1 JANUARY 1859, Page 2





America-Douglas on Cuba, 7. Slave trading 8,87, 113, 116, 203. Nicaragua transit route, 8. San Juan "outrage," 8. Mexico 8. Right of search, 8. An Admind, 83. Hank- ering after Cuba, 63, 140, 260. Nugent's mission, 118. New territories, 113. Mortara case, 113. Eaucation, 140. Appropriation to purchase Cuba, 173. Slavery-Kansas, 308. ilicklutragedy, 308, 310, 459, 509, 804. Fight In a Kentucky court-house, 309. Assisting a fugitive slave, 363. Ouseley Central America, 412, 436. Lord Napier, 486. Proposal to purchase Cuba, 733. Mani- festo on neutral right., 758. Question of naturalization, 801. Letter of Mr. Bucha- nan declining reelection, 854. Mr. Douglaa on the revival of the African slave-trade, 899. Occupation of Han Juan, 973, 997, 1021, 1033, 1074. 1099, 1148, 1180. Insurrec- tion at Harper's Ferry, 1123, 1148, 1180, 1228.

Austria-Currency, 6. The French Emperor's

speech, 83, 202. circular, 226. The war question, 260. Dispatch to the Lon- don Ambassador, 285. Buol's resignation, 532. Francis., oee ph's addresses to the army and to the people, 737. Change of Ministry, 875. Concesalou to Protestants, 949. Im penal letter on the condition of finance, 995. Circular on the proposed new German con- federation, 993. Renewal of diplomatic re- lations with Sardinia, 1293.

Belgium Neutrality, 509. Fortification of Antwerp voted, 876.

Brazil-New Ministry, 141.

China-Expedition up the Yantse Kiang, 260. Departure of Sir John Bowring from Hongkong. 732. Disaster on the Pel.ho, 942. s Niew War with China, 914. Kid napping Coolies at Shanghae, 994. Block- y a of the Pei ho, 1053. Angio-Frenc., Ex- pedition, 1118.

COtoa vs-Australia-Fitzroy digging., 9. Offence to Sydney Catholics, 173. Close of the Victoria Parliament, 965. The actor legislator, 606. The Land and Reform League, 1149. Canada - Prosecution of Ministers, 39. Parliament, 203. Repeal Of the Union, 629. Cape of Good Hope- Prosperity, 363. Parliament, 488. Recall of Sir George Grey, 924. Ionia-Glad- stone's mission, 6, 38, 87, 140, 172, 227. Queen's reply, 202. Amenably prorogued, 308. West Indies - Jamaica - Organic measures, 99. Outrages and riota, 899.

Denmark - Neutrality of, 700. Opening of the States, 995. New Ministry, 1250.

France-Montaiembert, 6. Warlike prepara- tion., 6,113, 171, 390. Emperor's speech to the Austrian Minister, 37, 41, 62. Per- secution of Protestantism, 37. Rumours of war, 63, 86, 89, 112, 139, 202, 204, 226. " Free " Negro scheme abandoned, 119. Pamphlet on Italy, 142. Opening of the Chambers, 170. Giranlin's pamphlet, 202. Interference with elections, 226. Evacua- tion of Rome, 259. France and Austria, 381, 305, 339, 361, 397, 429, 433, 437. The budget, 283. The proposed Congress, 361. Paris correnpondence,412, 437, 633, 556, 607. War, 485. Loan, 485, 11111. Departure of the Emperor,307. Victory of Magenta, 603. Diplomatic note on the attitude., (Pet-. many, 709. War in CychlteChigat7011. Ma- v15 And millitaryijisIrmarndny03.,,' Wet* rations for the entry orille• many of eddy, SU. Entry of the"grmy, 86I. French am- nesty, 855. Banquet to 8000 soldiers at Veruilles, 877. Monde ur de Morny• on English distrust of France, 898. Interview of Prince Richard Metternich with the Ent- peror,922. Interview of King Leopold and the Emperor at Biarritz, 971. Circular on the liberty of the press,972,993. Disclaimer of the nerateer on the subject of Primer Napoleon and Tueany, 993. Prince 11401- traieb" Vine 'i.‘1...r""...asItelVerfabr8t4t and 18 11," 1124. Building of shot-proof men-of-war, 1147. Michel Chevalier on the relations between England and France 1147. WalewnkI on the treaties of Europe, 1178. Stealing of Judge Heal child, 1178. Lord Cowley'e mission to London, 1205. Letters of invitation to Cowmen; Limed 1227. Invitation, accepted by all the Great Powers, 1249. La Gaerenniere's pamphlet, "The Pope and the Congress," 1324. "Con- versation between an Englishman and a Frenchman," 1324.

