1 JANUARY 1848, Page 2

I ND 01- 7 -1848.



oa.Ia—Congrees—Pres1dent's message. 7; Mexican treaty. 608, 727; govern- ment for Oregon, &c. 773 ; message, 1226. Mexican war—arrest of officers, 77. " Sympathy " for Ireland. 701, 7,7, 847, 869. Fire at Albany, 868. Presidential election, 1107, 1157. Pro-Slavery meet- ing at Orangeburg, 1178. Gold in Cali- fornia, 1249.

Austria—Insurrection at Vienna, 291; re- forms, 340; constitution, 410. Outbreak at Cracow, 437. Flight of Emperor, 507; manifesto, 534 ; return, 799. Revolt in Croatia, 534, 679, 749, 867. Rising in Vienna, 535, 557. Provisional govern- ment In Prague, 557; desperate conflict, 606, 608, 631. Ministry, 727. Opening of Diet, 729; Croatian question—Aus- tria and Germany, 797. Commotions in Vienna, 915. Successes of the Ban, 965; checked, 986. Murder of Lamberg,367. Insurrection in Vienna, 986,489; Siege. 1009, 1012, 1034, 1057, 1060, tall, 4082, 1085, 1:31 • Blum, 1107; new eftnietry,1 1110, 1156 Letter on Hungary, 989. Diet at Krenlider, I IA; Mtakrierialprin- ciples, 1177. War in Hungary, 1156, 1249. Abdication of Ferdinand, 1176, 1180, 1201.

Bavaria—Lola Monter, 172. Abdication of King, 310.

Belgium—French Revoluttop,,,,2„25, 220,

293; itwa 154reilabli1ans, 416, Sta. Opening qL1eis1atui,t, 616; l'elteqoo-

gress, 939; . • • • • • • • China—Murder of Englishmen, 196. Dis- turbances at ports, 507, 607. • • • Colonies—Canada—Election, 123, 17a,s signatien of Ministry, 317. Cape orGoell: Hope—Kafir war, 77, 102, 221. SOH.* Smith, 123. Revolt of Pretorius, 965, 987, 1034, 1132. Ceylon— Insurrection, 940, 1132. India—Commercial failures, 30, 102. 128. Death of Rejah of Sable- rah, 507. Outbreak in Sleeken. 580, 607, 821, 847, 940,965, 1058,1132,1177, 1226. Plots in Lahore, 727. New Zealand— Combats with Natives at Wanganui, 57. News, 678, 965. West Indies—Stopping supplies in Jamaica, 867, 940, 987, 1034, 1228; accident to Sir C. Grey, 965, 1034; reopening of Assembly, 1177. Refusal of supplies at Demerara, 1083, 1135. Go- vernment loan to Trinidad—regulation of immigrants, 1178.

Denmark—Death of King, 101, 122, 148. 'Revolt of Schleswig and Holstein, 316, 241, 367 ; war, 410, 412, 435, 459, 579 ; armistice, 655, 678, 749, 867. Revolt at St. Croix, 773, 1083.

France—Opening of Chambers, 5; pro- ceedings, 29; address, 53, 67, 76, 101, 104, 121. 148, 171 ; sale of an office, 101• Reform banquets, 6. Algeria—Abd-el- Nader, 6, 29, 54, 76, 1082. Death of Madame Adelaide, 10, 28. Switzerland, 53. Intended Reform banquet at Paris, 172, 176; insurrection and revolution, 195, 197, 217 ; Provisional Government, 218, 222, 244, 248, 339, Convocation of a National Assembly, 243. Circular of Minister for Foreign Affairs, 243. Com- mercial and financial difficulties, 244, 268, 294, 314 ; report on finance, 267. Fu- neral of the vkiims, 245. Run on the Bank—suspension of specie payments,

• 268. Ouvrters and Louis Blanc, 268, 294, 314. Government circulars on elections, 268, 271. Officers of Paris National Guard, 268, 271, 339. Ex- pulsion of English workmen, 272. Great meeting of workmen in Parts—deputa- tion to Government, 293 Irish depu- tation, 293, 340. Savoyard deputation, 293. Postponement of elections, 314. Thiers, 314. Polish deputation, 315. Pro- vincial troubles, 339, 365, 367, 387, 434, 510, 606. Foreign workmen, 365. Dis- sensions in Government, 386. Attempted disturbances on 16th April, 386. Pre- Mutation of colours to National Guards, 389. Elections, 409, 433. Secret clubs —Idontagnards, 409. Opening of Na- tional Assembly, 434, 437, 468; reports by Provisional Government, 458 ; Executive Committee, 459 ; constitu- tion, 507, 606, 651, 867, 870, 891, 895, 914, 93s, 987, 1681; Louis Philippe and his family, 4534; tumultuary meetings, 557; Louis Bonaparte's election, 578, 682; expenses of the Executive Corn.

, mittee, 679; national workshops, 605, 662; General Cavaignac President of the Connell, 630; press, 677, 796, 891 ; Proudlion's system, 699, 749; Orleans property, 700 clube, 727, 4549; finances, 727, 964 ; garde mobile, 749; committee on the Insurrections, 751, 772, 846 • Italy, 821, 1154, 1169; flight of Blanc and Caneskilere, 847; hours of labour, 891; projected revival of republicanism In the provinces, 919 ; Louis Napoleon, 938 ; Toulouse banquet, 964; foreign PolleY. 964; remplacement, 1033; Bo- naparte squabble, 1034, 1036; Presi- dency. 1036 • Cayalgnac's conduct in June, 1129, 1153 Csavings banks—trea- sury bonds, 1129 ; claims for recompense, 1991; ministerial policy, 1249 ; salt- duty, 1249, 12.51. Paris clubs, 435. New Ministry, 961. Attempt at revolution • . on 15th May, 483, 507, 534. Discontent of men In the national workshops, 533. Proposed prosecution of Louis Blanc, 557. Excitement respecting Louis Na- poleon, 578. Insurrection of June, 627, 632, 652, 655, 676. Influence of the Mo- derate parin 651. The Italian question,

749, 772. Peace manifesto in Monileur, 796. Alarm—suppression of journals, 821. Lamartine's defence, 867. 81aris elections, 890, 914. Emigration So-Al- geria, 891. Cavaignac's father, 915. Democratic banquets, 964, 1082, 1128. New ministers, 989, 1008, 1033, 1057. Presidential election, 1057, 1081, 1084, 1155, 1201, 1203; President proclaimed, 1225 ; review, 1248 ; new appointments, 1298. Proclamation of constitution.

• 1105, 1228. Due de Bordeaux's declara- tion, 1109.

France, Original Correspondence from, 850, 875, 900, 921, 913, 972, 995, 1018, 1041, 1065, 1090, 1114, 1139, 1162, 1185, 1208,123!, 1256.

Germany—Movements consequent on the French Revolution, 245, 270, 271, 293, 315, 388, 410. Congress of Deputies at Frankfort, 341, 435, 507; election of a Regent, 653, 677, 700 ; the Assembly and Hanover, 701 ; Ministry, 701, 773, 797 ; _Posen, 749 ; martifesso of Ministry for Foreign Airs, 1.76; Danish armistice, 870, 892, 915, 964; Austria, 1926; Blum, 1110,1130, 1156; Prussia, 1110, 1130; clunigein 5ffidsbw, 1226. insurrection in Frankfort, 013„ 918, 953, 942, 964. Strtwe's insurrection, 942.

Greece—Settlement of the Turkish dispute, 30. Palmerston on theGevernment, 77. Holland—French Revolution, 970; new constltution, 388. States Genera1/4101)1, IndJars Archlaehlagp-:PeSat lif•Datils•py.

