1 FEBRUARY 1919, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sie,—The horror manifested by your Fabian correspondent at being connected with Bolshevism is highly amusing, but it is quite natural, for did not the excellent " G. 13. S.," the great apostle of Fabianism, tell us some years ago that the Fabian intended to he at the State end of the gun if there was to be any shooting to be done? In other words, an admission of cowardice and impotence. Such pseudo-Socialists are greater obstacles to success than any capitalist. They lack the courage of their convictions. Now, Sir, I maintain that these is no difference between Socialism and Bolshevism. The principle is exactly identical. Therefore it followe, as clearly and surely an night follows day, that there are no Socialists who do not uphold and defend what we know as Bolshevism. Bolshevism is merely the Russian term for pure and unadulterated Inter- national Socialism. I hove only been converted to Socialism for twelve months or so, but I am proud to identify myself with Bolshevism, and I intend to do my utmost to urge its claims upon all my fellow-workers. Bolsheviks recognize one class only, the workers. That being so, the dread terror of the idle-do-nothing-but-robbery capitalist and landowner at the mention of such a system and all it involves is easily under. standable, because they have never done any useful work, and never intend to if they can possibly avoid it. But they cannot avoid it; their hour is fast approaching; they are weighed in the balances and are found wanting. If they cannot or will not work, let them flee the country, as many of the Russian capitalists did, leaving behind their works (or rather the workers' factories and land), and we shall manage quite com- fortably, and without cutting each others' threats, too. We have had nearly ire years of that business, and for the only reason that one net of capitalists quarrelled with another set, and are still quarrelling, about the division of the loot, and are always likely to quarrel. They are blind leaders of the blind, and are therefore fast falling into the ditch. We British Bolsheviks, workers one and all, never intend to rest till we have secured full control of industry and politics for the benefit, not of a few idle-rich robbers, but for the benefit of the whole people.—Yours for International Socialism,

A. '1'. ROGERS,

Bermondsey N.U.R. and Workers' Socialist Federation. [Alas for our correspondent's pride! He is not a Bolshevik after all. Bolshevism demands everything for a small section— for those who are Bolsheviks. But our correspondent wants idleness to be penalized "for the benefit of the whole people." So do ere.—En: Spectator.]