1 JANUARY 1853, Page 2



Africa—Doings at Lagos, 1031. America—French influence, 8. European powers in the New Wos Id, 27, 94, 147, 172, 197. Congress—Cuba, 27, 74, 78, 123; Te- huantepec grunt. 197; Bulwer and Clayton treaty, 314; President's message, 1228. Re- torts on the address of the women of Eng- land, 23, 50, 172. Death of the Presidents son, 75. Railway'to the Pacific, 98. Fi- nances, 147. The fisheries, 197, 632, 702,749,

842. Nicaragua, 221. Mosquitia, 221. Pierce's inaugural address, 267. Quarrel at Greytown, 361. Oathulie movement in the West, 482. Nese York crystal palace, 749, 796. Yellow fever, 798, 842, 914. Mr. Soule's speech, 817. Fugitive slave cases, 866, 914. Letters of marque, 938, 963. Te- huantepec railroad, 962. Kosstassafair,686. Cuban question, 986, 1108. Japan expedi- tion 988. Finances, 1230. Piratical attack on Lower California, 1251.

Austria—.Morning Chronicle correspondent. 13, 28. Ferment in 11 ungarz,147, 221, 243. *A- tempt to assassinate the Simperer, 197, 188, 220, 213, 267. Commercial treaty with Prus- sia, 197. Betrothment of an Archduchess to Duke of Brabant, 598, Mr. Sichel, 508. Turkish question, 701, 913. Emperor's mar- riage, 817. Kossta affair, 817, 1010. Ilan caries &One, efileffh: Neetjes'ae 01mA:337.94% 963? The Jaws, 1050,8080,


Taxation of tluagirv 1251. • • • • Belgium.-Alafrissfie of Lfuke If I3ra4ane, 364, 533, 816, 865. New organizing of army,461. Opening of Legislature, 1082.

Buenos Ayres—Confusion, 75; revtlutio/s, 172 p

Urquiza defeated, 090,4100. • • • • • China—The rebellion' 413, 482, 50t 51,i, 101,* 701, 780, 797, 914, 1108.

COLONIPP—Australia—Cold, 7, 148, 221, 268, 1202. Political movements, 7, 51, 75, 221, 797, 817, 1155,1202. Van Diemen's Land and transportation, 604. Progress, 652, 1034. Propogid Upper Chamber for New Sou,th Wales, 1034. Immigration, 1155, Licence

- fee, 1202.—Canada—Gavazoi riots, 693.708, 725. Close of Parliament, 702. Lard Elgin's departure 690.—Cope of Good Hope—The Caffres, 50, 98, 221, 314, 5034; close of war, 482, 796. Constitution, 533, 725. Revenue, 619, The Sovereignty, • 034. Finance, 1155. legislative Council, 1202.—India—Burmese war, 7,99. 221, 268,316, 364, 413, 482, 534, 604, 797,988 ; capture of Pegu, 75; disaster, 123, 572; annexation, 147; revolution in Asa, 221, 316; cessation of hostilities, 814; bad state of things, 1036, 1108. Suspension of Bcmbay juds es' 31A, 413,604. First rail- way, 531. Affair atAurungabad,1026. Child- murder in Funjaub, 1251. Native Associa- tion of Bombay, 1251.—New Brunswick— The Fisted.* and the Americans, 75.—New Bealand--State of affairs, 51.—West Indies —Yellow fever, 50. State of affairs, 75, 244, 290.—Gaiana—Mr. Parkly, 629.—Jmnalea- Dispute between legislative bodies, 483, 556, 792, 796, 1179, 1203. State of, 581. Gover- nor Darkly, 1658, 1109.—Tortela—Insurrec- tion, 842.

Denmark—New "ground" law, 724.

France—The new Empire, 7, 27, 50. Mr. Bower, 9. The funds, 50, 73, 77. Marriage of Emperor, 73. 96, 121. English press, 73. &brier's confession, 78. Billot's pamphlet, 122, 172. Foreign correspondents, 146, 197, 389, 734. Opening of Legislature, 172; op- position in Legislative Body, 461, 481, 507; closing, 533. The press, 220. Expulsion of lacordaire, 220. The army, 243. Funeral of Madame BAspail, 267. .L'noirera and the Gallicans, 289, 364. London Peace address, 313; Darien company. 313; railway COTCPS- Stoll, RAI. Ball of the Legislative Body, 313. Illness of Empress, 412, 436. Turkish ques- tion, 555, 651, ;00, 748, 668.1033, 1106, 1226. Algeria, 556. Suppression of ministry of police, 603. Plot against the Emperor, 651. . Napoleon fete•dav' 796. Emperor at Dieppe, 816. Harvest, ail, 865, 889, 913. Emperor at Satory, 912 Emperors Northern tour, 937, 961. Tho navy, 1008. "Plots," 1008, 1033, 1081, 1146, 1201. General Ilaraguay d'Hilliers sent to Turkey, 1057. Coal and

- iron duties, 1081,1129. Fete des Ecoles, 1154. Ney's monument, 1178. Tariff, 1201. Germany — Prosecution of Gervinus, 243. Working men's meetings in Hanover, 314. Unsatisfactory state, 725. Fusion of Bourbons, 1130,1154. Ecclesiastical fettd at

''",aspzeiburg, 1154. Gmece_...,Mr. King's grievances, 507. Napo- leon fete,-M2.

Holland—" Papal aggression,. 390, 652, 817, 890. States-General, 581, 914. Italy—Insurrection at Milan,147, 172, 174,221, 243, 290, 314. Insult to Islr. Crawford, 244. Clemency at Mantua, 292. Guerraozi, 652. Absolutist conspiracy against Piedmont,865. Arrest of Mize Cuninghame, 616, 939, 1009, 1179. New municipal institutions in Tus- cany, 986. Piedmont Parliament,1130, 1227. Outrages on foreigners, 1201. Waldensian church at Turin, 1227.

Mexico—Revolution, 244. Santa Anna, 364. Montenegro—War with Turkey,50,74,98, 123, 147, 174, 197, 221.

Napieg--Annoyance to the English, 533. In- sult to France, 1033. Poeta°, 1202.

Persia—Russian demands, 534, 774. Portugal—Queen's death, 1189; opening of Cones, 1.51.

Prussia—Constitoticasal changes, 7, 147. Ber- lin "plot, 341. Opening of Parliament, 1151. Death of Radowitz. 1260.

Rome—College of Cardinals, 97.

Russia—The army—railways, 290. Turkish question, 603, 699, 630, 701, 748, 865, 961 ; manifesto, 631 ; circular note, 675; English reply, 891 ; oceopation of the principalities, 724, 749 ; Turl ish modification rejected, 890, 913; war t.gainst Turkey, 1081, 1083, 1107. imperial meeting at Warsaw, 961, 906.

Sardinia—Oivil marriage bill, 7. Relief for sufferers in Lombardy, 413. Sandwich Islands—American designs, 1130. Spaha—Press la w, 50, 314. Narvaez, 74, 314, 343, 1108. Ministerial proceedings, 97. 123,, 147. Cortes, 244. • New ministry, 364,399, 461, 463. J•roteStant burial-ground, 813, 1084. New ministry, 914. Navy, 1009. In, sults to Quden, 1034. Crisis, 1202. Soule duels, 1249. Sweden—Cholera, 814. King's speech, 1178. Drunkenness, 1227. Neutrality, 1250. Switzerland—Capuchins expelled from Ticino, 52. Ticinese expelled from Lombardy, 244, 267. Prussia and Neufhatel, 341. Insur. rection at Friburg, 412. Differences with Austria, 508, 533, 535, 676, 701.

Turkey—The Montenegrin question,197. Men- schlkotra demands, 267, 289, 313, 341, 364, 309, 482, 507 ; departure, 533, 535, 536 ; pre- parations for war, 657, 330,603, 629, 701,798, 796, 869,015 ; invasiun of Principalities, 651, 675; protest, 724; Turkish note, 651 ; nego- tiations, 677, 773 ; Turkish alterations in the note of the Powers, 812, 865 ;Ministerial crisis, 701, 721 ; Servia, 817, 1154, 1201, 1227 ; combined fleet at Constantinople, 917, 037; the Ulemas, 937 ; war. 961, 985, 1009, 1033, 1036, 1058, 1059, 1081, 1154, 1137, 1178 ; bat- tle of Oltenitza, 1106, 1109, 1129 ; Cireassia, 1107, 1130, 1154, 1201,1337, 1230,; hattle of Alinope, 1201, 1226 ; sew -proposals from the four Fewers,1250, 13351. 'Negate, 675.


OhapterrOf the Garter, 70. Fire at Windsor, 266. •Birth of a-Prime, 339,062, 646. 'Mea- sles in Royal Family, 649, 697, 721. Visit to Ireland, 838; Scotland, 862, 940; return, 982. Visit of King of the Belgians, 1012. City and Southwark elections, 4, 22. Aber-. • dgen Administration, .8, 2,7. .Tjul reyeime,