• !Wats, 822. . • • • • • • • • • •

:Ii—••State:of • lust •st *Milan, 54, 121; at Padua, 176; martial law, 221. Sardinian constitution, 172. arestehllevalutitt, 270. Revolt in M1- :1,ario„295••316. Declaration of Sardinia ..against•rnttle,,416. War in Lombardy, • 3110, 365, 388, 410, 435, 485, 507, 534, 557, 677, 727; Austrian successes, 607, 653; defeat of Charles Albert, 748; his expulsion, 772; capitulation, 776; entry of the Austrians into Milan, 796; disaf- fection in army, 1011. Vote on fusion of Lombardy and Piedmont, 534, 580. Pro- clamation of King of Sardinia, 867. Rising in the Brianza, 1083. Forced loan, 1132. The " Costituente," 1249. Naples—Insurrection in Sicily, 101, 121, 147, 172; Lord Minto's intercession, 248; declaration of independence, 411, 677. Concessions at Naples, 147, 411. Bloody contest in Naples, 507. Revolt, 677 - Fall of Messina, 892, 895; French and English intervention, 965, 1036, 1159. Portugal—Elections, 6. Cortes, 30, 77. Prussia—Insurrection in Berlin. 292, 315. Prussia merged In Germany," 295. Ministries, 341, 630, 678, 892, 939. United Diet, 341, 365. Posen, 341,387, 410; civil war, 459. Attempted demon- stration at Berlin, 410. New tumults In Berlin, 606, 824. Assembly—consti- tution, 1011 ; nobIlity, 1060. Unquiet state of Berlin, 1013. Count von Bran- denburg Minister, 1082; struggle be- tween King and Assembly, 1106, 1109, 1129; Assembly at Brandenburg, 1156; dissolved—new constitution, 1180, 1202. Rome—Organization of a Ministry, 54, 77. Constitution, 295. Crisis respecting a declaration of war against Austria, 459. Assassination of Rossi — insurrection, 1165; flight of Pope, 1159, 1176, 1201, 1227.

Russia—Manifesto on the revolutions, 341. Circular on the international position, 750. Cholera, 940

Spain—Cortes—budget, 30; Salamanca, 59, 67, 77. Queen's health, 54, 102. Insur- rections in Madrid, 340,461, 485. Sir H. Bulwer and the Spanish Ministers, 409; his dismissal, 507. Montemolinist ri- sing, 652, 677, 700, 1011,1157.

Switzerland—Independence of Neufchatel, 246.

Wallachia—Revolution, 700, 749, '773. Entry of Turks, 1011.


Birth of a Princess, 265, 481. Death of Princess Sophia, 519, 554. Royal trip to Balmoral, 870; Harrow, 1102.

Revenue, 34, 345, 656, 992. Confirmation of Bishop of Manchester, 50; consecra- tion, 98. Commissioners of Sewers, Si, 99. Dr. Hampden's case—Court of Queen's Bench, 57,99, 119. Meeting of "Standing Committee" of West India planters, 98. Court of Arches—Galls case, 119, 407. Shipping Interest "de- monstration," 146. Shore versus Barnes, 170. Boron versus Denman, 170. In- come-tax, 194, 9.7. Bann versus Lind, 194. Riots in Trafalgar Square, 241 Chartist meeting on Kennington Com- mon, 265. Consecration of Bishop Hamp- den, 312. Chsrtist demonstration" on April 10, 337, 363, 38.5, 406, 457 • Chart- ist Convention, 337, 343, 364, 385, 431, 481. Reform League, 388, 431, 481,486, 505. Cochrane's Anti-Poor-law "de- monstration," 407. Meeting of Irish Peers and Members, 364. Society for Improvement of Condition of Working Classes, 481. "Chartist "disturbances, 529, 553,575; clubs and meetings, 843. City meeting on West Indies, 54. Arrest of Chartist leaders. 555, 575, 746 ;

604, 650, 674, 844. Reform meetings, 555. Meeting on juvenile delinquency, 626. Address to Government on state of Ireland, 655, 676. Society for Promotion of Colonization, 674. Canadian Land and Railway Association. 7.:5. Society for Promotion of Colonization, 729. Din- ner to Sir C. Napier, 746. Tracy peer- age, 750. Gas-explosion in Albany Street. 771, 818. Arrests of physical-force C hart- lists, 793, 818, 910. Court of Aldermen— solitary system, 886; City prisons, 1054, 1126; "sweeps," 1174. City sewers, 886, 910, 938, 1006, 1102, 1198, 1246. Chartist trials, 918, 934, 942, 958, 1054. Cholera, 967, 1011, 1035, 1061, 1035 French National Guard, 1030. 1126. Peace Congress, 1054. Queen's etchings, 1058, 1083, 1198, 1222. Mayoralty, 1078. Derby sweeps, 1078, 1102, 1150. Law Amendment Society—lunacy, 1102. Mr. Pearson's prison plans, 1126. Royal So- ciety Secretary, 1133, 1150. Hope jew- els, 1174. Charge against Baroness St. Mart, 1174. SpItainelds weavers, 1246.

Bishopric of Hereford, 2, 10, .50, 78. Elections, 4, 171, 241, 312, 338, 385, 482, 505,521, 626, 655, 475, 771, 845, 849, 865,

887, 1030, 1055, 1079, 1103, 1127, 1151, 1175, 1193, 1223, 1246. Railway acci- dents. 4, 57, 74, 120, 171, 312, 457, 482, 306, 477, 391. '819. 845, 1386, e86, 912, 360, 1056. Peen mernings, 52, 80, 99- Free-trade demonstration" at Man- 'Mester. 103, 134. Income-tax, 194, 917. Riots at Manchester, 24,1. "Na- tional League," Chartist meetings, . 266, 280, 312, 338, 364, 407, 536, 576. Weskrn Times and Bishop of Exeter, 312. Bishop of Manchester versus Gutteridge, 369. Reform meetings, 383, 407, 432, 482, 531, 556, 576, 604 Re- form League at Manchester, 432. Cob- den testimonial, 432. Chartist dis- turbances on Mitchel's conviction, 530,

698. Meeting at Liverpool for financial reform, 531 ; Sugar question, 576. Royal Agricultural Society at York, 675. Ar- rests of Chartists, 698, 819 ; trials, 1224. Disaffection of Irish in Liverpool, 725, 746. Trials for sedition, 726, 746. Bri- tish Association for Advancement of Science, 771, 794. Chartist outbreak at .Ashton, 793, 911. Burning of Ocean Mo- narch, 824, 815, 865, 887. Cutler's feast, 887. Death of Lord G. Bentinek, 918, 937, 941, 966. Death of Earl of Carlisle, 987. Recorder Hill on reformatory punishment, 1031. Changes at Cam- bridge University, 1055. Murders at Wymondham, 1152, 1175, 1199, 1204. Cobden's " National Budget," 1212.


Proclaiming of counties, 27, 100. Special commissions, 27, 33, 52, 75, 100, 120. Altar-denunclatIons, 27, 52, 75, 100, 147, 172, 267. Dr. ArEnuery's exhortations, 52. Elections, 120, 217, 2611, 367, 699. French Revolution, 241. Anti-British press, 241, 266, 290, 338, 364, 433. Ad- dresses of support to Government, 266, 291, 386, 433. Defence of Dublin, 266, 312, 338. Proceedings of Confederates, 266, 290, 312, 338, 408. St. Patrick's day, 290. Information against O'Brien, 291, 385, 407, 412, 433, 458. Kirwan's purchase of pikes, 339. Drilling, 385. Clerical Incentives to revolt, 385, 408. Paris deputation of Confederates, 386. Attack on Confederates at Limerick, an. Trial of O'Brien, 442; of Meagher, 483. Arrest of Mitchel, 483; trial, 505, 510, 531. Proceedings of Confederates after Mitchers conviction, 533. Attempted amalgamation of Repeaters and Confede- rates, 556, 577, 605, 626, 676 Irish Felon, 626. Use of chapels for secular meet- ings, 651. Arrests for sedition, 676,

699. Review of Cork clubs by O'Brien,

698. Meagher and Doheny in Tippe- rary, 698. Dublin, Fre. proclaimed," 699. Flight of the Dublin club leaders, 726; fabricated report of rebellion, 728; Insurrection in Tipperary—rewards for the arrest of O'Brien and others, 729, 747, 751, 798, 846; proceedings of Do- bony, 888, 895, 912 ; arrest of O'Brien, 771 ; of Meagher, &o. 795. Trials for sedition. 775, 795, 819, 10.56, 1061, 1060, 1225, 1247,1251. Writ of error in Mar- tin's case, 1104, 1128. Rotatory Parlia- ments, 796, 846, 866, 889, 913, 1152. Visit of Lord John Russell, 866, 888, 937. Letters by Lord G. Bentinek, 889. Trials for high treason at Clonmel, 913, 918, 937, 942, 960, 967, 983, 989, 1007, 1013, 1031; writs of error. WO, 1128, 1151. Papal rescript on colleges, 1031. Defeat of Law-officers in Duffy's case, 1056. Dr. Hinds's departure from Castle- neck, 1080. Opposition to poor-rates, 1104. Si aynooth, 1128. Poor-law ad- ministration, 1128. Loss of life in a steamer, 1176. Deputation to Lord Cla- rendon on exclusion of jurors, 1200. Abandonment of land In Clare, 1224. Dublin address to Lord Clarendon, 1247.