Germany-The war, 485, 556, 580. Meeting of democrats at Eisenach, 780, 863, 924. Conference of the Zoliverein, 675. New cuutiturion at Hamburg, 875. Proposed rev Coon of the military constitution of the confederation, 1098.

Green-c- Demonstrations at Athens in favour of the war, 639. Faulty financial adminin- tration, 1148.

Hungary-Protestant petition to the Empe- ror of Austria, 1179, 1203. Political excite- ment, 1260,1274,1299.

India-shinikerpore, 7. Operations in Oude, 38, Tantia Tepee. 39, 172,341,48s, 609,333. Extinguishing the revolt, 87. 172, 203, 227 ; ended, 140. Disturbance at 'Travancore, 263. Financial difficulties, 383, 389, 605.

Anti-Missionary feeling, 349. Customs duties. ell, 633. Sikhs. 459. lemma Parkur outbreak, 332. Transfer of the Company's soldiers, 629. Dissatisfaction of the men, 709. Congregation of the Rebel Leaders, 709. Oude Rebel, driven into Nepaul, 732. Worrell. of Disarmament in Onde, 876. Day of thanksgiving, 888. A Suttee, 899, Lord Clyde's warning to the malcontent troops, 949. Disaffection of native cavalry at Hyderabad, 950. Nstiee memorial for

rellgieus neutrality on the part of govern- meat, 973. Income tax, 996. Great oppo- sition to the liceneintsx, 1149. gaining's speech se the TaloeSdar. of Dude, 1260. Reinstatement of the Talookdars, 1275. Compensation to nuffers,s by tIis


Itay-l)f." sainst Austria.„A,Insur- Mate of oilskin. 4S5 18. Farewell prole-ma-

Of Parent, 0211. leer oration With Pled- 'c to tk is Cardinal Mall diplomatic the Cade Na po- Mee Row ague, s to the 310. tte misty of Villafranca, 829. Marzini's mani- festo on the state and prospects of Europe, 829. Medal presented to Victor Emmanuel by Count Mamiani, 874. Prince Poniatow• ski's mission to Florence, 875. State paper by the Tuscan Government, 897. Tuscan mission to Paris, 897. Tuscan deputation to Victor Emmanuel, 923. Letter of Mas - %Imo d•Azeglio on the Italian question,923. Proclamatiim by Parini at Parma, 1051. Disarmament of the people, 1074. Gari- baldi's resignation, 1203. I.etter of Gari- baldi to the army of Central Italy, 1228. Buoncompagni made Governor-General, 1249.

Lombardy-Discontent, 6, 37, 63, M7.260, 283, 306, 389. Funeral of Dandolo, 260, Mili- tary preparation., 363,389, Ili, 435. Naples-Poerio pardoned, 63, Illness of the king, 3-11 ; death, 615. Intrigues.431 New king, 679. Ministry, 605. Mutiny of the Swim soldiers, 738. Superstition-the St. Januarius miracle, 995, Garibaldi's procla- mation, 1098.

I•ortugal-New Minietry, 308. Prumia-Opening of Chambers, 65; close, 531; Birth of • Prince, 112, 283. Corre- spondence from Berlin, 437. New taxes, 502,, 531. Order for the mobilization of the Prussian Army, 627. Lord John Russell's despatch to Lord Bloomfield, 757. Illness of the Xing of Prussia, 8211, 833,

Runsia-Serfs, 6, 1021, 1099. Bee, on war, 38. Call for reform, 89. Student outbreak, 87. Alleged treaty with France, 486. Cir- rune, 605, 620. Large importations of Eng- lish machinery, 660. Great Naval Review at Cronstadt, 804. Periodicals at SC Pe- ternburg, 853. New commercial banking society authorized, 898. Mission of Prince Labanoff to the Sultan, 898. Position of the press, 949. Capture of Schamyl, 949, 872,382. Majority of the Cesarewitsch, 995. San Domingo-Revolution, 140.227, Siardinia-Opening of Parliament, 63,87. Mar- riage of Prince Napoleon, 87, 113, 140. Loan, 171, 202, 227. Agitation, 172. Pre- parations for war, 341, 388. Return of Ca- your, 388. War, 459. King declines to accept the Union of the Romagna with Piedmont, 708. Celebration of the Fite Napoleon at Milan, 833. Tour a victor Emmanuel through Lombardy, 973. His reply to the Bolognese Deputation, 994. Ministerial circular on the formation of a Central Italian Kingdom. 1019. Govern- ment despatch on the question of the Re- gency, 1203.