• 30, 345, 630, 996.:Colott al ana fete...rational

• Postage ;44.04.63tCprcalt ;121, urrat e. ...Xittgue, 46. illefrders, 46449,914, 686, 1427; Mr, Jones, 119, 144, 339; Mrs. liays, 886. Forgeries by Pries, 46, 71, 94, 144. The Alediatip79, 91.• .Court of Common Council- alteS,Itpley, 70; Holloway prison, 94; City „ o'bDottos, :44 ; tree library, 241; reform, 286, s •11116:14645 Orphan school, 934, 982; Temple Bar, 982, 1006. York and North Midland Railway e. Hudson, 70, 149, 699, 722, 1175. Baroness von Beck case, 70. Aehilli r. New- man, 71, 94, 118. Mr. Whiston's statement, 76. Opening of Crystal Palace on Sunday, 118, 194, 411. Journey across Africa, 118. Cobden's wager, 123. Wagner case, 125. Court of Aldermen—freemen, 143; corpora- tion reform, 369; accounts, 1174. Associa- tion for the Protection of British Industry, 144. Convocation of the Clergy, 170, 794, London Ilomecopathic Hospital, 171. Na- poleon's will, 171. Ballot society, 195, 699. Railway accidental Ealing, 195, 219. Pa- rochial cemeteries. 199. Deputation from Peace Conference, 219. Colonial postage, 723. Wellington's tomb, 241. British and Foreign Bible Satiety Jubilee, 241. Closing of graveyards, 241, 286, 339, 366, 579. "In- fernal machine" ease, 242. Deputation on representation for London University, 262; custpms reform,265. Tea-duties, 267. Ser- geant Adams on transportation, 265. Un- stamped newspaper, 265, 288, 463. East In- dia proprietors, 286. Meeting at Stafford Home—slavery, 286. Soup-kitchens, 286, 292, 316, 363. Ministers at the Mansion- house, 340. Dinner to Sir W. Molesworth, 310. Dockyard patronage, 314. Model lodging-houses, 262. Colonial bishoprics, 388. War-rockets, 388, 411, 435, 605, 579. Meeting of Derbyites, 390. City railway terminus, 434. Peace deputation to Lord Clarendon, 434. Dr. Jackson Bishop of Lin- coln, 434. Royal Academy dinner, 431. Shakspere presentation to Kosstah,437. Mrs. Stowe at Stafford House, 459. Annual meet- ings of societies, 459, 479, 505, 532, 578, 627, 649. Miller r. Salomons, 460. Attempt at extortion upon Mr. Gladstone, 460, 579. Colonel Hall and General Cavendish, 462. Jewish disabilities, 479, 505. Mercantile college, 479. City Chamberlain, 479, 505, 632, 551. Queen's birthday, 205. Fish- mongers dinner, 505. The "management clauses," 505. Mrs. Stowe, 505. Hamp- stead Heath, 509, (01. Epsom races, 512. Lumley e. Gye, 535. National Publ:c School Association deputation, 639. Prince Al- bert at Trinity House, 553. The Lord Mayor and art-education, 553. Maro. ehetti's Coeur de Lion, 553. The East India Company and the Government bill, 553, 601, 746. Resignation of Irish Minis- ters, 556, 604. National Society, 578. New churches, 578. Society for the Amendment of the Law, 578, 1079,1175, Shrievalty, 605, 674, 722, 775, 910. Law Amendment Soci- ety dinner, 627. Bridgewater case, 627, 775, 798. Election perjury, 628. Thames embank- ment, 649. Demands for increased wages, 650, 674, 722, 746, 771, 814, 838, 862, 910, 982, 1aa3_ .Neisou monument has-reliefs—fraud, 650. Boys' refuge, 674. cao-sa , 871. 699, 723; strike, 722, 726. Lord Mornington and Lord Shaftesbury, 676. Dinner to Mr. Godley, 698 ; to Mr. Barkly, CM Ministers at the Mansionhouse, 721. Fereday fellow- ships, 722. Railway accidents, 723, 886. City reform association, 746. Hospital of St. Cross, 746, Richard Dunn, 745. Alleged conspiracy to murder Louis Napoleon, 746, 794. Chisholm testimonial, 771. Wine- duties, 771. East India Directors and Mr. 'Wilkinson, 771, 814. Braintree church-rate ease, 775. Lieutenant bleary's mission, 794. Mr. and Mon Norton's quarrels, 794, 798, 818, 843, 866, 893, 917. Indictment against Major Beresford, 814. Accident at Crystal Palace, 791, Mr. Frewen and Sir J. Shelley, 804. Retirement of Mr- 'ferries, 804. Medals presented by Poles to Lord Palmerstan, 814. Convention for settlement of English and American claims, 818. North Metropoli- tan Railway, 838, 934. Collision at Horn. scy, 838, 862, 890, 910, 1054. Commissioners of Sewers—work for a year, 862. Fall of a house in the Strand, 863, 886, 910,331,1024, Cholera—preparations, 886. Fire at Ito-sells', 887. Case of Miss Cm lughame, 934, 1030. Geological School of Science, 058. Eastern question, 964, 962, 1006, loll, 1030, 1127. City corporation commission, 1006, 1030, 1054, 1079, 1102, 1128, 1150, 1174, 1188,1222, Proposed trunk sewers, 1006. Ticket-of-leave system, 1010. Lieutenant Bellot, 1012,1036, 1059. Jubilee of Bible Society, 1030. Chal- lis's statue to Prince Albert, 1035, 1078. Fulham drainage, 1054. Marshes near Lon- don, 1051,12213. Birstal chapel case, 1079. Bankruptcy courts commission, 1082. Mr. Maurice and the Council of King's College, 1094, 1205, 1246. India Company dinner to Lord Elphinstone,1103. Royal Geographical Society, 1120 ; Arctic discoveries, 1102; the

Balkan, 1151. South-Western railway con-

test, 1127. Cape bishopric-s, 1131, 1130, Southwark and the City, 1132. Protestant Alliance—Popery abroad, 1150. Actions against Australian Royal Mail Company, 1151, 1175, 1199. Protestant Mouthing at Dublin, 1174, Sir W. Molesworth on Lon- don municipalities, 1181, 1198. City police, 1198, 1222. Burial-ground regulations,1198, 1222. Royal Agricultural Society, 1198. Durham Chancellor, 1198. Conduct of Go- vernor of Gibraltar, 1103. Palmerston's re- signation, 1204, 1207, 1229, 1230,1252, An- derson's forgeries., 1223. M. Paul Knights- bridge—Romaniztng, 1216, Murderat Acton, 1247. Association of church schoolmasters, 1n2i5s9M

Ministerial reelections, 5, 10, 23, 47; Oxford

University, 10, 25, 27, 28,47, 71 ; Mr. Glad- stone at Oxford, 120. Railway accidents, 7,72, 96, 121, 220, 242, 289,340, 506, 633, 815, -MS, 969, 1104, 1248 ; Oxford, 26, 48,71; Man- chester, 241, 266, WS; Longsight, 242, 187; Brighton, 267, 288; Ilambleten, 461, 482; Farnham, 481, 906; Berkbampstead, 1153, 1177; trials, 242, 700, 747. Mr. Ingeasoll, 25, 99, 48, 78. The poor- law prohibitory order, 25, 48, 170. Mine accidents, 49, 72, 96, 267, 288, 312; Arley, 312, 340, 363. Murders, 19, 72 115, 288, 363, 461, 481, 555, 773, 840, 864 ; Ihicton, 461,506055,748,796; Burnham, 1057, 1080, 1105 ; Tittleshall, 1129; Leighton Buz- mad, 1152. Yellow fever, 51.76. Welling- ton column on Blackdown Stills, 71. Pot- teries school of design, 71. Prosperity, 71, 99, 121, 115, 171, 173, 287, 451. Peace con- ference at Manchester, 93, 99, 120. Rehm.- mation of juvenile offenders—Birmingham, 95. Fever at Croydon, 95, Boiler-explo- sions, 96, 481 ; Blackburn, 1057, 1105. Bur- glaries, 121, 145, 506, 748, 959, 984. Sir C. Wood at Halifax, 124. Liberal soiree at Manchester, 124. Mr. Christopher at Lin- coln, 124. Entertainments to Members, 145. Hop-duty, 145. Dr. Wiseman at Leeds, 145. Recommendations of the Oxford tutors as- sociation, 147. Winter, 173, 198 ; fatal snow- storms, 171, 213. Fortifications, 196, 220, 242, 580, 650. Increase of wages and "strikes,. 196, 220, 287, 311, 340, 363, 388, 480, 506, 533, 551, 580, 602, 628, 650, 674, 723, 747, 772, 795, 815, 840,463, 888, 892, 911, 935, 969, 980, 1008, 1031, 1056, 1090, 1104, 1128, 1152, 1176, 1330, 1224, 1248. Extraordinary robbery at Macclesfield, 186 The Australian steamer, 199, 266, Elections, 220, 242, 287, 311, 363, 888, 435, 463, 480, 506, 532, 602, 628, 6,0, 653, 699, 795, 815, 1104, 1176. Burning of Doncaster church, 220, 511. Derby bri- bery, 266. Indian charter, 787, 388, 566,602. The militia, 288, 633, 580, 628, S40. The fatal duel at Windsor, 288, Mr. Christopher and the Duke of Bedford, 290. Dinner to Sir G. Grey at Alnwick, 311.. National education —Manchester, 340, 388. Isle of Wight sa-

vings-bank, 3M, 412, 481, 675, Cardinal Wiseman's art lecture, 462. York Convoca- tion, 4e0. Canterbury commission, 480, 463, 606; Hull, 506. Oxford ma yors feast, 511. In- stallation of Lord Derby, 551, 557. Wham diocesan school, 554. Ascot races, 559. Me- dical college at Epsom, 650, Royal Agri- cultural Society's show, 674. Rochester vi- sitation, 674. Storm, 675, 700, 815. Ar chwological Association, 723. Von Beck case, 717. Coombe Warren road, 747. Lieu- tenant Maury at Liverpool, 772. Bishop of Durham's income, 779. The" Smyth " trial, 772 844. Admiralty inspection of dock- yards, 814, 839, 863,891. Lord Palmerston at Melbourne, 839. Birmingham gaol, 839, 863, 888, 935, 1C07. Church-rates, BM, 1153. Cutler's feast, 845. Bradford musical fes- tival, 845. Lawson observatory, 845. 959. British Association, 1306, 887, 910. Agricul- tural sodettes, 868, 888, 935, 959, 984, 1007. The cholera, 868, 988, 892. Whitehaven town trustees, 888. Gloucester festival, 888. Doncaster races, 888. Eastern question, 510,- 935, 958, 987, 1101, 1131, 1199. Great dinner- patty at Saltaire, 911. Leicester gaol, 911, 904. Canterbury Diocesan Board of Educa- tion, 959. Mr. Gladstone at Manchester, 992, 1010, Lord Derby at Liverpool, 984. 'Warwickshire asylum for juvenile dent:L. quents, 984, loss of the Dalhousie, 1012, 1032. Thirty people drowned in the Med- way, 1012, 1032. Mr. Cobden at Barnslt•y- education, 1030. Midland association of mechanics' institutes, 1631 Mr. Hill's charge, 1031, Dr. Lyon Playfair at Shef- field, 1055. Dinner to Lieutenant Cresswell, .1005. Riots at Wigan, 1056. Mr. Roebuck on education, 10z2. Birmingham Philoso- phical Institution, 1110. Visit of Prince Al- bert to Cambridge, 1127, Bury Athenreurn, 2726. anti-Slavery Union, 1152. Russian deserters, Ilse. ea or.

1199. Opposition to continuance of Poor- law Board, 1199. Navy punishments, 1203.

Juvenile delinquency conference, 1223.

Lord Asbhurton'a prizes, 1224. Mr. Har- vey's lecture, 1224. Lord Palmerston's re- ply to the Freston lock-outs, 1247. Refor- matory school at Hardwicke 1248. Cam- bridge University reform—Lord Palmer- ston's letter, 1255.