Railway accIderos, 217, 506, 1200. Riots, 243. Chartist meetings, 365, 433, 576, 726; disturbance at Greenock, 408. Re- form meetings, 408, 578. Church As- semblies, 509, 557. Decision on relief of able-bodied unemployed, 578. "Minis- ters' money," 651,748. Mary of Gueldres, 693, 938. Queen's visit to Balmoral, 890, 913, 949, 958. Railway rigour, (008, 1033. Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1081. Chartlat trials, 1105, 114, 1153. Etna- -burgh finance meeting, 1248.


Reassembling, 118.

Accused persons, 145. Alien act, 361, 430, 455. Army regulations, 724. Austral- asia emigration; colonization, 769.

Ballot, vote by, 768. Bank charter act, 166. Bankrupt-law consolidation, 655. Battersea Park : Westminster improve. manta, 673. Bishops, increase of, 289.

Board of Trade publications, 697. Bo- rough corruption : suspension of writs : proposed measures, 264, 289, 363, 382, 456, 480, 504, 509, 528, 554, 574, 603, 604, 632, 655, 671, 696, 724, 751, 769, 792, 815, 843, 849, 862, 915. Brazil, com- merce with, 289. Brougham on Italian, &e, political movements, 362. Budget, 174; the finances, 190, 198; financial statements, 632, 654, 823. Business of the session, 694.

Canada, emigration to, 336; official recur- rence to French language, 673, 697.

Canterbury's (Archbishop of) income, 170. Cathedrals and collegiate churches, 979; clergy of Lincoln, 503. Charity trusts regulation, 724, 751. Chartists, the, 334, 342, 358. China, trade with : tea-duties, 145. Cholera, 649, 766.

Church benefices vacancies, 486; tem- poralities, 763. Cochrane's (Mr.) pro- cession, 385. Colonial government, 721, '770. Colonization : official promises, 572. Compensation by the hundred, 744. Copper and lead duties, 384, 839. Corn- laws, 582. Court patronage of native Industry, 456. Criminal appeals, 673. Crown and government security bill, 342, 359, 367, 382. Currency, 814. Customs- duties, 504.

Death punishment, 264. Deferred motions : no house, 625. Denmark and the Dutch- ies, 384, 431. Derby day, 504. Dis- eased foreign sheep, 673. Disraeli's re- view of session, 840. Disturbances in London, 535. Dockyards, national, 456.

Ecclesiastical commission, 335 ; courts, 537. Ejectment& in Galway, 311, 336. Elec- tion recognizances, 264, 311, 384. Emi- grant ships, 192. Emigration : ragged schools, 552. Excise grievances of home distillers, 838.

Framework-knitters, 311. France, rela- tions with, 214; expulsion of English workman, 240; ex-royal family of, 289. Frost, Jones, and Wllllams, 335. Game-laws, 289, 554. Government mea- sures, order of, 384. Great Yarmouth, 170 ; freemen disfranchisement, 431.

Hare-killing,193, 385. Hawes (Mr.) andthe oaths, 311, 384. Health of towns, 143, 454, 480, 486, 503, 574, 655, 745, 766, 790. Highways, 696. Hudson, Mr., 456. Income-tax, 214, 223, 238, 247, 262, 272, 288, 310. Insolvent members, 673. 're- tried, advances for public works, 430, 678; charges against military in, 793; club organization, 673 ,elective franchise, 430, 509; encumbered estates, 194, 480, 648, 671, 696, '420, 742; evicted destitute poor, 743; fabricated report from, 720, 728; farmers' estate society, 743; fish- eries, 745; government policy, 334; ministers' money, 362; outgoing te- nants, 336; poor-law, operation of, 528; prospect of distress, 862; sedition and rebellion in, 718; state of, 145. 702, 728, 742, 790; arming in Dublin, 3143; strik- ing ofjuries, 702; tenants-at-will, 603; unlawful oaths act, 770; waste lands, 724. Irish board of works, 336; Illegal house-destroying by landlords, 289; landlord and tenant law, 166; members, and their motions, 673 ; national schools, 815; poor-law, 215, 240, 603 ; public works bill, 751; relief next winter, 816; tenant-right, 288; waste lands, 336. Italy, Austria, and England, 168; Bri- tish intervention, 554; Italy and Aus- tria, 770; English and French media- tion, 791.

Jesuits, the, 362. Jewish disabilities, 142, 150, 335, 4.11, 502, 528.

Law, state of the, 461. Liability of the hundred, 265. Limburg, 751. Loan, the new, 839. London coalwitippers. 265.

Magistrate law, 119. Man, reform of, 216. Marriage law, 745. Medical relief for paupers, 263. Metropolitan sewers, 697. Miscellaneous estimates, 775, 79L Mitchel, 529.

Naples and Sicily, 770. National 'anti, company, 2645, 519. Navigation-laws, 335, 478, 526, 535, 553, 559, 582, 768.

Navy estimates, 286, 766, 775. New Zealand constitution, 145, 168, 216. "No house" grievance, 430. North-west ex- pedition, 265. Nuisances, &c. bill, 843.

Official patronage, electioneering use of, 792.

Palmerston (Lord), impeachment of, 145, 193, 216; and the Spanish Government, 431. Parliamentary electors, 980, 696, 815; oaths, 554; proceedings adjourn- ment, 366, 480; reform, 504, 657. Par- liament Houses, the New, 169. Penal- ties of pralmunire, 167. Petty Bag of- fice., 265. Poland, 337. Police arming, 751 ; rate, 555. Poor-law amendment, 603, 720, 729, 745, 751. Popular dis- turbances in London, 554. Post-office letter-opening, 363. Progress of busi- ness in Parliament, 648. Protection of women, 654, 671. Prussian affiance, 265. Public accounts, 528; economy, 311 ; expenditure, 502.

Railway accounts audit, 150, 480; com- missioners, 310, 574, 649; legislation, 265. Rate-paying clauses, 528. Reform of the representation, 598. Repeal o the Union, 362, 648. 720. Right of peti- tion, 311. Riots, 240. River steamers, crowding of, 744. Roman Catholic re- lief bill, 167, 239, 528, 625, 697. Rome, diplomatic relations with, 143, 167, 176, 792, 816, 840. Rum-duties, 695. 'audinian invasion ofLombardy, 335. Sat- tare case, 337, 672. Savings-banks, 843. Scotland, church-sites in, 480, 554, 649, 697; entails in', 193, 697; lunatic asy- lums in, 456; registration of births, he., 769. Scottish universities, 289. Seduc- tion an9. Shipwreck inquests, 170. in the East, 793. Slave-trade, 1481, 816. Spanish affairs, 697; didence, 436, 454, 504, 529, 550. _03. Spirits-relaxation of excise- ,s, 554. Stamford borough and the 'multi of Exeter, 461. Sugar colonies, _ilef for, 838; duties : West Indian dis- tress, 170, 601, 608, 622, 632, 646, 654, 670, 696. 703, 744, 817, 838. Sunday- trading, 672, 744. Supply, 318, 509,791, 814.

Taxation, revision of, 768. Tenant com- pensation, 216. Transportation, 799, United Irishman, the, 194.

Vancouver's Island, 799, 816. Ways and means, 238. West Indian im- migration, 552 West Indies, 118, 124, 144; government measures,581 ; money advances, 430. Westminster New Pa- lace, 216,673, 697. Willis, Mr. Justice, 862. Window-tax, /92.

Close of the session, 862.

Controverted elections, 216, 240, 247, 311, 504, 529, 745, 817, 862.

Reports-Sugar and coffee planting, 534; Commercial distress, 603; Slave-trade, 817; Public business, 863.


Abd-el-Kader, 1256. African Squadron, the, 705; Judicial Blind- ness, 852.

Agriculture, Art in, 1185.

Anglo-Austrian Amenities, 1138. Anti-Slavery and Free Trade, 538. A Question, 1231.

Armies, Formation of, 1040.

