4 30 2