Ministerial elections, 26, 49, 72, 389, 391. Kir- wan, 26,29, 49, Tenant-right League and new Ministers, 49, Murders, 49, 96, 121, 389, 436, 816. Six-mile Bridge affray. 96, 196, 700. "Religious equality," 121. Earl St. Germans, 146, 171. Wreck of the Queen Victoria, 171, 196. Central Conservative Society, 220. Emigration, 267, 289, 840, 309,1128. Galway College, 289, 1008, Con- test In Queen's College, Cark, 312. Elections, 412, 629, 651, 653, 815, 819,1105, 1225, 1249, Income-tax. 435, 1033, 1057. Dublin Ex- hibition, 461, 481, 507, 796, 1057, 1200. The Education Board and Archbishop Whately's books, 463, 602, 723, 748, 796. Nunneries

bill, 580. Rights of conscience, 723. Scarcity of labourers, 773. Lord C.arapbell, 816, 565. Notional Education report, 816. Mr. Whiteside and Cork college, 818. Queen's visit to Dublin, 840, 645, 864, 889, 911, Mr. Maguire and the Government, 861. The fleet, 889, 911. Lords of the Ad- miralty at Cork, MM. Tenant League con- Serener, 959. Slaughter on the Great South- ern and Western Railway, 969, 1008, 1i7, American tax on Irish linen, 1033. Floods in the South, 1057, 1060. Tract-distributing case 1081 1110. Lord-Lieutenant at

kenny, 1105. Cork College, 1105. Sir T. Young at Belfast, 1153. FlaxsSociely, 1153. Arrest of a Carlow voter, 1225, 1249. Roman Catholic convicts, 1219.


Reelection of Ministers, 26, 69, 96, 220. Mur- ders, 53, 288,724, 1249. Lord Druralanrig and Major Beresford, 98. Death of Lord Boyle, 146. Lord Rectorship at Aberdeen, 196, 220, 222, 311. Glen Tilt, 281. Trials for a railway "accident," 312. Earl of Carlisle at Edinburgh, 341. Wages, 341, 389, 380, 841. Wreck of the Duke of Sutherland, 311. Secretary for Scotland, 389. Mrs. Stowe, 389. Church Assemblies, 507. Elec- tion, 629, Mr. Macgregor at Glasgow, 816. Sunday steam-boats, 841, 937, 1205. Elec- tion of representative peers, 665, 1106. As- sociation for vindication of Scottish rights, 889, 1057, 1235. Lord J. Russell at Greenock. 9215. "Northern meetings," 912. Lord Palmerston- at Perth, 936. Mr. Gladstone at Dingwall, 936. Death of Lord Anderson, 960. Wreck of the Annie Jane, 965, 984. Peace sonferencs, 985, 937, 988. Miss Cuss- Ingham, 985. Lord Palmerston and the Edlnburgh-Presbytery, 1032. Glasgow rec. t rship, 1106. Mr. Laing at Tale, 1129. Sir J. Anderson at Stirling, 1153. Parlia- mentary representation of Universities, 1177.

Tut CAMP AT Cnosmau, 390, 461, 509. ' 554, 679, 593, 600, 626, 619, 673, 698, 721, 716, 769 793, 798.

Ton Extor AT SPITHRLD, 770, 797.

Tan Prison HEALTH, 914, 938,965, 986, 1010. 1034,1058, 1802,1168, 1130, 1125, 1179, 1203, 1251, ARCTIC EZpRORATIOX, 986.


Admiralty patronage, 385, 411, 413,453;437, 458, 463, 504, 531, 647; Lieuteiaant Engledue,

651. Advertisement-duty, 696. American fisheries, 307. Army estimates, 198. As- saults on women, 240. 337. Assurance as- sociations, 239. Attorney-certificate duty, 239, 263, 696. Australian mail-packet com- pany, 263, 410. Austria and Turkey, 263,696. Ballot, 376, 626. Betting. houses, 673. Board of Health, 240. Bribery prosecution, 432. Budget, tIte, 382,454. Burmese war, 192,196 Canadian clergy reserves, 166, 214, 222, 269, 359, 390, 408. Cape affairs, 148. Carriage- duty, 360. Charitable trusts, 432, 743, 767, 793. Chicory, 745. Chinese rebellion, 478. Chobliam, troops at, 697. Church-building acts amendment, 648. Church property, 599, 743. Church-rates, 503. City address to French Emperor, 348. Clerkenwell jus- tiee, 260, Coast valunteers, 744. Coffee and chicory, 193, 457. Coinage, 798. Colonial dowels-regulation, en, 743; polka., 192. Coloneleies of the Guards, 216. Combina- tion of workmen, 433, 750. Consolidation of statutes, 793. County courts,240,721 ; finan- cial boards, 194, 262, 361, 673; franchise, ten-pound, 432. Craufurd's (Mr.) case, 382. Criminal law digest, 673. Customs board, 193; reguladons, 385, 769 ; duties, 530. Danube, the, 646, 695. De Bode case, 742. Denmark succession, 555. Deputy Speaker, 191. Diplomatic service, 343. Divisions, 745. Divorce, 193. Dockyard orders, 230; disfranchisement, 531.

Ecclesiastical and admiralty courts, 215, 618; law reform, 336. Edinburgh annuity-tax, 696. Electrons bill, 577; corrupt practices at, 775 ; expenses, 647, 745. Election peti- t' n law, 745. Election proceedings, 169; petitions,194; committees, 218, 240, 245, 264, 290, 361, 366, 387, 391, 411, 433, 437, 4.8, 479, 504, 531, 553, 578, 600, 1,30, 697, 721, 745, 793; bribery commissions, 338, 361, 458, 631; writs, 4,264, 238,577; Berwick compromise, 432. Examines s in Chancery, 169. Ex- chequer bills, 193.

Factory labour, 649. Foreign relations, re- fugees ; Austria and Turkey, 217, 222. Fo- rogn seamen, 343. Free Black labour, 624, French naval preparations, 166..

Geographical Society, 745. Gold supplies, ef- fect of, 240. Government measures, 142. Greece and Turkey, 600.

Hackney carriages, 317,478, 703, 720, 744, 769, 796. Hampstead Heath, 649, Iler Majes- ty's Theatre association, 194. Hop-duty, 167. Houses for working classes, 269. Import-duties, 117. Income-tax, 406, 413,430, 437, 478, 602, 511, 530, 552, 598, 626. India, 198, 223, 241, 337, 433,457, 479, 504 ; annexa- tion of Pegne, 478; Government bill, 535, 550,1572, 598, 605, 622, 653, 671, 677, 695, 703, 719, 726, 760, 767, 792; warm Burmah, 552, 083; Company's forces, 648; Indian griev- ance, 714; salt-duty, 793. Intercepted pub- lic Income, 380. Ireland—Irish bargain, 457; church,190, 528 ;" corruption "—Mr. Duffy's charges, 431, 437 ; crime, 721; encumbered estates court, 600, 625, 630; famine loans,

193, 337 ; Kilmainham hospital, UM Kir- wan's (Mr.) case, 287; law reform, 410, 721 ;

Maynooth college, 190, 215, 306; national education board, 238, 408, 625, 696 ; Six-mile Bridge affray, 148, 193, 263, 605,678 ; tenure, 649, 767 ; transfer of land, 625: viceroyalty, 170. Irish resignations, the, 552.

Jamaica, 600, 624, 744. Jewish disabilities, 191, 245, 262, 366, 413. Judges-exclusson bill, 361, 387, 527. Juvenile mendicancy, 616, 672; offenders, 744.

Keogh's (Mr.) appointment, 557, 575, 582. Kossuth and the seizure of rockets, 365, 413,

Late sittings, 745. Law of evidence and pro- cedure, 239, 678. Law reform, 143, 168, 193. 'seder of the House, 194. Legacy and pro- bate duties, 217. London drainage, 240. Malta criminal code, 792. Malt-tax, 073,768. diassini, 210. Merchant shipping, 238, 046,

672, 677, 741, 775. Militia enlistment, 193. Ministerial statement, 2. Missionary bish- op* bill, 743.

National debt, 338, 342, 385, 391, 407, 531. Na- tional education, 315i; police, 410. National Gallery, 240. Naval desertion, 338. Navi- gation, improvements in, 411. Navy esti- mates—Disraeli's assault on the Govern.

moat, 173, 194. Navy, manning, 616. Scary- raper law, 672. New trials in criminal cases, 531. New Zealand CoMpa9S, 138;

land, 750. "Ito Home," 5$16 Norwich election, 195. Nunneries, regulation of, 457, 599, 697,769. •

Oaths, 240,577,678. Ordnance estimates, 216. Parliamentary oaths, 526. Passengers act, 793. Fattens (Mr. W.) -resignation, 338. Pauper medical relief, 673. Perth earldom, 553. Peterborough elections, 697. Pilot- age, 387. Palling, 678. Postmen, griev- ances of, 218 Probate of wills, 673.

Queen's accouchement, 337.

Railway accidents, 218, 837; amalgamation, 240, 362; management, 263. Reform bill, the new, 745. Registration of titles, 169, 215,437. Salisbury's (Bishop of) income, 605. Savings- 1 anks, 553, 695. Scotch bankruptcy law, 618,092, schoolmasters, 726 ; sheriff-courts, 169, 239, 457, 625 ; university tests, 672,793. Seamen, entry of,720. Sewers commission, 697, 768. Simony, 648, 673. Slave-trade, 604; Cuba, 529. Smoke nuisance, 768. Snap- duties, 675, 667. South Carolina and free Blacks, 577. South Sea Annuities dissent- ients, 719,726, 750. Speaker, 745. Spirit- duties, 583, 599, 647. Stamp-duties, 630. Statutes, defects of the, 282. Succession. duties, 463, 511, 557, 574, 533, 599, 617, 671, 695, 702, 718. Supply, 478, 744, 750,768. "Taxes on knowledge," 356, 630, 696, 720. Thames embankment, 606. Trade licences, 599. Transportation, 169, 216, 410, 956, 626, 672, 695, 768, 775. Turkey and Russia, 010, 510, 531, 575. 626, 630, 646, 653, 670, 6e4, 703, 742,766, 574, 700. Tuscan persecutions, 167. 'Vacelnation, 301, 697. Victoria, land in, 793. Wages, payment of, 433. Westminster bridge, 204, 630. Wine-duties, 337. Wood's (Sir C.) speech at Halifax, 149, 160,

Prorogation, 797.

