1 JANUARY 1842, Page 15

The great feature of the Adelphi pantomime, The Little Old

Woman and her Pig, or Harlequin Pedlar and the Magic Petticoat, is the " real water "; the introduction of which is detrimental to the real fun. The tank is opened in two scenes,—first doing duty as a pond, with huge frogs as still as the standing pool they float on ; and next as the moat of the Tower of London, in which scene the moonlight effect is exhi- bited: the "fairy lake" is represented much more effectively by trans- parent and luminous waves of gauze, which, moreover, are peopled with a bevy of nymphs. WIELAND, as the Little Old Woman, is *try comical ; but the Magic Petticoat has no virtue in it, and the Magic Duck is nothing but a quack. The most amusing scene in the harlequinade is the Lilliput Theatre, with its tiny troop of motley actors, and the incursion of a Brobdignag family. The burning of the Tower Armoury, and a grand display of fireworks at the end, show fire to be a much more serviceable element than water in the production of stage-effects. Mr. FORDE, an elfin sprite from the Emerald Isle, does IELA ND'S share of antics, before he throws off the incumbrance of the petticoat and appears as Clown. WIELAND eclipsed Harlequin in feats of agility ; though Mr. FRAMPTON, who wields the magic wand, is a sprightly and elegant dancer.