1 JANUARY 1831, Page 6

Accounts from Poland, received since our last publication, state that

the Grand Duke CONSTANTINE quitted the neighbourhood of 'Warsaw on the 4th December, at which time he had still about 9000 men with him. The Polish army is gaining rapid accessions : so early as the 9th, only eleven days after the rising, it was rated at 145,000. The. Polish chiefs have been so far from wishing to harass CONSTANTINE in his retreat, that i party of the troops crossed the Vistula for the express purpose of facilitating it. The intelligence of the first insurrection seems to have frightened the Emperor NICHOLAS from his propriety. "He fell," say the ac- counts, " into a most violent passion ;" he then hurried to the meeting of the Chapter of St. George, which consists of the grand military and civil dignitaries, and they got ink) as great a passion at the news as their master,—" and all of them, falling down on their knees, swore to revenge the outrage offered to their Sove- reign." The capital, it is said, has caught the same wrathful spirit; and 10,000 young men—the second account says 20,000— have inscribed their names as part of the army of Poland. So impetuous was NICHOLAS, that the troops destined for the chastisement of his revolted subjects were ordered to be for- warded to the borders on sledges. General DIEBITSCH, whom reports had stationed in Berlin, but who appears to be still in Russia, was to take the command. Subsequent accounts say that the march of the Imperial army had been sus- pended by the weather—we hope General Frost will give as good afi account of them as he did of the captors of Moscow. A deputation left Warsaw on the 10th, for the purpose of lay- ing before the Czar a true statement of the grievances under which the Poles have long laboured; and, on the 16th, a mes- senger from NICHOLAS arrived at Warsaw, with orders to the Council of Administration, which, however, no longer exists. The communications between Russia and Poland were on the 12th again opened. The Polish Diet met on the 18th; when the Dictator, as a mat- ter of form, resigned his commission. The formal opening took place on the 21st, when the choice of Marshal or President hav- ing fallen on WLADISLAU OSTROWSKI, deputy for Petrikau, that nobleman immediately subscribed thirty thousand forms towards the wants of the state. His example was followed by all the De- puties, according to their ability. This is patriotism. The Diet, as its first act, recognized the propriety of the insurrection. Every effort seems to be making for putting Praga and Warsaw in the best possible state of defence ; and if NICHOLAS can keep his fury warm until the spring, we indulge a hope that CLOPECKI'S can- non will suffice to cool it.