Income-tax Division, 438.-State of Business, 704.-Railway Amillgamatiou, 725.-Parlia- mentary Statistics: Session 1852-'53, 799. Election Commissions-Canterbury, 749; Cam- bridge, 771; Maidon, 539; lianestaple, 839, 863, 887, 910.


Aberdeen Minisny-Political Guarantees, II; in Ireland, II; The Policy of the Govern- ment, 127; The Business of the Session, 130; The First Stumble of Ministers, 293; Minis- tees and their Friends, 318. Absolutist Tax on Englishmen, 1114. Acquittals of Manslaughter, 1064. Admiraity-A Lesson for Naughty Secreta- ries, 392; The Dockyard Report, 513; Par- liamentary Conspiracy of Prosecutor, Pri- soner, and Judge, 656. Agricultural Trade Reports, 82; Official Sta- tistics of Agriculture,919; Statistics of Agri- culture and Labour, 1063. Albert's (Prince) Lapidation, 1 88; Posterity's Opinion of the Albert-Challis Statue, inn. Alliances East and West, 522. American Slavery Question, a New,153 ; Com- petition with England, 969.

• Problem for the Aglieulturist, 394. Arctic Expeditions, Results of the, 992.

Assurance, the Third Period of, 850; National Life-Insurance Tables, 1163. Anstralia-Investments in Australian Trade, 14; Obedience to the Law of Necessity, 56; Australian Problems, 81; Piracy and Mu- tiny in Australian Waters, 152; Proposed . Expedition for Auffindian Exploration, 914; The Land of Luck, 557; Land in, 621; Trade with, 766; Wanted a Governor, 960; Meta- . physics of Gold-finding, 1115; Australian Emigration, its Ships and Recruits, 1182; English Solicitude about, 1207. Australian, the : Government Contracts and ' Gasman). Dividends, 279; Austrainn Postal Service, 417. Austria; Movements of, 823; and America, 849; Amehities of Austrian Finance, 1233; A School for Austrian Financiers, 1259. Authorial Rights, 873.

Aytoun, Professor-The Public Teacher, 488. Aztec Mystery, the, 658.

Baccbus rice Father Mathew, 707. . Baker Street from the Pig Point of View, 1187. Ballot, the, 31.

Bank of England Discounts, 560. Sleekly, Mr.-New Governor for Jamaica, 632. Bentham, 539.

Birmingham Examples, 919. Bribery-A Short and Easy Method with Bri- tish Senators, 220; To Secure Fair Parlia- mentary Elections, 247; Responsibility for Agents in, 273; Agency the Muster-Key of Parliamentary Corruption, 416; What is "Bribery"? 633.

Bright Ideas ou the Militia, 778.

, British Museum Privilege, 153. Budgets, French and Euglish, 418. Budget of 1853, 392. Cabs, Pollee Legislation in the Matter of, 320; Fitzrey's Rill, 488; New Cab Regime, 682. sembell on Convictism, 220; The Clerken- i 41 Campbell, 274. 9. Ada Clergy Reserves-Lord Derby 00, 235. - anada Helping instead of Hindering, 896. Cape, Obstruction of Public Business at the, .33; Military Frontier at the, 318.

Caveat Venditor, 587. Chandes, Marquis of-The New Chairman of the North Western, 896.

Charitable Trusts Commission, 1062. Child-Murder in India and England, 1260. China-Jeopardy of the Chinsse Trade, 187; The Crusades in, 212; Christianity i la • Chluoise, 577; Chinn and the Chinese, 969,

1089. Cesebham, 607. Cholera, 895. Christmas 1853, 1231. Church of England in the Colonies, 354; A Church Bugbear, 754. Church-Removal in London, 656

Civic Repugnance to Salaries, 730. Civil Service Superannuation Fund, 417; Pro- • 'Meat Plans for the, 821; Auxiliary Insu- rance, 873. Client and Lawyer, Relation of, 850. Cobden-The Great Un-Englishman, 142; as the Mouiteur Angials, 132. Colonies, the : a New Cape Alarm, 12. Colonies Self-Governing, 1589. Commercial Contrasts, 580; Circulation, 849. Concentration of the Public Offices, 1013. i Constitutional League in Europe, 267. Corn, Weather, and War, 705; Corn and

• Money , 990. sti Cotton, Wages, and Emigration, 1039, County Agricultural Colleges, 1015, Cuba Question, the Future of the, 778. Onninghame, Mists-Prosestant Proselytism in

Tuscany, 919 ; Moral of Miss Ctuffinghame's

Case, 94s. ' Dalhousie, Loss of the, 1041.

Dat.ge,' ,-;., Prophecies, 1260. Be Bade Case-S: Wrong 17nredressed, 728; English RepuillaSion, 756. Derby, Lord-Steele), of Derby, 416. . Disraeli-Harlequin Ben, 440; Disraeli as a

Witness, 466. •• • Dockyard Truth and. Its Canterbury Echo, 886, Durham University Reform, 1185.

Ebrington at Barnstaple, 871.

Ecclesiastical Cowns-The Ferret and the Rats, 66,

Education-Government Proposals for Eaten- Mon of Popular, 545; The True Nucleus of Public, 561. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-three, 1257. Electric Telegraph at the Opera, 489. Emigration, Awful Effects of, 130; of 1853, 293. Examination for Public Appointments, e31. Financial Ferment in Absolutist Europe, 101. Fog, the, 1137. Food-Trust in Free Trade Rewarded, 871. Foreign Affairs and Reform, 991,

Foreign Relations, 31-

Prance-The Mone' Panic in Paris, ep Na- poleon and Eugenia, 83; Louis Napoleon's Declaration, 101 ; The Line Crossed not Drawn, 245; The French Navy, 705. Franchise, Extension not Deterioration of the, 201.

Frohsderf, 1135. Gentleman (the) in Parliament, 151. Gisborne's Thames Improvements, 1088. Government and Country, 967.

Bangor Not Haag? 83. High Prices, 1088.

Hotel Guide, the, 1210. House in the Strand, the, 914. Ilow to Beard Society, 1251. How to Find a Policeman, 1186. Hudson and his Friends, 170.

Husbands and Wives Legislative Thoughts for the ltecess, 822. Income-tax, the Next Budget and the, 30; Betilement of the, 200; Advancement of the Income-tax Question, 368; Bulwer Lytton% Last Fiction, 415. India-Petition of Native Indians, 82; Eng- lish Law in, 82 ; Native and British in, 203; India as an Open Question, 225; India as a Cabinet Question,272 ; " Necessitiee " of the Indian Question, 391; Position of Ministers towards, 317, Independence of Indian Judges, 369; The Government and the Bench in, 187; The New Indian Govern- Ment, 537; The India Government Amend- ment Bill, 360; No " Finality " for Indian Reform, 696; Indian Ignorances, 608; Why the Indian Opposition Fails, 633; How Wars are got up in, 755; Indian Petitions, 1016. Inn-Bills, 515; Charges, 897; Opening of the Inn Trade, 920. International Code, Nucleus of a, 967; Juris- diction, 9:0; The True International Law Question, 1158. Ireland-Threatened Interruption of the Irish National School System, 369 ; The Irish Church l'roblem, 538 ; The Romish Plot against Irish Education, 600; The Irish Na- tional System, 639 ; To Retrieve the Irish National System of Education, 778; Reform of Irish Representation, 943.

Irish Element (the) in " the House," 464, Irish School-bcokselling Question, 539. Italy, the Situation of, 459. Jamaica, Finance and Constitution in, 657. Japan and China, 1016.

Juvenile Offenders, Custody of, 680; Coming Conference at Birmingham, 1208. Keogh Question, the Great, 646,

Kirwan Case, the, 57. Labour-test. in Lancashire, 1233. Licence of the Bar, 587.

Local Government and Prison Discipline, 1040. London Corporation-Eleven o'clock by Bow Bell, 370; The Red Cross and Dagger, 1136. London in 1860, 604; London Improvements, 824,

London University Senate, Officialism in, 561. Lord Mayor's Show, 1097. Lunacy Law Reform, 248,

Madrid, Protestant Burial at, 819. Maintenance of the Public Law in Europe, 347. 'Manchester not " Sent for," 13; and Disraeli Grand Junction, 152. Maurice (Professor) and the Liberties of the Church of England, 1061; King's College Connell and the Fortieth Article, 1113; Doc- trinal Bases of King's College and the Church of England, 1 I e9.

Medical Remuneration, 131.

Stilton Club "Locus non' -, 202. Mitchell (John) in America, 1209,

National Customs, 395.

National Defences-Augmentation of the Army, 59; Strength of the Forces 176. Negro Emancipation, Practicable Form of,756. Nemesis (the) of Faith Commercial, 13, New Zealand Grey, a, 754; New Zealand in 1553, 1161.

Nuisthees, an Appeal to the Home Secretary against, 968, Ople, Amelia, 1186.

Oxford University Election-The Counter- Coalition, 55; The Oxford Nuisance, 80. Pahnerston as the London Hercules, 121; Edinburgh and Fulham, 1061; and the Min- istry, 1232.

l'arffi and London, 993-

Parties, State of, 1853 and 1854, 4-10; The Closed Session, 601. Peace Conference-The Mutual Disarmament Mission, 224; The Truth of the Peace As- surance., 572; Peace-Pledges, 317. Penny Postage by Sea, 334. People's Colleges, 1062. Peterborough -Seigneurial Rights and Wrongs, 503.

Pets, 110. Piedmont, Recent Aspects of,1233. Political Guarantees, II. Private and Confidential, 609. Private Bill Business in Parliament, 606, Protestant Alliances Abroad, 201. Protestant Crusade, a, 1159.

Public Business, Organic Obstruction of, 819; Organization of the Public Service, 540: Relations of Political Chiefs to Official De- partments, 370.

Public Libraries in America, 1187.

Queen, the-The Eighth Christening, 622; Queen Victoria and William Dargan, 848. Railways-The Railway Collision at Oxford, 33 ; The Machinery for Prohibiting ltailney " Accidents," 83; Slow and Sure, 102; Ob- stinacy its the " Accident " Syetem, 210; Official Condemnation of existing Railways, 273; Railway Verdicts of Manslaughter, 515 ; Report of the Committee on Railway Administration, 729; "Dangerous,' 523; A Story of a Railway, 872; The Point of Attack in the Railway System, 85;; Sacri- fice of Railway Property, 1014.

Recreation, What is ? 1040.