Serra-Mooch elected, 6. 38, 87,174. Meet- of the Skuptchina, loll.

Spain-Cuba, 39. The war, 486, 535, 898, 924, 11110, 1180. Commencement of hostilities, 1227, 1174, Switzerland-Preparations to defend neutra- llty, 283, 488. Neutrality, 555. Federal Council and refugee soldiers, 684. Severe measures against foreign enlistment, 732. Meeting of plenipotentiaries at Zurich, 829, 853, 972, 994, 1202.

Turkey- Coosa Hospodar of Moldavia and Wallachia, 87, 172, 203, 308,311, 435. Trou- bles expected, 463. Outrage on the soipa., 919. Conspiracy to w cti▪ •lo tn p T.I , . %ma•

ndae the qqltaa discovered, 072, 995,4024;t, asep la tie Eflph, 115207 ;Minhtenet

• sikS••• - .1V sl,..ral-The European guestion: War, 454, 460, 482, 413,417, 03. Arrival of the Janssens' Rapolddp, 610, 637. Battle • erM entenelha.• 3dr, -.516. /talk of Pales- .; tit., oar68.141, arm' Battle of Ma- , gree,602.• Miran entered, 602. Napoleon

• to" the Army of Italy. 623. Details of the battle of Magenta, 624. Count Cavour's diplomatic circular, 857. Menifeer's list of the Trends imam at Magenta Sal MrIrg-

I sane, 657. Battle of Solferino, Ms Preach t nett in the Adriatic 680. Investment of

• l'eseldem ' by the gardlnians 705. An- neuneement of the armlstice,711. Peace of Villafranca,730. Dissatisfaction in Paris, 734. Dissatisfaction in Italy, 764. Details of the meeting of the two Emperors at Villatranca, 763. Letter of" Garibaldi's Englishman," 950.


Queen at Aldershot, 528. Prince Consort at Aberdeen, 946. Reception of British Amo- elation at Balmoral, 992. Queen opens New Waterworks at Loch Katrine, 1073.

The homeless poor, 2, 34, 58. Mr. Pugh's case, 2. Diaaster at Victoria Theatre, 2. Re- scour, 11, 41, 367, 687,1023. City churches, 34. Newgate discipline, 34. Davidson and Gordon judgment, 35. Trial of Roper, 35. Polytechnic accident, 35,112, Accident on North London Railway, 36. Disturbance of pavements, 59. The social evil, 59. Dramatic College, 59. Swinfen e. Swinfen, 69. Newell case, 60, 83. Sheppard case, 85, III. Hughes and Dinorben ease, 85. Law Amendment Society-Law Courts, III; Chadwick on Reform, 136. West In- dia immigration, Ill. Australian anniver- sary, 111. Liverpool Borough Bank case,

Ill. Burns' festival, 114. Mr. Poole's cue, 116.339,338. Reform movement, 137, 1t7,200,380,286,304. Taxes on Knowledge, 138, 175. Lyon case, 138, 168. Coneoca- Lon, 168. Itichardlion a. Granville-libel, 168. " Doctor " Coniston, 169. Ballot dinner, MO. Colonel Dickson e. Earl of Wilton, 201. Washington dinner, 124. Maryieboue election, 225. Drinking foun- tains, 34, 228, 577, 410, 434. Robin - eon and Lane ease. 259. Fatal fire in Marylebone, 238; another, 289. Earl Grey on reform, 304. Bankruptcy and insol- vency, 306. Meetings of societies, 200, 239, 3e6, 347, 434, 303, 328, 653, 577, 604, 680, 896, 987, 991, 1017, 1046, 1070, 1200, 1226. Coal whippers, 306. Proposed subway, 306. Porno subscription, 309. Neapoli-

tan exiles, 339. Irish Catholic univer.

