1 FEBRUARY 1975, Page 4

Be.nn and the Market

Sir: You have done the nation a great service by publishing the full text of Mr Wedgwood Benn's letter to his constituents. Although I am a Conservative and abhor virtually every policy Mr Benn stands for, I have no doubt that his statement on the Common Market is correct. Indeed, I have a feeling that, when the history of the 'seventies comes to be written, Mr Benn's letter—along with several of the speeches of Mr Enoch Powell — will be considered, to be one of the truly outstanding documents of the age.

The fact that none of the so called "quality" national newspapers published Mr Benn's speech in full is but further evidence of a concerted campaign on the part of the British press to brainwash the nation into voting to stay in the Common Market. Fortunately, the people — unlike so many newspaper editors — are not fools: or, at least, I hope they're not!

H. J. Yates 14 Royal Crescent Court, Filey, Yorkshire