Reform Pledges and Prospects, 656; The Scope of a New Reform lIiU, 876; The New Iteform Bill-Government and Its Advisers, 1139; Parliamentary Reform : Progress of 'the Discussion, 1086; Reform Discussion Opinions of the Press, 1183.

Refugee, and the Government, 439.

Religious Houses, Supervision of, 465.

Representation by Classes, 580, Objectffins Answered, 706. Rival Colleges, 1113.

Rome, Posthumous Supremacy of, 371. Russell's (Lord John) New Position, 200; at Greenock, 918. Russia-The Dardanelles and the Sound, 559 ; Russia's New Start ing-point,607 ; War with, 679; New Russo-Danish Question, 729; Ramie Wills it, 732; How Russia Promotes Trade, 803; Russia nua her Advance on Europe, 1080; Russian Diversions, 1112 ; Russia and Austria Short of Cash, 1160; Settlement between Russia and Europe, 1258 ' • Russia in the Baltic, 1259.

Scotch National Education, 1209. Self-Developing Improvement of the Working Classes, 968. Session, the, 705. Sheffield Monuments, 33. Smoke-No Smoking Allowed, 779. " Smyth reran; Smyth," 777. Social Penelope, the, 1161.

Soup kitchen Piety, 296.

Stamps-How to Uses Stamp and Understamd a Law, 1137. Statue of Cceur de Lion. 562. Steam-Navigation, New /Lira of, 753.

Stirling Forgeries, 823. Suggestion and Execution, 943.

Sunshine of Statistics, 752. Tablesneving,514 ; Table-turning Overturned, 634. Tea or Talk 0 538, Temple Bar, 1515. Tests by Courtesy, 296. Thames, Adventures of the, 730. The Great Omission, 1115.

"The niggling of the Market," 417. The New Ignorance, 249.

The Screw on Homicides by "Accident," 347. The Three Queens, 1136. Tickets for the Play, 57,

Transportation, Judges no Judges in, 201 ; Lord Grey's Newest Mission, 441 ; Trans- portation Henceforward, 4,1; to Western Australia, 707. Turkey-Settlement of the Turkish Question, 394; Is it Peace 585 • The Actual State of the Turkish Affair, 802; False Positions, 871; Diplomacy and Publicity, 895; Future Course of England in the East, 912, A Week's News, 1014.

Turnpike Trust System, 94-1,

University Reform, Present Aspect of, 129 ; Extension: Oxford Tutors' Association, 177. Wages, the Appraisement of, 603.

Weather, the, 175. Where to Draw the Line, 249, Whitsuntide, 486. 'Why Society Outruns the Constable, 57. Wine-Mr. Whitmore's Wine Pamphlet, 872. Wood's (Sir Charles) Peccadillo, 176.

GLEANINGS FROM BLUE BOOKS, ite. Assurance Associations, 831; The Danube. Na- vigation-Our Food Pruspects-Cotton Crop - Trade with Australia-Malt, 032; Pro- gress of Canada-Spanish Slave-trade, 855; Decimal Coinage-Coal for Mail-steamers- Manufacture of Food, 856; National Fond Statistics 879; Spirit-drinking in Great Britain-Trade Returns-Cost of Striking- Live Stock from Ireland, 855; French and English Dietaries, 801; The Lancashire Strike for Higher Wages-Dearth of Coals, 903; Exports for 1832,901; The Grain Mar- ket, 918; Irish Beet-rout Sugar-Boot and Shoe Trade, 926; The London Coal-duties- Sugar-duties, 9301 Religious Instruction in Prisons - Crime in the Army - Strike, 951; Trade and Navigation Returns - Grain Market-Receipt Stamp, 078; Pres- ton strike of 1,36, 076; The Revenue, 989; The Operation of the Screw-Sugar Trade, 1066; Slow Decrease of Pauperism, 1047; Russian and American Tariffs, 10701 Aus- trallart and Dursetehi re Dietaries, 8071; Masters and Men in Preston, 1091; Injustice to Ireland-Marrlages, Births, and Deaths, 1092 ; Beard of Trade Returns-British and Foreign Shipping -Colonial Expenditure, 1093; A Costly Dwelling. house, 1116; Sup- ply of Guano-A 11 oyal Slave-dealer, 1117; A Labour Parliament, 1142; Consumption of Malt in London-Pauperism in the United States, 1143; The Gin-palace, the Beer- house, and the Coffee-house, 1104; Popula- tion and Wealth, 1105; The Highland Exo- dus, 1212; Preston Strike Statistics -Na- tional Flum-pudding Account, 1213; Carry- ing Trade of the World, 1235; Chinese Emi- gration to the West Indies, 1235; American Agricultural Statistics, 1211; National In- temperanecs-Consumption of Coals in Lon- don-Cotton Market, 1262.


Central Africa expedition, 8, 232 ; Lord Grey 10; A New Year's Welcome to the New Ministry, II; Obituary, 198, 222, 604, 797, 1116, I•252 ; Earl of Stair, 61; Viecount Mel- bourne, 133; Bishops of Lincoln and Sydney, 197; Orfila, 209; Mr. Southern, 270; Dir, Butler, 436; Sir W. R. Gilbert, 462; Mr. Oswald, 5)5; Lord Saltoun-Sir 0. Cock- burn, 818; Sir C. J. Napier, 842; Mr. Simp- son, 992; Lady Panmure, 1108; French na- val works, 62 ; Gossip from Florence, 78; Escape of prisoners frum Cayanne, 99, Re- gietrar-General's Reitorts, 123; Song of the Sabbath, by Julia Day, 224 ; Electric tele- graph in India, 214 ; Turkey, 291; Law of divorce, 310; Manning the navy, 315, 483; Smith O'Brimes letter, 342; Sonnet to the Lady-Author of "The Children's Summer," 367 ; Local schools of art, 365 Budget Seems, 392; Wellington's will, 462; Lord Londonderry and Moore's Diary, 489, 559; Piedmont, 531; Ministers and Russia, 541; Christian Turkey under the Porte, 592; M. Ifabersettel, 600; Progress of Russia, 702 Letter from "systematic colonizer" in New Zealand, 819; Turkish question, e6e, 964, 1011, 1109, 1181, 1205; Religion among the Chinese rebels, 9169 ; Justices as gaol-

visitors, 917 ; Amei jean trade with Central

Asia, 963; North-west passage discovered, 90 1; Family of the Ettrick Shepherd, 1015; " S. G. 0." and the Bishop of Norwich, 11112; Letters from St. Petersburg, 1059; Manches- ter Free Library, Supp. Nov. 12; Oriental Company's steamers, 1(82; Dr. Buist% lec- tures on India, 1084; Brevet postponement, 1110, 1132; Letter from St. Petersburtr, Proposed Arctic expedition,1131, 1179; Loss of the Meridian, 1156; Recorder of sentences,1179 ; Letter from Constantinople, 1182; Challis statue, 1230; Scott and Fox, 1252; Foreign policy, 1255. Alice Montt:the, 807.

Alieford, 972..

Athotes Hiseas7 of Europe, Seim. Dec: Amabel ; or th.• Victory of Love, 205. ssf.. America, Englithswoinan% Experleathetn, 1.

Anadel, the Last Henn urn* Pan FP• Ansyreeh and arrelee4:1

OIL ‘-sa) a'sas Dec. 10.Cl


Arnold's (Edwin; Poems, 325. Arnold's (M.) Poems, Supp. Dec. 3.

Australia Visited and Revisited, 321 ; Jones', Adventures in, 996.

Autobiography of an English Soldier in the United States Army, 106. Avillion and other TalessSupp. Nov. 19. Baker's Rifle and Hound in Ceylon, Supp. Dec. 24.

Isankmes (Mr.) History of Corffi Castle, 782. Bannerfurd, or tIm Valley of Gold, 253. Barter's Six Months in Natal, Supp. Jan. 1. Barwell on Asiatic Cholera, I 139.

Bathurst (Bishop), Mrs. Thialethwayte's Ste. mutes of, 825; Note, 879.

Bell's Edition of Dryden, Supp. Dec. 31. Budenstedt% Morning Land, 1138.

Boner's Chamois hunting in Bavaria, 348, Brace's Home Life in Germany, 916. Bremer% (F.) Impressions of America, 898. Bride Elect, the, Stipp. Jan. 22.

Bunburra (Miss) Life in Sweden, 071. Burke's Family Romance, 421. Burton's 11 iffiery of Scotland, 588. Culvert's War in Flanders and Holland, 904. Campbell's India as it May Be, 322.

Capper's Three Presidencies of India 995. Costellane% Military Life in Algeria :204. Castlereagh Correspondence, &app. July 23. Cayley's Las Anoraks, 563.

Charles Auchester, 877. Charles Delmer, 731 Cherry and Violet, Supp. Dee. 31. Chesterfield, Lord Mahon's, Supp, May 28. Chesterton's Peace, War, and Adventure, 683.

China Insurrectiou, Gallery's and '74. Churchill's (Colonel) Mount Lebanon, ell. Claverston, Stipp. Jan. 22. Cookesley's Pinder, Supp. Nov. 19 ; Dr. Do- naldson, Mr. Cookesley, the Spectator, aud the Standard, Supp. Dec. 3. Costello's (Miss) Duchess of Burgundy, 612. Creasy's English Constitution, Supp. Nor, 12, Cruickshank's Gold Coast of Africa, 397, Cyrilia, 398.

Demidotiss Southern Russia, 731. Derereux Earls of Essex, Life and Letters et Il,e, 58. Dickens's Bleak House, 923. Dismeli (Benjamin), a Literary and Political Biography Supp. Dec. 31. Drtinimond's Switzerffind and Italy, 131. Electra, 782. Eliot's History of the Early Christians, 1017, Encyclopedia Jlrltaanica, the New, 276. England,a Month in, Supp. Dec. 17. EreltInebi Islands of the Western FacIle, 410. aucy) Twin Sisters, 997. Fluters Byzantine Empire 540,

First Lieutenant's Story, 819. Fletcher's Autobiography of a Missionary, 583. Forbes's Memorandums made in Ireland, 52d. Forsyth's Naeoleon at St. Helena, 635. Fox, Memorials and Correspondence of, 466. Francis Croft, 415. Francis's Chronicles of Life-Assurance, 613. Francis (Dr.) on Change of Climate, 903. Prank Merryweatbor, 374. Frontier lands of Christian and Turk, 442. Fulit•rton% (Lady) Lady-Bird, &pp. Jan. 1. Gallon's South Africa, Simi,, May 28, Gift-Books, Supp. Dec. 24.