Army, Dress in the, 732.

Art, State Encouragement of, 153; Art as a National Influence, 180.

Art In the Palace, 1089.

A Specimen of Senatorial Workmanship, 416.

Austrian Rule in Italy, English Fallacies on, 1068.

Bankruptcy, 919, 946, Benefit Societies and Real Property, 416. Board of Health, the New, 992. British Guiana-" Boston Riots" Imi- tated, 1112; New Governor of, 1161. Bunn, Mr.-The Distressed Manager, 971, 988.

Burial Clubs, Suppression of, 920. Mutter Divorce Case, the, 1255.

Cab-stand Nuisance, the, 129.

Canada, Important News from, 177; Cana- dian Palates, 225.

Capital Punishment, the Lingering Plea for, 275. Cardigan's (Lord) Last, 1113. Centralization and Localization, 465. , Change Perplexing Kings, 1231.

. Charity at the Police-offices, i 088. ' Chartist Demonstration : Monday-Its Lessons, 369; Sentences, 969.

Cheers and Hisses, 1207.

Cholera and Influenza, 2261 The Cholera Controversies, 1088.

!Christmas-box, the, 1255.

"Church in Danger ": the Episcopal Con- firmation Scenes, 60 ; The Law of the Hampden Case, 127; The Church and the Chase, 489.

City Dignity, a Conservative Plea for, 971. Colonial Administration, 611, Colonial Encumbrances, How to DlspoSe of Our, 415.

Colonial Office, How the, Does it, 466; Reply to Sir William Molesworth, 731; How the, Deals with the Lands of the Empire, 825; Official Notice to the Colo- nies, 852; Painted by its Friends, 1064. Colonization - Government- Peel, 513; and Public Opinion, 362; Popular Move- ment for, 706. Conduct of Public Discassion, 414. Conservative Party, Restoration of, 1112. ontroversy, How to Conduct, 14. orrective Discipline: Example and Re- formation, 87.

lost of Cheapness, the, 874.

fatly Conveyancing Cured by Registra- tion, 129.

Counterfeit Economy and Real Economy, 513.

Court of Arches, the, 106.

Criminal Law Reform, the Weak Point of, 1162; the Strong Point of, 1206. Dancing on a Volcano, 636.

Danger and Safety. 899.

Demonstrations, 151.

Diplomatic Secrecy, 538, irection of the European War, 346. tress among the Royal Classes, 512. uty (the) of Statesmanship to Europe, 536. leslastical Courts Nuisance, the, 35. ['cation, the System of Public, 994; Se- cular Instruction and Religious Teach- ing, 1016.

wardes, Lieutenant, 827.

grant Ships, Surgeons for, 203.

ration Loan-John Bull, Mind your ocket ! 438, ployers and Workmen, 297, ates, the, 178.

pe again in Danger, 992.

opean Congress, an. 969.

Lions Legal and Illegal, 37. Ming against Facts, 61.

ances (the), the Minister, and the ,Country, 200. triume, Past and Present, 224; "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," 250; The Tyran- nies called Liberty, 274 ; English Writ- ings on the Revolution in, 346; Political Vatkinations : M. De Tocqueville's Speech in January last, 393; How Re- /Volutions are Managed, 826; A Go-cart

for a Republic, 993; France and her New Constitution, 1137.

"Freedom ! " Where ? How ? 1182. Free Trade and Fair Play, 36; Free Trade is not the Universe, 127; and Public Morals, 392.

"French and English" in the Servants' Hall, 323.

" Further Reform" Movement, the, 440; Mr. Home's Reform Motion, 585 ; Diag- nosis of the Hume Debate, 610. Garbling (the) of Official Papers, 634. Germany, 635.

Good In Everything, 1016.

Government and People, 297.

Government at a Stand-still, 321. Governments (the) of the Empire, 1113, 1133.

Guy Fawkes Nuisance, Suppression of the, 1041.

Hongkong, Piracy and Police at, 1256. Ibrahim Pacha, Death of. 1183. Impotence of the State, 851.

Income-tax, the, 20;; The Unjust Tax, 382; The Actual Obstruction to Reform of the, 274.

India, Disorganization in the Army of, 13; The Land-Revenue of, 54; Obstruction of the Transit to, 970, 990; The Indian Salt-tax Revenged, 1065; Improvement of. Report on the Growth orCotton, 1207. Ireland-Au Unobserved Peculiarity in the State of Irlsia-Policy, 12; The Root of Evil in, 83; Ireland a Stage, 105 Ro- man Catholicism and Irish Catholicism, 151 ; English Carnage and Irish Cookery, 299; Treason in, 322; Ireland and Sicily, 370; What next ? 414 ; Ireland and the British Chief Governor, by Thomas Car- lyle, 463; Irish Regiments (of the New ./Era), by the Same, 464; The Old Ques- tion, 537; What Irish Improvement Wads for, 563 , Irish Gallantry, 658; Rebellion in Ireland Improved, 680; The Irish Encumbered Estates B111, 681; Mercy to Ireland, 730; The Next Mea- sure for, 753; The Genealogy of Irish Rebellion, 753; Government of, 801; Trial by Jury in, 802; Verdict on Smith O'Brien, 993; The Two Witnesses, 994; Criminal Intention, 1017; The Mistake of the Irish Patriots, 1039; Irish Com- fort, 1065 ; Satyr (the) and the Traveller Again, 1687; Ireland as Usual, 1161. Italy, France and England in. 777. Jury, Government by, 825; Logic, 1.208. "King's Evidence," 945.

Laughter-its Tragedy, 204.

Law Amendment Society, Anniversary Meeting of the, 563.

Lawmaking, Aids to Correct, 128, 903. Legal Cruelty, 586 ; Tyranny, NZ Littleness, the Reign of, 1205.

Long Session, the, 872.

Louis Philippe and J. K. Polk, 12; "Mr. Smith," 251; The Practical Man, 370. Love, Law, and Force, 391.

51althuslan Principle, the, 1089.

Men for the Times, 584.

Militia, the, 226.

Ministers' Money-The Two Pulpits, 658. Miscellaneous Expenditure: Public Eco- nomy, 777.

Modern Chivalry, 37.

Moon and Love, 683.

Murder WM Out, 152.

"National Budget, the," 1279; The Great Task for Next Session, 1254.

National Defence, Public Opinion on, 13; State of the Controversy on Our National Defences, 34; The Irrational Defence- lessness, 60; A Champion for the Ir- rational Defencelessness, 85; Defence fbr Peace not War, 105; Military Ex- penditure, 128; I.tellies, French and English, 178; A National Force, 251. National Gallery, Infamous Attack on the Managers of the, 1090.

National Indifferentism and National En- thusiasm. 1230.

National Nightmare, the, 391.

Necropolis of the Established Church, 298. New Faith, the, 898, 917, North-western Railway-Dangers of the North-west Passage at Home, 803 ; Settlement of the Dispute, 827.

Ocean Monarch, the-The Fire at Sea, 852. O'Connor's (Mr. F.) Land Scheme, 755. Official Evasions, 621; Skulking, 754. Official Members of Large Constituencies, 275.

Organization in Agriculture, 371; Finan- cial Results for Colonial Trade, 394; Land-Tax not Rent, 417.

Our Own Revolution, 347.

Palmerston (Lord) and M. Gaizot, 83; The Factotum Minister of Europe, 459. Parliamentary Sense of Honour, 874. Parliamentary Printing Job, the, 875. Patent Office, Curiosities of the, 275. Peace, 1087.

Peace-Preserving Sword, the, 489. People (a) Cannot Govern, 657. People (the) with Whom we Make Treaties, 731.

Poles (the) and the Prussians in Posen, 755. Polk and Louis Philippe, 12.

Poor, Improved Treatment of the, 1062. Pope, the, 1182.

Popular Cookery, 1138, 11591 Macaroni for England, 1205.

Postage, Progress of Cheap, 165.

Press, Independence of the, 682. Public Business, Systematic Hinderance of, 705; PromIsed Reform in the Conduct of 873.

Public Discussion, 369; Regulation of Pub- lic Meetings, 732.

Railway Stations, Improved Arrangements at, 685; Anarchy. 778; Safety, 899; Re- demption of the Railway System,1017 ; Amalgamation of the Three Great Rail- ways, 1088 ; Fares, 1231.