• 3:18. A " free church of England,"

330. Commercial disclosures, 340. London Mechanics' Institution, 362. John Hunter, 969. Forging gang, 342,434, 503, 529. Il- legal sale of a commission, 382. 410, 434. Sheriff's court judgeship, nis, Oxford and Cambridge boat-race, 410. Newpeera, 412. Nationel defences-meeting, 434. Menus- ens ease,168, 434,604. Ministers at the Man- eonhouse, 168. St. Paull, Pimlico, 168, betenatve preparations. 459. Royal Aca- demy dInner,484. Itrukin's lectun..481. En-

5a-1-4 • /.2

raiment of seamen, 486. Hop duty, 601,532. University of London, 503. Graziani's dis- ' pate, 506. Taking away a child by a priest, 603, 653, 577. Volunteer rifle corps, 509, 628, 551,551, 678, 755, 758, 1174,1201. Dr. M•Caul on prohibited marriages, 531. West- minder hotel accident, 553, 606. British Bank, 677. Meeting of Liberal party, 602. Roman Catholic demonstration, 604. Shrevoibury cane, 601. Ex Miniaters at Merchant Taylor's Hail, 625. Case of Dr. Godfrey, 626. Mansionhouse banquet to bishops and clergymen, 657. Meeting of the House* of Convocation, 637. Insolvency of Gustave Achille Fould, 638. Swinfen v. Lord Chelmsford, 708. City opposition to corporation reform tall, 40, 778. Ernest Jones r. G. W. M. Reynolds. 731. Annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society, 731. Conservative demonstration in Mer- chant Taylor'. Hall, 753. Banquet to Charles Kean, 755. The building strike, 778, 801, 894,845,968, 1049. Dinner to Dr. Vaughan, 1247. Cue of Reverend Mr. Bon- well, 1271. Case of Honourable Hugh Row- ley, 1268, 1322. Mears e. E. 11. Denison, 1328 Great Eastern, 827, 818, 914, 969, 1049.

Reform meetings, 3, 36, 60, 110, 137, 168, 280, 301, 310. Elections, 4, 112 139, 169, 2 .1, 225, 259, 282, 308. Earl of Carlisle at Holbeck, 4. Railway war near Portsmouth, 4. Ox- ford Members, 93. Vicar of Sherborne'. proceedings, 38. Manchester Working Men's College, 38. Charge against the Mar- quis of Salisbury, 36. Hop duty, 36. Mer- sey Dock Board, 36. Prince of Wales at Shorneliffe, 60. Sir S. Northcote on French administration, 61. Saltley Reformatory. 61. Fall of a house at Liverpool, 62, Mr. Bright at Bradford, 92; Mr. Bright'a Bill, Si. Agricultural progress, 85. Chambers of Commerce, 112. Mr. Bright at Rochdale, 115, Wellington College, 138. Discipline in Cambridge University, 139. York Con- vocation, 189. Liverpool Reform Club, 259. Gunpowder explosion at Hounslow, 362, 629. Lancashire Reformers Union, 410. Questionable Death at Ramsgate, 411, 435. Failtash railway bridge, 464. Meetings on the war, 484, 530. Richmond poisoning cue, 484, 507, 534, 627, 853, 871, 1176, 1225- Sir James Graham at Carlisle, 506. Dinner to Sir W. Armstrong, 508. Cornwall Rail- way accident, 507. Sir F. Wood on educa- tion, 630. Abducting a Toter, 530. Suicide of Cornet Fellows, 330. Komuth at Man- chester, 554. Roebuck at Milford Haven, 677. Non-elector,' Dinner to Bright, 578. West Riding victory, 578. Epsom races, 678. Burning of Eastern Monarch, 681. Attwood statue, 603. Mr, Cobden's Arrival from America, 682. Wallington e. Edwards Wood, 828. Volunteer Rifle Corps, 895, 991, 1283, Master Cutlers' Feast, 919. Donnie- ter Races, 946. Wreck of the Royal Char- ter, 1094, 1123.


Galway line, 5. Phcenix Club affair, 5, 11, 37, 62, 170.265, 307, 365, 779. Nixon case, 37, .236. Proposed landlord demonstration, 112.