Gisborne's (T.) Essays on Agriculture, Supp. Dec. 3. Olsbornr'sletlsmuo of Darien, 179. Chase's Naturalist's Rambles, Supp. July 23. Greek (the) and the Turk, 805. Grenville Papers, Supp. May 28. Grey's (Earl; Colonial Pettey, 250, 879. Grote's History of Greece, 661, Supp. July 23. Gulistan of Sadi, the, Supp. II. Hardwick's Middle Ages of the Church, 899. Harry Muir, 253, Hayden, Taylor's Life of, 659.

Hill on Crime, its Causes, and Remedies, 181. Uonlgberger'oThirty.five Years in the East,60. 110oper's Tents of the Tuski, Supp. July 23. HewItt's Art-Student in Munich, 443. Hume's (Miss) Poems, 733, Inglefield's Summer Search for Franklin, 3414. James's Agnes Sorel, 107. Semite's land of the Llodsays, Supp. Nov. 12. Kavanagles (Julia) Daisy Burns, 132. Kay's Administration of the East India Com- pany, 490.

Kennedy's Second 'Voyage of the Prince Al- bert, 275.

Eviler. Indian Archipelago, Supp. Jan. 1. Kingeley's Hypatia, 492. Knight's (C.) On upon Once un a Time,13upp. Dec. 24. Knighton's Forest Life in Ceylon, Supp. Dec. 3. Lady's (a) Visit to the Gold-Diggings, 1013. Lamartine's liestonttion of Monarchy, 105 ; Constituent Assembly, Supp. Dec. 10, Lauder's Last Fruit off an Old Tree, Supp. Nov. 12.

Larprst's Private Journal, 227, Laurie's Second Burmese War, 276. layard's Nineveh and Babylon, 297. Lebahn'e "Faust," 375. Lieber (Professor) on Civil Liberty, 1046. Life in the Clearing. rersus the Bush, 788. Longwoods, the, 301. Lorenzo Benoni, 396. Louis XVIII, De Beauchesne's, 1041. Lyttoies My Novel, by PisistratusCaxten, 178. WCullochei 'Writings on Political Economy, 132. Mackenzie's (Mrs.) Rix Years In India, 92', Major Worthington's Adventures, Seep. Dec.

Parkyns's Life In Abyssinia, Supp. Dec. 17. Payn's Poems, 1019. Peterborough, Life of, 491, Supp. May 28. Plaint of Freedom, 134.

Poets-Laureate, Austin's and Ralph's, 758. ; Power's Recollections of China, 468, Private Trials and Public Calamities, 852.

Provoestions of Madame Palissy, 901.

Prffszky's White Red Black, 274.

Ranke's France, 31.

Raymond de Monthault, Stipp. Nov. 12. Stead's Australian Oold Fields, 806. Reade's Peg Woflington, Supp. Jan. 1 ; Christie Johnstore, 851. Robertson's First Bufmese War, 349. Robertson's (A. C.) Tasso, 590.

Robinson's Summer's-Day Dream, 759. Roth, 61.

St. John's (Eagle) Turks in Europe, 684. St. John's (F.) Ramblea in Search of Sport, Stipp. Dec. 31.

St. Melton's Religious Journey in the East, 876.

Salad for the Solitary, 1013. . Salem Redeemed, Supp. Nov. 19. Sam Slick's Wise Saws, Supp. May 18. Schlesinger's Rambles through London, 108. Scott's Thomas I Recket, 324.

Seemann's Voyage of the Herald, 228. Shuttle worth (Kay) on Public Education, 372. SillIman's Visit to Europe, Supp. Nov. 19. Simpson's Paris after Waterloo, 35. Sir Frederick Derwent, alas Smith's Poems, 200

Solomon Northup, Twelve Years a Slave, 833. Soyer's Pantropheon, 878.

Spencer's France and Italy, Supp. Jan. 22. Stamboul and the Sea of Gems, 196.

Stewart's Blackstone, Supp. Dec. 17.

Strickland's (Major) Canada West, 154.

Symonds on the Organization of the Civil Ser- vice, 732.

Tenison's (Lady L.) Castile and Andalucia, 757.

Tbackeray's English Humourists, 566- The Cliutons, 686.

The Days of Martin Luaer. 350, The Kinnears, 350, The Roses, 1068.

Thomson's Hampton Lecture for 1853, 1044, Toogood's Reminiscences of a Medical Life, Seep. Dec. 31.

Trench on the Lessons in Proverbs, 204.

Tucker's (St. George) Papers on India, 637.

Urquhart on Russia's Designs, 760.

Van Oven on the Decline of Life, 925.

Vaughan's Wycliffe, 683.

Nanette, by Currer Bell, 120.

Von Rochares Wanderings, 373.

Wallace's Amazon, Supp. Dec. 10.

Waller's (Dr.) Poems, Snap. Dec. 24.

Walsh on Metallic Currency, Stipp. May 28.

Walter Evelyn, 1140, Water Lily on the Danube, 59, Watson's Cruise in the .2Egean, 637.

Webster, Lanman's Private Life of, 33.

Westgarth's Victoria, Stapp. Nov. 12.

1Vhately on the Rise, Progress, and Corrup- tions of Christianity, 444.

Whewell's Grotius, 1138.

Wiseman's (Cardinal) Essays, 563.

Wortley's (Lady E. S.) dte., 56.


Abbott's Histories, 998. Adams's Parliament- ary Handbook, 808. Adventures in Search of Church of England, 638. Agnes Maynard, 638. Alderman Ralph, 973. Allen's Poems,808. Almanacks, 277, 1070, Stipp. Nov. 19, 1112, Snap. Dec. 3 Alpbabeticat Pailway Guide, 974. American Protestant Episcopal Church, 1970; Indian Life, 493 ; Slave Code, 493; Aboriginal Portfolio, Supp. Dec. 3. Ander- sen's Poet's Day-Dreams, 230. Angel and Trumpet, 7114. Apocalypse, Forster's, 542. Artist Life, Smiths, 1069, Auckland, Supp. Dee. le. Audrey, 830,

B.akewell's Electric Science, 687, Barker's Cilleia, 135, Bastiat's Political Economy, 158, Belfast Queen's College Calendar, 206. Bible in Middle Ages, 566; Spirit of, Sapp. Dec. 10. Biography for Boys, Supp. Dee. 3. Bipeds and Quadrupeds, Sapp. July 23. Birth of the War-God, 493. Bode's Ballads from Herodotus, 566. Bolton's Evidences of Christianity, Sapp. May 28. Bowring's Goethe, 422. Boyhood of Great Men, 135. Bradsaaw's Belgium, de. 851. Britannic Researches, 542, British Cabinet, 470; Ca- talogue of Books, 734; Museum, Handbook ' to Library, 1142. British History, 375; Jews, 735; Poets, 949. Brittany and the Chase, 949. Burke, 697, 9952. Burton and its Bitter Beer, 808. Byron, Supp. Dec. 17, Cabinet Gazetteer, 301. Calderon, Six Dramas of, 687. M'Carthy's, 998. Camp of 1853, 734. Camprdon's Flower of a Day, 784. Canter- antra Settlement, a Spring in the, 157. Car- len's John, Supp. Dec. 10, Caste, 422. ' Chambers'. Repository, Supp. Jan. 1, Charles Stanly, Sapp. Dec. 24. Child's His- tory of the World, 760, Mina, Supp, Dec. 31. Cbristie's Astronomy, Supp. Dec. 3. Christine Van Amberg, Seep. July 23. Christmas at the Hall, 399. Church Expan- sion, 764. Church History in England, 542. Classic and Historic Portraits, 470. Clubs, 182. Collier's Notes, &c. to Shakspere, 37; Playa of Shakspere, 399; Singer's Vindica- tion, Supp May 28; Dyce's Notes, 512. Co- lonna portrait, 109. Coleridge's Notes, 998. Confessions of a Working Man, 829. Con- nemara, Stapp. Jan. 1, Convocation' 182, Cookery, 973. Court Album, 1182. emu- borne's History of France, 135. Cranford, 614. Crichton, Memoir of, 878. Cruik- shank's Fairy Library, Supp. July 23. Cum- ming's Church before the Flood, 37; Christ our Passover, Sapp. Dec. 17. Curiosities of London Life, 1021, Customs' Administra- . tors, 615.

• D'Aubigne's Reformation, 399. Davey on Insanity, 567. Day of Trial, 808. Decimal System, 591. Dod's Parliamentary Com- panion, 158. Donaldson's School-books, 453,

829. Douglas's Military Bridges, 254. Drake's .ffischati Eumenides, 399. Drake's (W.) Sermons, 1045. Draughtsman's Book of Design, 135. Dmwingroom Table-Book, Supp. Jan. 1. Dumaa's bank Lakadam,.950. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, 470. Educational Institutions of the United States, 446. En- cyclopedia Britannica, 759. English Cyclo- pedia, 542. English Forests, 470. English Literature, 38. Enyoyes Diplomatiques, Droste Dsvoirs des, 973. Equinoctial Storms, 45. Evil Star, Seep. Dec. 31. Ex- hibition Catalogue, 109; Lectures,206, Ex- traordinary Men, 470.

Fables de Gay, 470. Facts and Faces, 470, Female Jesuit Abroad, 446. Field Exercise, 375. Fitzhugh'. Poems, 760. Fletcher's Poems, 638. Flight of the Pigeon, 135. Fo- liage, 902, France, History of, 902. Frank- lin's Footsteps, 157, Free Thoughts, 1045, French Cookery, 325. French Emperorship, Stapp. Jan, 22, Garden, Book of the, 277. Gatherings of a Country Rambler, 416. Genealogies of Our Lord, 1015. Gift Books, Supp. Jan. 1, Dec. 10, 17, Godwina Atheism, 835. Goethea Opiniens. Sapp. May 28. Gold-Finder, 701; Rocks, Calvert's, 1141. Gospel revealed to Job, 109, Gospels, Origin of, 638. Gray and Mason, 973. Great Cities of the Middle Ages, 277. Greyhound, 1141, Guides, 591, 615, 734, 781, 1070; Copenhagen, 998.

