1 JANUARY 1853, Page 12



The English Funds have been rather heavy this week, and the public have been realizing profits on the recent advance ; the result has been, that Con- sols, which left off on Friday afternoon at 100f 1, and opened at the same price on Monday, declined è on that and the two following days, closing on Wednesday at loci I. The cause assigned on the latter occasion for the continued depression was the flatness in the French Market, in expectation of a delay in the recognition of the Empire by Russia, Austria, and Prussia. There was no alteration on Thursday. Today, the Funds are in the same state ; Consols leaving off at 1001 1. Exchequer Bills are 3s. better this week. Bank Stock has not altered.

The Foreign Market has been heavy, sales having preponderated. The decline has been partly owing to arrangements connected with the settle- Meat of the Account, which took place yesterday. Mexican fell about per cent on Monday-to wit, to 201 1: from which there has been no rally. Turkish Scrip was done on that day at par, being the lowest point it has yet reached : it has since improved, and closes today at it 1 premium. Swedish Scrip continues dull at 2 11 discount. Russian Four- and-half per Cents and Granada Deferred have improved f during the week. A decline has occurred in the following Stocks-Peruvian, and Buenos Ayres, 1; Sardinian, Danish Five per Cents, Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents, f ; Spanish Three per Cents, and Deferred, k. News arrived on Wed- nesday, via Paris, of a decree reducing the interest on the whole of the Por- tuguese debt to 3 per cent from the 1st of January next. This occasioned much surprise, although there had been a previous intimation that such a proceeding was in contemplation,-subject, it is expected, to the approval of the English Bondholders, amongst whom some anxiety is felt to learn more particulars of this operation. No transaction took place in Portuguese Stock on the arrival of this intelligence.

The fluctuations in the Shares of the Australian Agricultural Company have not been so violent as they were lest week. The first bargain on Mon- day was at 278; and having receded to 272, they rallied to 285, closing at 275 to 280: they have since fallen to 255; yesterday they left off at 270, 280. The bargains today have been at 273, 282, 280, 290, 284.

In Railway Stocks, prices, although rather firmer than last week's, have not undergone many variations : the transactions have been chiefly in con- nexion with the settlement of the Account, which took place on Wednesday ; when there was a dull market with high rates of continuation. There was no recovery yesterday ; the dull state of the Consol Market preventing speculation. At the close of business, there was then a difference in some of the principal Shares, compared with last week, to the following extent. Increase-London and South-western, North British, and South- eastern, 1/. 108.; London and North-western, and York and North Midland, 1/. ; Great Western, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Mid- land, 158.; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 10.s. Decrease-Oxford, Wor- cester, and Wolverhampton, 21.; Great Northern, 108.; Caledonian, 5s. French Shares have been rather heavy, as it is said the Bank of France has determined to offer less accommodation with respect to their advances, re- quiring additional security. A decline has taken place in the following Shares-Southern of France, 108.; Northern of France, and Paris and Stras- bourg, 78. 6d. ; Grand Junction of France, Rouen and Havre, and Western of Frinee, 5s. In Paris and Lyons there has been an improvement of Sr. The Share Market today has been in a very quiet state, and no alteration has ocourred.


The English funds are steady this morning at yesterday's prices : Consols for the Account 1001 1. Foreign Stocks are firm. Data. Two-and-a-half per Cents are f higher, being now 689; and Russian has improved 1: it is quoted 120 2. A bargain in Granada Deferred has been marked at 131. In the Railway Market there is not the least animation at present. Great Westent have been done at sq, which is what they were yesterday.

SATURDAY, Two o'Ctoce.

The English Stook Market has emitinued precisely as it was in the morning, and with eery few operations : Consols for Account 100f 1. In Foreign Stocks, Turkish &lip leaves off rather, higher, at I If premium, with business done at 1 and 1 premium: Swedish is also a little stronger, at 11 1k discount. In the Share Market, a very limited amount of transactions have taken place hi Railway Stocks, and at about yesterday's prices. The Shares of the Australian Agricultural Company are higher ; the bargains have been at 292, 285, 300, 295. Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 6k; Caledonian, 67-; East Anglian, 251. 1.,. and B. and L. and D., 6; Eastern Counties, l3; Great Northern 82-; Ditto Half-shares- A Defei-red, 45; Ditto Half-shares B 6 per Cent, '121 • Great Southern and Western, (Ire- land,) 106; Great Western, 95k; L'ancashire and Yorkshire, 85; London and Blackwell, 9k ; London and North-western, 126k; London and South- western, 92f ; Midland, 801;- Midland GrestWestern, (Ireland,) 52-; Nor- folk, 55 ; Ditto New, 20/., 8; North Staffordshire, 13j; South-eastern, 84j; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 74 ; York and North Midland, 601 ; Caledonian, 105; Great Northern Spar Cent, -128 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 6 per Cent Stook, 153; Midland Consolidated Preference 41 per Cent, 5k ; Great Indian Peninsula, 71 ; Northern of France, 3q; Pans and Lyons, 27k; Paris and Strasbourg, 32f ; Rouen and lIevre,.21k, Mines-General, 16 . United Mexican, I; West Mariposa 1 f. Joint Stook Banks-Austra- r lasum' 84; Union of Australia, 721. Miscellaneous-Eastern Steam, 1;

RoyalMail Steam 80. 3 per Ceat Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 3, per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 46 per Cents Chinon 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents ..., , shut

1001 ' 101 104

6 7-10 i

2236 44 69 72 shut 102 4 98 100 106 8 . 107 8 Danish 3 per Cents 857

Dutch 26 perCents 666 7.4 ex d.

Ditto 4 per Cents 986 9a Mexican 3 per Cents 23 a Peruvian .6 per Cents 103 5 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 - Russian 5 per Cent. 120 2 Ditto 46 per Vents 104 5 ex d.

Spanish 3 per Cents 49.1 ex d.

Ditto Deferred 236 ex d. 1 Sardinian 5 per Cent 9 6 Austrian Scrip .,,.. . 91 lla