Rationale of the European Anarchy, 944. Reorganization of Europe, 321. Retail Politics, 1160.

Revolution and Opera, 372.

Rewards and Punishments, 563.

Right of Public Meeting, 348.

Right of Revolution, the, 488.

Riots in the East, the, 561.

Rose-coloured Revenue Accounts, the, 658.

Russell on Aristocratic Privilege. 610; The Russell Privilege, 635; The Premier on Administration and Party, 850 ; Lord John's Expedition to Ireland, 851; Re- sults of Lord John's Irish Visit, $99. Sabbath Impieties, 1017.

Schleswig- Holstein, 392, Scotch Law of Sedition, the, 1184.

Sea Serpent, Evidence of the Great, 1114.

Sffithorpe, as a Host and as a Corpse, 779. Sicily and Ireland, 370.

Slight Mistakes, 921, Spanish Affair, the-Of what Use is our Ambassador at Madrid? 562; Deplor- able Successes, 610.

Spies on Royalty, 873, Spy, Right of. 970.

Stamps on Deeds, 203.

State Dressmaking, 466.

Steam-boats-The Fatal "Appetite for Steam," 707.

Stowe. Sales; 802; Breaking Bulk at, 971.

Summer, the True English, 919.

"System, the," Slavery of, 488.

Taxation, the Basis of, 225.

Ten-Hours Act -its Oppressiveness, 1254.

Theatre Historique - The Antigenic:an "0. P." Row, 585; The Real Traitors to the Drams, 639, Theatrical Polity, 642.

Theatrical "Rights," 515, The One Want, 539, The Trade in Children to Bury, 739.

Thom, William, 276.

Truth, 371.

Universal Peace, 945.

University Men and Tradesmen, 61; Re- form Begun, 1063.

Vagrance and Indigence, iias.

Vancouver's- IMand, 706.

Want of Governtaent, Want of Peace, 897.

West Indies, False Free Trade and the, 84; Fate of the British, 106; The Fu- ture of the, 152.

Westminster Palace, A Christmas Visit to the New, 36.

Whig and Tory, 897.

Whigs, the-SpeculaUng fbr the Fall, 634.

Wilson, Rescue for ! 417. , Winter. the Coming, 1039, Yorkshire, West, 1130; Retail Politics, 1160.


Prtemunire, 8; Life in Cashmire, 14; Wellington on the national defences, 30; National Defences, 31, 55, 148 ; Diplomatic correspondence on Switzer- land, 55, 102; Government School of Design, 80; Archbishopric of Canter- bury, 148, 173; Leadership of" Country party," 148, t73; Despatches 011 Italy, 173 ; Stanzas on Felix Mendeissohn, 177; Railway accident to Mr. Hudson, 204 ; Income-tax statistics, 222 ; Louis Philippe's escape, 246 ; Swedish politics, 343 ; Louis Philippe correspondence, 365, 389; Post-office Superseded, 368 ; Lord Brougham and the French Repub- lic, 388; Arrival of Jenny Lind, 389; Prince de Joinville's diary, 508 ; Spanish correspondence, 534, 653; "Is Cheap Sugar the triumph of Free Trade ?" 560; Law of Entail Scotland, 560; Naval medals, 631 ; Emigration Fund, 653 ; Prohibited marriages, 701 ; Board of Trade and the Economist, 701 ; Mis- cellaneous estimates, 750, 774; Cholera, 798, 916, 942, 967; Mr. Hutt his Lord Denman's attacks, 868 ; Table of Louis Philippe's Life, 893; Cobden's epistle to Sturge, 941 ; Education Committee and the National Society, 965, 1078; Mr. Thomas Young's letter, 987, 'Oil ; Sea serpent, 990, 1108, 1134 ; &hide prize- money, 1025; Vagrancy and Destitution, 1059; Lord Cardigan and Captain Noel, 1108, 1163; Death of Lord Melbourne, 1135; of Mr. Buller, 1157; Palace Court, 1178 ; Operations of slave-trade squad- ron, 1227; Moral of Life, 1229.


Ainsworth's Lancashire Witches, 1258. Amymone, 925.

Andersen's Rambles, 982 ; Two Baronesses, 975.

Argyll's (Duke of) Essay on the Eccle- siastical History of Scotland, 900. Artist's Married Life, 470.

Atkinson's Pictures from the North, 877. Auricular Confession, De Lasteyrie's, 109. Australia Felix, Mr. Westgarth'e, 41. Aytoun's Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, 1258.

Baliantyne's Hudson's Bay Service, 373. liarham's Bible Revised, 974.

Barnard's ( Lieutenant) Three-years C1111158

In the Mozambique Channel, 469. Bartiett's Forty Days in the Descet, 1093. Beicher'a Voyage of the Semarang, 108. Bell's (A.) Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 662. Bell's (Currer, Ellis, and Acton) Poems, 1094.

Bethune's (Sir.) Specimens of Swedish and German Poetry, 302.

Book of Beauty, 1165.

Borrer's Narrative of a Campaign against the Kabailes of Algeria. 1066- Brooke (Rajah) and Captain Mundy on Borneo and Celebes, 323. • Brougham on the late Revolution In France, 997.

Bunsen (the Chevalier) on Egypt's Place in Universal History, 756•

Bush Life in Australia, 588. Buxton, Memoirs of Fowell, 442.

Byrne's Twelve Years' Wanderings 114 the British Colontes, 373.

Campbell, /Seattle's Life of, 1234, Carey's Past, Present, and Future, 420, Castlereagh Papers, the, 1019.

Catlin's Notes in Europe, 515.

Chambers's Ancient Sea-Marglus, 567. Changeling, the, 182.

Chancing (Dr.), Life of, 637.

Collins (William), Memoirs of, 1163. Conquerors (the) of the New World and their Bondsmen, 830.

Cooper's Captain Spike, 302; Bee-Hunter, 831.

Cousin's Philosophy of the Beautiful, 374. Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 638. Crowe's (Mrs.) Night-side of Nature, 110. Danube, Letters from the, 1021.

D'Aubigne's Germany, England, Ike. 63. Diary and Notes of Horace Templeton, Esq., 566• Dick on the Nature and Office of the State, 1139.

Dickens's Haunted Man, 1236.

Erman's Travels in Siberia, 398.

Fairfax Correspondence, 972.

Forbes's China and Labuan, 130.

Forester's (Frank) Field Sports in the United States, 947- Forster's Oliver Goldsmith, 395.

Foss's (Mr.) Judges of England, 1115. France and England, Comparative Sketches of, 492.

'Try (Mrs.), Life or, 130.

Gap of Barnesmore, the, 782. Genie's (Mr.) Notes of a Two-Fears Re- sidence in Italy,444.

Gerstrecher's Fortunes of some German Emigrants, 397. Goethe's Campaign In France, 1116. Golovine's Russian Sketch-Book, 254. Grant's (James Gregor) Poems, 783. Greenwell's (Dora) Poems, 614.

Grimm's German Language, 1045. ilikluyt Society's Edition of Hawkins's South Sea Voyage, 135; Select Lettere of Columbus, 301; Ralegles Discovery of Guiana, 612.

Halliwell's Life of Shakespeare, 16. Hardwicke ( Lord), Harris's Life of, 39. Hebrew Monarchy, History of, 949. Helen Charter's, 1093.

Henpecked Husband, the, 229.

Heresy's (Lord) Memoirs of the Reign Of George the Second, 349.

Hoffrneister's Travels in Ceylon, he. 902. Holland's (Dr. Calvert) Philosophy of Animated Nature, 876.

Hook, Life and Remains of, 1210.

Humboldt's Cosmos, 589.

Inns of Court, Pearce's History of, 1042. Ireland, Owen-Maddon's Revelatioce of, , 229. , -- Italians at Home, the, 708.

James's Sie Theodore Broughton, 398; Gowrte, 855; Beauchamp, 950; The Forgery, 1189. Jameson's (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary Art, 1141.

Jewsbury's (Miss) Half Sisters, 278.

Kate Walsingham, 806. Kavanagh's (Julia) Madeleine, 1068.

Keats, Monckton Milnes's Life of, 803.

Keepsake the, 1165. Krasinski's Pauslavlsm and Germanism, 805.

Lady Granard's Nieces, 999.

Lamb (Charles), Talfourd's Final Memo- rials of, 734.