Harmonies of Physical Science, 493. Harrow Calendar, Mt. Health, Science of, 973. Helen Tyrrel, Supp. Dec. 24. Hellenien, 182. Herbert .anneslie, 231. High and Low, Supp. Dee. 10, Hogg's Medical Guide, 351, Horace, 879. Horsemanship, Supp. Dec. 3. Horses, le9. Hughes's English Prose, 542, Human Hair, 1070, liumphry on Common Prayer, 829. Hungarian Grammar, 687. Hunt's Religion of the Heart, 1045. Idealist, the; 399. Imperial Gazetteer, 37. India, Observations on, 206; Duties of Great Britain to, 391; Stoequelers, 879. Insanity, 919. Invalid's Own Book, 808. Ireland, Industrial Movement in, 784, Irish Na- tional Education, 375. Italian Literature, 446, Italy, Early, 302; Handbook fur South ern, 529; Hillard's, Supp. Dec. 10. I've been Thinking, 829.

Jerdan's Autobiography, Supp. Dee. 17. Jews, a Few Words to, Sapp Nov. 12. John- stone's Chemistry, Supp. Dec. 3. Tominas Waterloo, 1112. Juvenile Books, 109, Kaffraria, 109, Keepsake, 1142. Kettle, Robert, 1970. Key to the Mystery, 62. Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, 301.

Lady Adolie, 335, Landlord's Guide, 615. Landmarks of History, 1045. Landscape Gardening, 38. lam-dorm's Natural Philoso- phy, Supp. Nov. 12. Larynx and Trachea, 373. Lost Shilling, Supp. May 28, lay of the Last Minstrel, Supp. Dec. 3. Lays from she Ptiae, Supp. Nov. 19, Leatham's Dis- covery, Seep. Nor, 19. Letters left at the Pastrycook's, Supp. Jan. 1; from Spain, 170. Life of a Collegian. 178; by the Fire- side, 278. Light of the Forge, 230. Lily Gordon, Supp. Dec. 3. Linear Perspective, Supp. Jan. 22. Ling's Exercises, 830. Lite- rary Institutions, 591. Locks, 687. Lon- don Houses, 879; Season, 1015, Longfellow's Hyperion, 206. Lords and Commons, 470. Lord's Day, 234. Lovett's Morality, 735, Lynch's Essays, 614,

Macaulay's Speeches, 734, Supp. Dec. 10. Mae Farlane's Kismet, 998. Macintosh's History of England, Supp. Dee. 3. Mac- lease's Horace, 325. Manuel Pereira, 493. Maps, 109, 254, 302, 639, 760 ; Hughes's Phy- sical Atlas-aaLeod's Scripture-Butlers, 302; Johnstone's Classical Geography, 808, Marshall's Lays and Lectures, 614. Mason- ry, Symbolical, 62. Master and Man, Supp, July 23. Maurice's Sermons, 37. May Dun- das, 973. Mearns's Scripture Characters, 566, Medical Directory, =9. Meliora, 638. Memoir of a Metaphysician, 182. Memorials of Early Christianity, 470. Mental Por- traits, 781. Merivale's Fall of the Roman Republic, 445. aliddle Ages, 157. Military Encyclopaedia, 157. Missions, 591. Monks of Kilcrea, 567. Merles, the, Supp. Jan. 22. Murray's Railway Reading, Supp. May 28, Music, 254, 326, 1021.

Napoleon Dynasty,949. Norwich, 109. Ocean and her Rulers, 1070. Old House by the River, 784. Oliveira Prize Essay, Supp. Nov. 12, Orr's Circle of the Sciences, Stipp. Dec.3, Osme, 542. Ottoman Empire,Supp. Nov. 19. Oxford ArsPoctica, Sups. Dee. 10. Paley's Properties, 399, Patents, 375. Pa- tentee's Manual, 493, Paul Peabody, 949. Peep at the Pixies, Supp. Nov. 12. Pem- broke Castle, 135. Pereira's Materia Medics, 1021, Periodicals, 38, 639, 687, 879, 1021, Supp. N or. 12. Pilgrim Fathers, Supp. Dec. 10. Poems, 62, 206, 230, 356, 351, 375, 999, 422, 567, 591, (38, 663, 734, 784, 949, 1046, Supp. Nov. 12, Dec. 19, 17.24, 31. Poetry of Geography, 591, Poet's Dream, Supp. Jan. 1. Political Catholicism, 351, Pope, 759, 998. Popular Physical Geology and Eco nomie Botany, 614. Post-office Directory, 1069. Poultry Book, 326. Princess Pala- tine of Bohemia, Supp. Dec. 17. Prints- Thackeray, 221; Shalspere, 949. Prior and Swift, 375. Pulmonary Tuberculosis, 973. Ramsay's Mental Philosophy, 109, Rangoon, 781. Reade's Poems, Sapp. Dec. 31, Red River Flood, 134. Religion and Business, 375. Rheumatism, 493- Rhymes for the Times, 1021. Risen from the Ranks, 662. Robertson's (J. C.) Christian Church, Supp. Dee. 21. Robertson's French Isanguage, 229, Robson's Greek Exercises, 470. Roland's Song, Supp. Dec. 31. Roman Claims, 1070. Rosalie, 399. Round Games, Supp. Dec. 3, Royal Descent of Nelson and Wellington, 663. Ruins of Many Lands, 1021. Russian Life in the Caucasus, 760.

Sabbath Laws, 1021. Saddle-Horses, Supp. July 23. Scenes in Other Lands, 470. School-books, 38,62, Supp. Jan. 22, 109, 158, 206, 229, '302, 351, Supp. May 28, 567, 639, 687, Supp. July 23, 784, 855, 902, 973, 1046, Supp. Nov. 12. School Elocution, Supp. July 23. School for Dreamers, 109, School- master's Difficulties, 998. Scotland, Statis- tical History of, 301. Scott, Life of, Sums. Jan, 22, Sea-weed Collector's Guide, 567, Self-Denial, 182. Separate Confinement, 157, Sermons, 135, 152, 234, 277, 493, Supp. Dec. 3, 24. Seven Seals Broke Open, 949, Seward's Works, 446. Silas Barnstarke, 663. Sketches by a Sailor, 102; and Cha- racters, 734; Hannay's, 734. Slave-trade, 567, Smith's Training, Supp. Nov. 19. Songs of Feast, Field, and Fray, 422. South- ey, Life of, 1141. Spain, 251. State of Man, Supp. Dec. 31. Stephen's Commerce, 902; (T.) Gospel History, 973. Stewart's Law of Real Property, 591. Stomach, Memoirs of a, Supp. May 28. Story-Teller, Old, Supp. Dec. 31, Stratford Shakepere, 302. Stray Leaves, 687. Succession-duty Tables, 1021. Swain's Letters of Laura D'Auverne, 1142. Tales, Supp. Jan. 22, 135, 158, 351, 373, 667, 063,032, 905, 1046, 1070, Supp. Nov. 13,18, Dec 17,24,31. Tangitde Typography, 157. Tangiewood Tales, 829. Tate's Mechanical Philosophy, 229. Teeth, 567, Temple Bar, 325. Temple of Education, 422. Thacke- ray's Esmond, Supp. Jan. 1; Newcomer, 949. Theopulls, 808. Thomas's Physic, Supp. Jan, 22, Tokens, 614. Traveller's Vade alecum,1069. Travels of Rolando, 614. Turk and Hebrew, 1142. Turkish Power, 663, Turner's Analysis of History of Greece, 663.

Uncle Tom's Cabin, 351, Veterinary Medicines, Seipp. Dec. 31. Walton's Angler, 351. Wanderings of Per- sites and Sigismunda, Sapp. Dec. 10. War- ren's Works, 879. Watt, James, Supp. May 28, Webster, Dr. Chnrles, 973. Welling- ton, 62, 157, 325, 691, 551. Whatelya Cau- tions, 902. What is the Church ? 303, 326. White Slavery in Barbary, 923. Whittler's Poems, 182. Wilson's Bible, 328. Woman's Record, 62. Women, Protection of, Sum Dec. 17. Wood's Natural History, 254, Working Man's Way In the World, 229. Writing, 62. Wynne's Plays, 879.

Yank. Humour, Sea Yorkshire, Phillips's, 37, Young Ring, 549; Voyageurs, 1142, LITERARY GLEANINGS, SUpp. Nov. 19, Dee. 3, 1230,5089. Dee. 31,


Adriplri-A. Desperate Game, 367 ; Mena' Wives of Windsor, 484 ; Genevieve, 606; The Camp, 031; Sardanapalus, 701; Cab Strike, 776 ; The Discarded Son-Hotel Charges, 919; Whitebait at Greenwich, 1111; Thirst of Gold, 1182.

Astley's-Phaeton, 894; elephants, 1206. Christmas pieces, 10, 29, 1216.

Dramatic retrospect, Mi.

Drury Lane-Gold, 53 ; Louis XI., 174 ; an arena for acrobats, 216 ; ballet, 558 ; Reeves's benefit, 704; Mr. Brooke, 868, 893, 910, 965 ; The Betrothal, 918; Equestrian perform- ances, 1037.

Easter pieces, 316.

Haymarket-To Paris and Back for Five Pounds, 120; Not so Bad as We Seem, 179, Webster's adieu, 2-0 ; Elopements in High Life, 344; Colombe's Birthday, 414 ; The Mousetrap, 484 ; Cruel Kindness, 558 ; close, 706 ; reopening, 1037; A Pretty Piece of Business, 1111; Hope of the Penally, 1183. Lyceum-A. A. 8.-Fast Train, 414; Trying it on. 435; The Lawyers, 484 ; Mr. Wright, 1060 ; Haw to make Home Happy, 1085; Nice Firm, 1111; Bachelor of Arts, 1133. Olympic-Miss Anderton, 79; Life in Australia, 195; Macbeth burlesque, 414 ; Shylock bur- lesque, 634; The Times, 704; Opening- Camp at Olympic-Plot and Passion, Ion. Parisian theatricals, 11, 150, 317, 343, 367, 392, 438, 612, 336, 584, 632, 678,727, 820,1369, 918, 963, 990, 1001.1111, 1133, 1157, 1206, 1231 ; tin Fits de Famine, 29; La Faridondaine, 53; Uncle Tom-M. Le Vicomte, 79; La Lutin de la Vallee, 100 ; La Fille de Madame Gregoire, 125 ; Lady Tartufe, 175; Boccace, 159; Death of Bayard, 1901 La Malaria- Dugazon, 223 ; La Boisiere, 246; Les Amours du Diable, 271 ; Philiberte, 293; La Fronde, 430; Les Filles de Marbre, 483; " Table - turning," 511; L'Honneur de la Matson, 035; Le Nabob, 868; Le Pressoir-Le Voile de Dentelle, 994; Le Maitre Chanteur-alu- rillo, 1637; tine Tournee d'Agrippa &Au- bigne, 1055.