• .Intermediate education, 170, 259. Galway " titeirdians' dispute, 170. Elections, 175, 201. 'Arrival of the Italian patriots, 282. Mr. Bryan, 283. Death of the Marquis of Waterford, 383. Murder of Mr. Jenson, 4E14. Wreckanclutche 1;oemonea, 484, The Orangemen Government, 554. . Cullen on the French Intervention in Italy„ 627. Earl of Eglinton's Farewell Levee, 708. Presentation of Corporation Address to the Earl of Carlisle, 731. Irish Revivals, 922, 948, 970. Lord Derby's Evictions, MM. 3farchioness of Londonderry's Annual Din- ner, 993. Doctor Cullem's Pastoral, 1060. Demonstration on Behalf of the Pope, 1147. ?national /441uratioa warbartation, 1172.


Mr. Black on trade morality, 5. The Brougham dinner, 5. Western Bank- liability, 37. Mr. Ellice at Cupar, 86. Dinner to Professor Thomson, 89, Trinity College Church, 139, Elections, 169, 307. Education, 169. Burns festival at Dum- fries, 169. Crinan Canal disaster, 170. Mn, Carlyle and Aberdeen University, 226, Masonic Hall, 259. Death of Lord Murray, 283. ICIver divorce trial, 307. National Gallery, 340. Convention of Royal Burghs, 411. Principal Lee, 485. Election of peers, 507. Church Assemblies, 534. Fire at Perth, 603. Sunday steamers on the Clyde, 659. The Prince of Wales at Holyrood, 756, 779. Itauguration of the Peebles In- stitution, 828. Carron Iron Company's at. fairs, 874. Mr. Gladstone chosen Lord Rector of the University of Edinburgh, 1178,


Opening of the Session, 134. Opening of New Parliament, 574, Queen's Speech, 698, Address, 588. Ministers defeated, 607. Ad- miralty resignations, 406. Agricultural statistics, 224. Annuity-tax, 338, 762.

Army estimates, 261.

Ballot, 407. Bankruptcy and insolvency, 2e9. British Museum, 303, 777. Budget, 790. Builder's strike, 801.

Chancery courts, 303, 407. "Charles et Georges," the, 278. Church rates, 167, 222, 378, 1102, 726, 776, Sir A. Elton's resolu- tions, 268. Civil Service superannuation, 186. Congress, the, 361. Conveyance of Voters, 223. Criminal prosecution., 224. Cuban slave-trade, 200.

Divorce Court, 703, 752, 777, 800, 826. Educational reports, 223. Elections, 678. Exchequer bills, funding of, 279.

Forbes Mackenzie Act, 238. Foreign affairs, 129.

Galway packet line, 385. Grand juries, 390. Guards' privileges, 1103.

Higgins case, 200. Highways, 200. Imprisonment foramen debts, 704,777. India -Armies, thanks to,406 ; the Indian Army, 761, 823; East Indian loans, 825; finance, 198, 205, 343, 384, 798; Oude land tenure, 310; prospects of, 279; twenty-sixth N. I., 303. Ionian imbroglio, 199; affairs. 223. Ireland-Law Mlle, 100; mail., 407; pau- per children baptism, 339. Italian ques- tion, 237 430, 774, 822. Jews, admission of the, 200, 257,407, 802. Land titles and registration, 224. Law of ascertainment, 361. Law refonmr, 166. 407, a, Lunacy laws, 199.

Manning the navy, 224. Ilarriaee lases, , • 198, 257, 338. Metropolitan drainage, Ii Military affairs, 728. Military organization 280, 703. Militia, 174; Acts Ameudmen Bill, 826. Ministerial explanations, 269 365, 382, 678. Moldo-Wallachia, 167. Mon tenegro, 303. Municipal corporations, 130' 280, 303.

National Gallery, 167, 777. National defences 702, 776. Navigation laws, 205. Navy, 3o: 3t45. Navy estimates 229, 303, 718. Nevi . foundland fisheries, 280.. New Governmer offices, 174, 203.

Paul and Strahan, 187. Picture galleries 800. Poisons, 167. Post-ollee decree, 224'. Press restrictions, 200.