Lays of the Deer Forest, 541. 'Leone's Jesuit Conspiracy, 1067. Lewes's Rose, Blanche, and Violet, 493.

Low's Sarawak, 62.

Lytton's (Sir Bulwer) Harold, 587. Ataberly's (Mrs.) Fashion and its Votruies, 422.

Macaulay's History of England, 1186.

M'Culloch on Succession to Property va- cant by Death, 16.

Madame de Maiguet, 686. Marryat's Borneo and the Indian Archi- pelago, 62. Martineau's (Miss) Eastern Life, 419. Maury's (Mrs.) Englishwaman In Ames rice, 356.

Maxwell's Brian O'Linn, 64. Mexico and the Rocky Mountains, Mr. Ruston's Adventures in, 204.

Political Economy, 467.

Mirror of a Bishop, the, 470. Mitchell's (Sir T. L.) Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia, 252.. '

My Sister Minnie, 541. New Mexico, Edwards's Campaign In, Nicholls's Illustrations of the Literary Niebuhr's Lecttnis on the History

tory of the Eighteenth Century. 733.- i

Rome, 15. "Niger Expedition, Captain Allen and Alr. Dr. Thomson on the, 7*(9. O'Connell, Daunt's Personal Recollection/1 or, 516. O'Connor's (Arthur) Monopoly the Cause or All Evil, 923. "Ormerod on Continued Fever, 492.

Our Street, 17. Oxenford's Translation of Goethe% 1410- grapy, 181. Pardoe'e (Miss) Rival Beauties, 374. Parker's Miscellaneous Writings, 996.

Parson (the), Pelt, and.Pencli, 254. Peasant and his Landlord, the, 205.

Percy, or the Old Love and the New, 1117,

Pipe of Repose, the, 1188.

Poison's Fortune-Teller's Intrigue, 903.

Prison Diecipline, Rev. J. Yield's, 781.

Rest in the Church, 157.

Richards's Dream of the Bout, 1189.

Richardson's Travels in the Sahara, 89.

Ross's Yacht Voyage to Norway, 1044.

Royal Society, Weld's Ilistory o4 828.

Russia, Thompson's Life in, 660.

Saint's Tragedy, the, 87. Schiller's Correapondeurn with Kilmer, 277. Scribe's (Eugene) PiqulUo, 1140.

Senior's Charles Vernon, 1211.

Seweli's Residence at St. Columba, 132. Seymour's Pilgrimage to Rome, 539. Sidney's (Miss) Sadness and Gladness,


Slgourney's Illustrated Poems, 1212. Sketches of the Last Naval War, 565. Smith's (Colonel H.) Natural History of the Human Species, 372.

Soames's Latin Church during Anglo-Sax- on Times, 661.

South Australia, Wilkinson's, 540. Stacey's (Colonel) Narrative of Services In Beloochbten and Affghanistan, 661. Ste ffens's Adventures on Road to Paris, 684. Steinmetz's History of the Jesuits, 683. Sterling (John), Life and Writings of, 88. Stevenson's Skerryvore Lighthouse, 517. Stirling's Annals of Artists of Spain, 613. Sturt's Central Australia, 1257. Sugar-Planter, Wray's Practical. 685. Switzerland. Translation of Miigge's, 155. Tea, Ball on the Cultivation and Manufac- ture of, 158.

Tennyson's Princess, 41- Thackeray's Doctor Birch, 1236, Thornton's Plea for Peasant Proprietors, 180.

Trench's Walk Round Mont Blanc, 131. Tyndale's Sardinia, 1209.

Ussher„ Dr. Eirington's Life of, 228. Kenny Fair, 709.

Witch's Irregular Greek Verbs, 879. Walpole's Letters to the Countess of Ossory, 490.

Warburton's Rollo and his Race, 206. Warren on the Duties of Attomies and Solicitors, 1022.

Warrenne (Mr.), the Medical Practitioner, 324. Whiteside's Italy in'the Nineteenth Cen- tury, 757.

Wilkinson's Dalmatia and Montenegro, 1235.

William the Third and Louis the Four- teenth, Letters of. 1091.

Williams's Middle Kingdom, 924. Wilson's History of British India, 707. Wright's England under the House of Hanover, 853.

X. Y. Z., 1259.


Adventures in CIreassia, 494; of an Aide- de-camp, 255. /Eeop's Fables, 183. Af- fection, 879, Agamemnon, 279. Aker- man's Coins, 617. Alexander Andryane, 351. Alison's History-Epitonse, 879. Almanecks, 66, 1070, 1095, 1118, 1143, 1167, 1191, 1213, 1237. Antigun, 1237. Amalie's (Princess) Dramas, 375. Apia- ries Compared with England, 1142. An- ,lersen's Christmas Greeting, 42. An- gler's Assistant, 711. Angling, 304. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 807. Antigone, 279. Arabs, 494. Archseologie Hiber- idea, 230. Arthur Frankland, 90; Trey- lyn, 304. Aubrey Luson, 66.

Bahawalpur, 1096. Baron's Little Daugh- ter, 351. Bayard, 445. Beatrice Ches- terford, 615. Beeuvoirdn's Telemaque, 494. Beloved Disciple, 280. Bentley's Cabinet Library, 1024, 1118. Bermudas, 1118. Biblical Cyclopesdia, 1190. Bib- llotheca Londinensis, 7 tl. Biscuits and Grog, 255. Black Prince, Record of 1191. Bohn's Library, 42, 304, 375, 736, 759. Ilosanquet's Chronology, 18. Bo- tany, Popular Field, 42. Boyd's Bal- lads, 158. Bradshaw's Guides, 591. British Angler's Manual, Ill ; Wines, 111, Brunton's Forms for Public Wor- ship, 904. Buckingham Architectural Society, 1046. Bulwer's Works, 280. Burmese on British Industry, 926. Bur- net's Essays on Fine Arts, 542.

Calculating Cubes, 1260. Carlyie's Dante's Inferno 1260. Cartoons, Rejected, 66. CateraCt, 471. Cervantes's Squib, 1260. Chalmers's Works, 736. Change of Air, 759. Chatham's Speeches, 832. Chris- tian Consolation, 494. Christmas Eve, 1237. Chronology of Prophecy, 1118. Clergyman's Sore-throat, 90. Clive, Glee's Life of, 376. Closing Scene, 590. Cochrane's Discourses, 590. Colonial Wools, 91. Commercial Crisis, 1190. Confirmation Records, 711. Consols, Fluctuations of, 279. Consumption, 1023. Cope's Meditations, 231. Corner's His- tory of England, 951. Corsica, 1260. Count, the, 231. County Courts Law, 807; List, 91; Suitor's Instructor, 832. Cowper's Works, 1143. Croly's Ser- mons, 6.5. Cruikshank's Drunkard's Children, 664. Cyclopedia of Biblical 1 Literature, 1261.

selyell's Animals of Scotland, 1166, De- merara Martyr, 807. DP...es of Towns, 445. Doctor, lke. 615. Dod's Peerage,

I 494. Dog-breaking, 807. Dream of Re- - form, 445. Duchenier, 133. Duncan (Dr.), Memoir of, 735.

Ear, Diseases of, 423. Ecciesia Del, 91. Eda Morton, 711. Edda, 133. Eerie Laird, 200. Eggs of British Birds, 279. Elocution, 1166. Embroidery, 975. Emi- grants of Ahadarra. 18, Emily Vernon, 399. England the Civilizer, 279. Eng- lish Misrule and Irish Misdeeds. 65; Re- petitious, 1046, Entomology, Carlow's, 951. Episodes of Insect Life, 1161t, Esk- dale Herd-boy, 399. Eton College, 326. Evils of England, 1212. Exact Philoso- phy, 615. External World, 1 Falsifications of Food, 445. Farewell to my old Shipmates, 445. Fare's History of England, 351. Female Parochial Schools, 880; Poets, 375. Femoral Rup- ture, 1023 Fish in Rivers, 639. Flu- gel's Dictionary, 590. France, Threat- ened Social Disorganization of, 325. French Revolution, 325, 445; Revolu- tions, the, 769. Friend In Disguise, 42 Ganges Steam Navigation, 518. Gavami In London, 352. Godalming, 1237. Gol- den Garland, 1070. Graduated Reading, 615. Grant's Physical Astronomy, 880; (R.), Poems, 1118. Gray's Money, 879. Guide-books, 445, 591, 711.