Princess's-St, Cupid, 100 ; Macbeth, 174 ; Sardanapalus, 581 ; The Lancers, 1060. Sadler's Wells-Midsummer Night's Dream, 9130, St. James's-French Plays, 125, 175 Le Chevalier des Dames, 149; L'Etourneau,150 ; Mademoiselle Luther, 223, 270; Mademoi- selle Page, 344 ; Les Contra de Is Brine de Navarre, 438, M. Regales 484; Rachel, 536, 558, 631 ; Lady Tartufe, 584 ; Louise do Lignerolles, 866; German Plays, 664, 727, 151; Wilhelm Te11,678 ; English operas,1060. Theatricals, 751, ll'oodia's entertainment, 229.


Concerts, 125, 175, 367, 392, 438, 336, 5s4, on, 704 ; Ella's-Salaman's, 171; Mrs. Anderson's -Musical Union, 536; Benedict's, 606; Miss Dolby's, 1111.

Cologne Choral Union, 512, 558, 584. Concentores Society, 965, Drury Lane-German company, 820,840. Grisi and Mario, 799, 965, 1013, Harmonic Union, 79, 199, 415,485, Italian Opera-Law execution, 199, 246; a rescue, 292.

Lyceum-" English opera," 799.

Madrigal Society, 79.

Mendelssohn, Madame, Death 00, 063.

Musical Publications-Maynard's Singing, 39 ; Duets by Smart, and Ellerton, 35; La ROS8 d'Inghilterra, 125; Salterella-Waltzes, 129, Supp. Dec. 10.

New Philharmonic Society, 271, 367, 464, 536, 031,632. Philharmonic Society, 571, 344, 392, 438, 485, 536,584, 631, 635.

Royal Italian Opera-246 ; opening, 344 ; Guil- laume Tell, 367; Grist, 391 ; Mario, 4141 Lucretia. Borgia, 430; Rigoletto, 481 ; Hu- guenots, 036; Madame Medori, 606; Ben- Tenets Cellini, 631; Prophete, 634; Jesson- da, 704, 770; close, 799.

Sacred Harmonic Society, 73, 150,1085, 1133, 1183; testimonial to Mr. Bewley, 464. St. Martin's Hall, Opening of, 1157. Sydenham Palace Organ, 1206.

Wednesday Evening Concerts, 1037,1085,1111, 1163,


Amateur Exhibition, 447.

Ancient and Medieval Rings, 230.

Apsley House, 38; and Widmer Castle, 568.

Art-Union, the, 379,1212.

Ascot Cup, 513.

Aytoun's Lectures, 938.

" Aztec Lilliputians," Supp. July 23.

Beauchamp Tower, 1212.

British Artists, Society of, 326.

British Institution, ISO; Old Masters, 907,635.

Browne's Ascent of Mont Blanc, 279.

Brown, Jones, and Robinson, 1256.

Caffre Exhibition, 985.

Children's Summer, E. V. B's, 109.

Condemnation of Marie Antoinette, 230.

Currie's (Mr.) Lecture on the National Gallery, 302.

Department of Art and Science, 1150,1256. Electric Printing Telegraph, 1112. Fejerviry Museum, 543. Gallery of Illustration, 811.

German Art, 471.

Gore House Exhibition, 542.

Guizot on the Fine Arts, 254.

Hannay's Lectures, 685. Hay's Natural Principles of Beauty, 15; on the Parthenon, Supp. July 23. Hill's (Captain) Tour in Spain, 543.

Hunt's Nest, 1070.

" Irish Touristas Ticket," 1(35.

Konig's Luther, 1212. Liverpool Fine Arts Institution Prise, 903. Marochetti's Cceur de Lion, 517.

Museum of Ornamental Art, 1021.

Napoleon Diorama, 207, National Gallery, theNew,207; New Pictures, 735; and the Parliamentary Committee,830; Reopening, 1089. National Institution, Exhibition of the, 278.

Nelson, 379. New Society of Painters in Water-Colours, 399.

Ocean Mail, the, 605.

Panorama of Granada,279 ; Mexico, 639 ; Con- stantinople, 1231. Photographic Exhibition at the Society of Arts,: 15 ; Photographic Institution, 423. Prints. Forthcoming, 1083. Provincial Exhibitions, 1070,, Pulszky 'a Lectures, 591.1 Itaffaelle's Christ, 110.

Royal Amdemy-Eleetions, 182; Exhibition, 422, 416, 471, 494, 516,507 ; Mr. Millais, 1085. Ruskin'. Stones of Venice, Snap. July 22,974. Society of Arts-Warren's Lectures un Cotton, 182; Opening of the Sessioe, 1 11 ; Smoke, 1153 ; Mr. alechi's farming, 1206. Society of Painters in Water-Colours, 923. Stephenson (George), Statue uf, 15. Strafford, Portrait of, 471. Two Lands of Oold, 587. Wellington Funeral, 110.

Wiseman's Address, 903.

Wolf's Feathered Faeourites, Supp. Dec. 3. Wordsworth's Greece, 38.

Wyld's Great Globe, 632. 1256.


American Plagiarism-Poe and Terms son, by G. D. B., Supp. Jan. 1; by A.Tennyson, 84. Appeal to the Sympathisers with " Uncle Tom," by Mary Elizabeth Wormt ley, 751 ; Success in Slave-Emancipation, 1116. Army Costume, by a Military Surgeon, 821. Aztec Children, by W. B. Adams, 869. Bach's Music, by a Constant Reader, 563. Billet's Ravings, 150,

Birmingham Gaol, by B. S. J., lord.: Blots in the Budget, by W. S., 562.

Bribery at Elections, How to put an End to, by R. D. S., 655.

British Museum-Coins, Medals, and Gems, by Cul Bono, 1091.

Camp at the Curragh, by One of the above Detached Corps, 610.

Chancellor (the) and his Doctors, by E. A. F., 483, Church, High Tory Services in the, by a Young Laymen, 126.

Civil Service Superannuation Pend, by Jus- tus, 442 ; by d. G., 464.

Classical Studies, Use and Abuse of, by J.

Oates, 1131, 1100; Classical Education, by a Master and Tutor Ins Public School, 1163, Cobden's Falsifications, 126.

Cmiinghame (Miss), Liberation of, by W. M., 1013,

Decimal Coinage, by J. P. S., 889.

Dwarfed Races of Mankind, by W. Bridge-s Adams, 709- Durham University, by Spectator Dunelmen- sia, 1164; its Degrees in Medicine, by M. D., 1210.

Education of Children, by W. B. A., 821; in Industrial Unieersities, 846, Election Committees-Luck in Odd Numbers -Truth in Even ? by Jug, 1064, English Jurisdiction, by W. J. Linton, 54 ; National Jurisdiction, by F. H. H., 84. Faicson's Calotie-engine, by W. Bridges Adams, 125.

Etnick Shepherd's Family, by C., 1037. Excise-licences, by B., 391.

Gold-deposits ln Europe: Irrigation and Rail- ways in Spain, by W. Bridges Adams, 84. Here Agricultural Meeting, by Antic., 941. Homeless of Europe, by W. B. Adams, 1211. Humanity, Cabmanity, and Equity, by A., 727, Impartial Evidence to Character, by a Whig, 920.

Income-tax Difficulty, the, by W. S., 223,293. India, State of EaropeanSoldiers in, by Trutt, 515.

Indian Frontier, by T. C. H., 224.

India, the Two Things needful for,by a Friend of India, 635. International Jurist:Ration, by W. J. Linton, 776, Ireland, Clerical Agitators in, by H. Id., 150. Irish Income-tax, by a West Briton, 437. Irish Parliamentary Representation, by H. al., 966.

Irish Politico, 103.

Jamaica Encumbered Estates, by -1-, 708. Licensing System, by Id. J. H., 1189. " Living Gre.e " once more ! by W. B. Adams, 994.

Medial. Case: Injudicious Friends, by a Lover of Justice, 126.

Maurice (Professor) and the Council of King's College, by Anglicanus, 1133 ; State of the Church of England, by an English Layman, 1188; The Bishop of London and, 1234. Metropolitan Street Surfaces, by W. B. Adams, 1065; Drainage, 1091.

Milton Club, by a Nonconformist, 224. National Gallery, by G. 'W. B., 815, New Zealand Census, by I. R. Godley, 1188. Organ-construction, by T., 1235.

Oxford Heads, the, by a Resident Fellow, 1210, 1261 ; by Another Resident Fellow, 1234, Oxford Lasivensity Election, by E. A. F., 51 Oxford and its Representatives, 103 ; by late Fellow-by an Oxford ,Elector and a Country Curate, 104. Palmeraton's (Lord) Letter to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, by a Scotch Presbyterian, 1118,1182.

Postage Stamps, by a Reader, 616, Public Schools, Abuses at, by Sagittarius,1188, 1234; by an Old Decemvir, 1211; by Etonen- sis, 1261, Railway Economy, by W. B. Adams, 894,921; Signals, 965; Carriages, Safe-placing of, by A. IL, 1091; Extension, by W. B. Adams, 1134.

Reform Bill, the New, by a Constant Sub- scriber, 1235. B.egistrarsbip of Oxford University, by 415; by P. P.,442. Representation by Classes, by F. H. Dickin- son, 708, 727, 1061, 1090; by W. Govan, 727. Russian Encroachment, Stand against, by David Thomson, 751.

Russians, Turks, Greeks, Slaves, and Danes, by E. A. F., 1037. School Dietary, by M. Mitchell, 891. Schools of Design Calico Patterns, by Sims plea, 682, 752.

Smoke Nuisance, by W. B. Adams, 776. Smyth and Fletcher Forgeries, by W. Henry Barber, 921.

Speaking-trumpets for Hallways, by J. H.,84. Stamp Receipts a New Income-tax, by Wil- liam Bryan Cooke, 84. Strikes (How) might be Prevented, by .7. E., 893; The Sources of, by W.B. Adams, 1189. Suecession-Dutles, by T., 539.

Budder Judges, by Vindex, 415.

Thorough Legislative Reform, by W. Bs Cooke, 610.

Tyrauny in Tuscany, by ,94l.

Urquhart's (Mr.) Statements, by F. Marx, 869,

Wheat, Equalization Of the Price of, by im-

proved Storage, by W. s. Adams, 966. Why do Heuses Fall (Iowa? by W. B. Adams, 941.

Windsor Castle, the Fir4 at, by W. Bridges Adams, 293, 316.