1 JANUARY 1848, Page 6

'Otte Artropolts. A A meeting was held in the Vestry-room,

St. Stephen's Walbrook, óji Wednesday, for the purpose of carrying out the suggestions :contained in the Bishop of London's letter on the subject of sanatory preparations for the cholera. Dr. Croly, the Rector, presided. He said that the object of "the meeting was to establish a local committee, to insure to the poorer classes-greater facilities for cleanliness, and a better supply of fresh air. Mr. Rego, Secretary to the Health of Towns Association stated that he was authorized to offer all the assistance in the power of the Association in furtherance of these objects. He impressed on the meeting the importance of making their arrangements permanent; for although the cholera was a formidable foe, yet it had never destroyed so many persons in this country as typhus fever: typhus annually destroys 16,000 persons. Mr. Beggs concluded by offering a number of practical suggestions for conducting the necessary operations. On the motion of Mr. Rock, seconded by Mr. Flight, a resolution was passed for the formation of a society, to be called the " St. Stephen's and St. Bennett's Sanatory Society," with the object of promo- ting the sanatory improvement of thee, parochial district, especially as re- gards the poor; this purpose to be carried out by domiciliary visits and other means. A liberal subscription was entered into before the meeting separated.

From complaints made by letter to the Lord Mayor, it appears that a system of swindling which was practised some years since has recently i been revived. Ad- vertisements are inserted in provincial journals, by a person n the neighbourhood of Wilmington Square, offering to supply certain London papers some time after publication very cheaply—the money to be paid in advance: when a remittance IS made, one, two, or three papers arrive; but the dupes never receive any more. No fewer than six of the City Police have forfeited their places by having been drunk on duty during this festive season; and two of them behaved so outrage- ously to their sober fellows who took them into custody, that they have been Sent to prison.