Hammersmith Protestant Discussion, 1023. Heartsease and Dewdrop, 926. Heath's Holy Gospels, 1234. nernans's (Mrs.) Poems, 1190. Herodotus, Analysis of 1046; Notes on, 1 11 . Hints for the Times, 255. Home among Strangers, 759; for the Holydays, 640. Howard's Lec- tures on Painting, 399. Hudson's Bay Territories, 1142. Hunt's (L.) Town, 1118. Hymns, 590.

Illuraination, 1191. Image of his Father, the, 925. Imperial Dictionary, 445. Infancy and Childhood, Diseases of, 976. Infant Baptism, 1046. Insanity tested by Science, 518. Ionic Trophy Monu- ment of Xenthus, 832. Ireland. a Twelvemonth's Residence in, 65; and the Channel Islands, 542; Before and After Union. 399; Condition and Pro- spects of, 133; Fisheries of, 207 ; History of, 399. Island of Liberty, 736.

James's Last of the Fairies, 42. .Terrold's Man Made of Money, 951. Jews of Spain and Portugal, 951. Jobert's Ideas, 184. Joint-Stock Companies Winding-up Act, 1260.

Keightley's Horace, 158. Kit Barn's Ad- ventures, 1143. Knight's Volumes, 159. Kortright's Poems, 90 Lahore, 1142. Lamartine's France and England, 255 ; Poetical Meditations, 1260. Land We Live In, 1237. Latham's English Language, 396. Law of Na- tions, 951. Lays for Patriots, 976. Leo- nora, 18. Letters to an Under Gra- duate, 687. 1.1verpool Health Com- mittee Report, 832. Loci Communes, 1046. Logic, 1046. Lord of the Forest, 133. Loss and Gain, 255. Louis Phi- lippe. 518.

Macgregor's Sketches of the Progress of Civilization, 710 ; Holland and she Dutch Colonies, 904. Mackay's Town Lyrics, 133. Macleane's Sermons, 303. Man and his Motives, 47h Maps, 664, 904, 1024, 1047. Marie von Arnhelm, 207. Mark Wilton, 66. Mariotti's Italy, 65. Martin Toutrond, 1260. Has- son's Legends, 91. Mainline, 471. Maunder's Natural History, 807. Medi- cal Directory, 42. Midnight Effu- sions, 639. 31Mer's Mysteries of London, 1095. Milton, 207. Mira- beau, 590. Model Men, 976; Women, 1070. Modern Music of Western Eu- rope, 133. Mortgages, 807. Murray's Library, 134,832, 1166.

Napoleon's Political Aphorisms, 445. Na- soiogy, 542. Navigation-laws, 207. Meander's Life of Jesus Christ, 615. New Zealand, 280, 1213. Nicholas Nickleby, 542. Nichol's Works, 18. Nimrod, 90. Ninth, 207. Normandy's Introduction to Rose, 1070. Northwood, 471. Norway, 832. Notes on Nobility, 351. Oracles from the British Poets, 1237. Ori- ental Interpreter, 399.

Paris, 1166; Pictures from Revolutionary, 1237. Partnership with Limited Liabili- ties, 542. Passion's Progress, 423. Pe- thologia Indies, 1095. Paton's Poems, 158. Pentamerone. 90. Periodicals, 42, 159, 304, 471, 976. Peter Jones, 686. Plus the Ninth, 255. Playing Cards, 494. Pocket and the Stud, 904. Poems, 18, 158, 494, 542, 639, 663, 736, 807, 832, 879, 1923, 1046, 1070, 1118, 1166. Poli- tics for the People, 759, 807. Popular Natural History, 18. Portraits in Min- iature, 976. Poultry, Dixon's, 1118. Preacher, the, 1213. Prints, 207, 826, 423, 711, 807, 1118, 1191, 1213, 1238. Prison Discipline in America, 183.

Reach's Clement Lorimer, 1070. Repre- sentative History, 326. Revelations, Popular Readings in, 1190. Richardson's Literary Chit-chat, 494. Rickman's Styles of Architecture, 423. Riots, 423. Roberts's Egypt, 880. Romaunt Version of St. John, 1069. Rome, History of, 399; Papal, 518. Romer's (Mrs.) Bird of Passage, 1260. Ruins of Many Lands, 951.

Sailor's Hornbook for Law of Storms, 711. Scenes of 1792. 542. School-books, 18, 91, 133, 169, 184, 207, 639, 663, 687, 711,

880, 951, 1023, 1070, 1191. Scotland, Word for Universities of, 567. Scottish Law List, Ill. Sea-King, 90. Sermons, 133, 351, 471, 615, 736, 1095. Shakspere, the Poet, 8nc. 567; Philosophy and Re- ligion of, 639. Shaw's Outlines of Eng- lish Literature, 1237. Siegfried, 18. Sketch of the Established Church in India, 687. Sketches, the, 42. Small- pox, &c. 183. Smith's Pottleton Legacy, 880; (W.) Dictionary of Greek, tth. An- tiquities, 1023. Somerville's (Mrs.) Phy- sical Geography, 423. Song of Songs, 11:8. Songs, &c. 1261. Songs of the Holy Land, Ill. Southey's Roderick, Illustrations to, 1191. Stanley (M.), Memoir of, 398. Stanton, 736. State of Man before Christianity, 663. Statisti- cal Companion, 423. Stewart on Trans- fer of Land, 304. Stowe Catalogue, 1260. St. Paul, Voyage and Shipwreck of, 759. Subaltern's Check-book, 1143. Sunrise In Italy, 1190,1213. Svritzeriand, Note- book of late Civil War in, 518.

Teeth, Excer, ta ex Annalibus, 494. Tales of Kirbeek, 542. Talmon and iladassah, 904. Tate's Geometry, 279. Testimony to the Truth. 711. Taylor's Notes from Books, 1260. Thackerey's Pendennts, 1070. Thankfulness. 183. The These Paths, 18. Thiers's Rights of Property, 1095. Thirty-nine Articles, 1143. Thom-

son's School Chemistry. 926; (J.) Works, 1213. Tomlinson's Natural Philosophy, 926. Toovey's Poets, 111. Topham's Railway Guide, 832. Toronto, Annals of Diocese of, 303. Treachery. 158, Tos- ser, 279. Twilight Thoughts, 1023. Twiss's Relations of Schleswig and Hol- stein, Sze. 711.

Via Dolorosa, 399. Village Sermons, 304. Webster's Dictionary, ill. William Blake, 542. Williams's Companion to Black- stone. 1046. Wills, 1190. Wisdom of Rambler, 663. Woodford's Cesar, 1118. Young Man's Home, 280.

Zayda, 807. Zoology, Paterson's, 231; of the Voyage of the Semarang, 352.


Adelphi-Our National Defences, 107; The Comrades, 300; Harvest Home, 319; :reopening, 944; Dance of the Shirt, 1062; Slashm and Crasher, 1111; Tempest, 1136; Haunted Man, 1228. Amateur performances for the Shakspere fund, 487.

Christmas Pieces, 11, 1252.

Drury Lane-Cirque National de Paris, 249; Theatre Historique company, 511; disgraceful riots, 584; Macready's benefit, 679.

Eater Performances, 413.

French Plays-Antigone, 33; Diogene, 107; Bocage, 125; Nathan% 151; Rose et Marguerite, 177; Un Caprice, 224; Achard, 463; Hue Fievre Brulanbs, 561. Haymarket-The Wife's Secret, 81; Dearest Elizabeth, 107; Double Gallant -Lavater, 319; Old Honesty, 344; Castle of Otranto, 413; Lola Monte-s, 413; Money, 584; Love for Love, 633; reopening, 1014; Twelfth Night, 1111 ; Knight of Area, 1135; Jealous Wife, 1158; Hunchback, 1181; Two Gentle- men of Verona, 1204.

" Legitimate " drama, the, 801.

Lyceum-Astounding Phenomena, 150; Done on Both Sides, 199; Not a Bad Judge, 224; The Happy Family, 299; Theseus and Ariadne, 413; The Scare- crow, 438; Fast Man, 487; Anything for a Change, 561; Poor Pillecoddy, 680; reopening, 968; Mr. Reeve, 1037; Two Owls In One Ivy-bush, 1136; An Appeal to the Public, 1159.

Macready, Attacks on, by Forrest, 1204. Marylebone-Wrecker's Daughter, 151; Deride Marriage, 344, Olyeeplc-Mr. Brooke, 34, 12.5, 177 ; Lords • Ellinghem, 487 ; Time Tries All, 871; Patronage, 1014; Cousin Cherry, 1136. Prioceas's-Young Guard, 81; Nalada, 150; Macready, 199, 344; Mrs. Barrett, 276 ; A Day at Dover-A Fairy Tale, 4412; Spirit of Gold, 009; reopening, 968.

Royal visits, 656, 679, '101; Theatricals at Windsor, 1252.

Fedier's Wells--Merry Wives of Windsor, 276; reopening-Coriolanus, 944. St. James's Theatre-Houdin, 438; The- atre Historique compagy, 609, 633.


Ancient Concerts, 300, 463, 536. Beethoven Quartet Society, 656.

Berlioz in England, 159.

Chopin, 680.

Choral Music, 1229.

Concerts, 536, 584, 609, 633.

Covent Garden-Opening by Mr. Bann for opera, 990 ; Sonnambula-Reeves, 1014 ; Heyde% 1086; Mademoiselle Nis- sen, 1086; Bride of Lammermoor, 1111; Lady of the Lake, 1136; Quentin Dur- ward, 1180, Drury Lane-Linda di Chamouni, 57; Figaro. 151; Jullien's concerts, 1062. Dumbolton's Ethiopians, 1181.

Mullah's Classes, Oratorio Performance by, 159.

Italian Opera-Programme, 126, 151; re- hearsal, 176; opening-Ernarni, 199; ballet, 199, 584; Berbiere di Siviglia, 224; Attila, 276; Due Foscarl, 299; Lucrezle Borgia, 389; concerts, 390; La Sonnambula-Jenny Lind, 437 ;Linda di Chamouni-Tedolini, 610; Lucia di Lammermoor, 511; L'Ellsir d'Amore, 561; Roberto 11 Dlavolo, 609; Le Not- ze di Figaro, 679; I Puritan', 752; Jenny Lind's versatility, 501; closing, 827. Jenny Lind's Concert, 752.

Jenny Lind Again, 1181.

Lind Fever, the, by Rusticus, 704.

London Sacred Harmonic Society, 413, 1071.

London Wednesday Concerts, 1136. Madrigal Society, 81.

Mainzer% Music and Education, 423. Mendelssohn's Oratorio, 1205.

Musical Entertainments, 58, 320.

Musical Festivals, the, 853.

National Melody, 66.

New Musical Publications, 423, 711, 1071, 1119, 1213,1238, 1261.

Norwich Musical Festival, 921. Philharmonic Concerts, 276, 320, 368, 438, 487, 536, 584, 633.

Princess's-Leoline-C. Braham, 1013; Mademoiselle de Roissy, 1062; Rollin Goodfellow, 1180.

Royal Hellen Opera-Programme, 126, 151 ; opening-Tancred1,249; ballet, 249; Lucia, 319; Serairamide-Barbiere di SivIglia, 344 ; Don Giovanni, 367; con- cert, 390; La Cenerentole, 435; La Sonnambula-Vlardot-Garcia, 462; La Favorite. 511; Viardot-Gircia-Capu. Intl e Montecchl, 583; Les Huguenots, 704, 730, 752; Gugllelmo Tell, (SOO ; close, 828.

Royal Society of Musicians, 199.

Sacred Harmonic Society, 276, 1070, 1136. Society of British Musicians, 1111. Thaiberg, M., 299.

Wilson's Entertainments, 58; Night with Scott, 199; farewell," 917.


Banvard's Geographical Panorama of th Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, 1181. British Institution, 159; Exhibition of the Old Masters, 591.

Colosseum Panorama of Paris, 463. Cundall's (Mr.) Ancient and Modern Bookbinding, 1261.

Cyclorama, the, 1252.

Decorative Arts and Manufactures, Exhi- bition of, in the Adelphi, 326. Diorama-Mount Etna, 413.

D'Orsay's Saviour, 1261.

Foley's Ino and Bacchus, 592, Genoa Crucifix, the, 568.

L'Allegro, Illustrated by the Etching Club, 1261.

Lamartine, Portrait of, 568.

New Society of Painters In Water-Colours, 399.

Panorama of Paris, 511; Pompeii, 1229. Prime's Oriental Album, 784.

Royal Academy : General Survey, 446; Historical Pictures, 471; Story Picturee, 494, 543; The Landscapes. 591. School of Design Mr. Redgrave's Lec- tures, 160.

Society of Arts ; Mulready Collection , 592. Society of British Artists, 376.

Society of Painters in Water-Colours, 446. Vernon Collection, the, 1047.

Vivian's (Mr.) Views of Rome, 568. Waterford's (Lady) "Babes in the Wood," 1118,


Anti-Slavery: the African Squadron, by Heim, 871.

Bribery at Elections, by F., 300.

Budget, the, by W. S., 200.

Canada, by James Fitzgibbon, 200; by a Canadian, 227.

Cobden's (Mr.) Peace Letter, by W. S., 944. Copying Telegraph, by Alex. Bain, 564; by F. C. Bakewell, 586; A. Bain, 611 ; F.

C. Bakewell, 636.

Criminal Law Reform, by A. Maconochie, 1181; The Gaol and the Hospital, 1233; Rationale of Punishment, 1253.

Crown (the) Lands and Revenues in Fo- reign Possessions, 871, 896.

Denman (Lord) and the Slave-trade, by Heim, 1014.

Ecclesiastical Courts, by A. E. C., 37, 58, 82.

Education Question, the, by a Master of Rugby School, 1042.

Election Bribery : Great Yarmouth, by F., 177.

Emigration, Funds for, by a Friend to the Poor, 564; Self-Supporting, by W. H., 1037.

European Polities, by Welter Savage Lan- dor, 1209.

Finances of the Free Church, by a Free Churchman, 561.

France, Warlike Preparations in, by C.

D., 37; Freedom of the Press in, 700. French, Ex-Queen of, by Phylax, 249. French Affairs, by Kleisthenes, 273; by J. S. M., 273 - Further Reform, by W. S., 418.

Grey's (Lord) Vancouver's Island Job, by Vancouver, 730.

Historical Parallels : Switzerland and Po- land, by F., 107.

How the Public Business is Stopped, by H., 539.

Income-tax, the Farmer's-Schedule B. hy a Scotch Farmer, 227.

India, the Land-Revenue of, by R. D. s 441; The Indian Land-Revenue Ques- ten, 511.

Ireland, by M., 1233, 1252.

Ireland, What has the Law done for ? by H. M., 11,69, 82; What can the Law do for? 126, 153.

Ireland, Encumbered Estates in, byJoshua Evans, 320; by John F. Harken, 394. Irish Estates : Lord Cottenham's Abortive Bill, by M. N., 59.

Irish Poor-law, Working of, by Q., 126. Italy, Parties and Affairs in, by Joseph Mazzinl. I.-The Moderate Party, 1232. Jesuits, the, by G. M., 1086.

" Labour is Capital," by H., 442. Lancashire Public School Association, by H. R. Forrest, 1066.

Lawmaking, Aids to Correct, by a Barris- ter, 151.

Lawyers and the Land, by H. /1., 703. Misleading statistics, by X., 37.

National Defence Question by Sir W. Molesworth, 81; by a Field Oitleer, 107; by R. G., 107.

New Zealand: Governor Grey's last Cam- paign, by A. Z., 81.

Obstruction of Public Business, by S., 344, 368, 390, 418, 489.

Police, Conduct of the, by 11. Sparkes, 583. Puthsky, the Hungarian Patriot, by On who Knew him', 1185.

Railway Gauge, by W., 300, 220, 345

Mismanagement, by a Passenger' 1114. Representation, Improved, by E. W. F.


Revival of Trade-Amount of Exports /I

Test of Prosperity, by J. A., 752.

Royal Etchings, the, by J. F. Judge, 1114. Russell (Lord J.) and the Church, by Constant Reader, 38.

"Sabbath Impieties," the, by J. S. H., 1066; by R. S., 1087, 1111.

Slavery, the Doom of, by Heim, 803. Taxation, by X., 1253.

West Indies, the Trade of the British, 564. Woods and Forests Committee, by T. F., 896, 922, 968, 991, 1014, 1037.