Railway ticket transfer' 407. Real estate Intestacy, 200, 256. Red Sea telegraph 413. Reform Bill, 166, 254,379, 803, 334, 3C 358. Right of visit, 198. Roman Catholi oath, 221 ; university, 601. Royal Academ! 261, Royal Assent to several Bills, 847. Sandford, Mr., 390. Schools, endowed, 70 Irish, 729. Scotch education, 200. Scotia' -Trial by jury , 361. Shipping interest, 2 grievances, 257. Sittings of the liou 187, 702, 726, 730, 774, 799, 822. Stade dues, 303. State services, 187. State Law Consolidation, 878. C'ommisaion, 86 Superannuation bill, 310, 383. Supply, 38 Thames watermen, 407. Timber duties, 2, Titles to landed estates, 174, 302. Unanimity of juries, 361.

Vaccination, 280. Volunteer corps, 729. Warren, Mr., 224. Went Indian immigmtio 167. West Indies, utate of the. 257. Prorogation, 432.

Close of the Session, 816, New Reform Bill, 258.

Reform Bill division, 392.


Adams's Permanent Way, 417. "Agricultural Distress," a Little, 45. America, the real Contest with, 1101. American Securities, 370; American Lesson to European Diplomacy, an, 664.

Annual Motion of the Moon, MOO, - Antwerp, 881. Appeal to the Country, the, 393. Appointments, the New, 68, Army Examinations, 442; Army Reform, Sidney Herbert and, 687.

Armies, the Future of, 1027.

Artillery, Defects of our, 787. Australasian Land and Emigration Company, 315.

Austria declared Bankrupt, 636; Austria, ac- tual position of, 713 ; Austria and Germany, 1065, Bally-" Date Obolum!" 122, Ballot Question, Settlement of the, 415. Bank Thermometer, the Old Patent, 714. Barber's (Mr.) Compensation, 346.

Barrister (a) and a Gentleman, 46.

Belfast and the Saturday Berirce, 317. Bethell's Word of Hope, 888.

Blind, Help for the, 17.

"Boat Plates," 1157.

Brook, Itajah, 561. Bribery Prevention, or Bribery Punishment 857.

British Museum, Condition of the, 785. Bright (Mr.) and the Spectator, 1331; Bright's (Mr.) Budget, 1254.

Buchanan (President),Latest Charge against, 313.

Budget (the), and the National Means, 761. Building Strike, Rationale of the, 811; Bald- ing Trade, the War in the, 833.

Canning's Roll of Honour, 1057 ; Canning (Lord) in Oude, 1166. Cue of Sic Peter Laurie, the, 1131.

"Catholic Emancipanon,•• the veal, 1077. Cam at Doi Princess Royal, 1902.

Central Italy. 879. Certainty in Commerce and Law, 1209. Charge of the Seven Hundred, 121.

Christmas Monday, the, 1280.

Chinch, the Disorder in the, 1155. Church-rntes-the Government Bill, 1 Church Matters in Edinburgh, 034; Chu rates and Pew rents, 1307.

City Abolition Bill, the, 762; City Stet" a Tale of, 903.

Civil Service, the Entrance to the, 368. Servants, Probation for, 416. The Best for Civil Service Candidates, 441; The nant State of the, 160; Civil Service =Melon, 537; Civil Service In time of the, 638 ; Civil Service, Unity of the Civil Service, Routine Rewards in 1067 ;CivIl Service, Salaries in the, Cobden's (Mr.) Little Mistake, 151; The of a Nation,440 ; Cobden (Mr.) 691; den's (Sir.) Refusal, 713; Cobden'. Direct Taxation Fallacy, 879.

Commercial and Financial Phenomena, Commercial Credit and its Penalties, 10e0. Commintion, Story of s,440.

Compensation for Injury to Travellers, 268. Confession of China, the, 952. Congress (the) and its Consequences, 111.' Congress Summoned, The, 1230; Congresa,1 Christmas Reflections upon the, 1305. Continental Situation, the, 1152.

County Lessons to Town F.conomists, 1026. Cowley's (Lard) Minden, 233.

Cork Workhouse Question, the, 930. Credit, Chief Baron Pollock 00, 786, Criminal Lunatics, Treatment of, 266. Crofton'e answer to Jobb. 668.

Curiosities of the Contest, 489.

D'Azeglio and Normanby, 1332.

Death of John Brown, the, 1306.

Derbyism, the Net Result of, 1128. • Destructive Investment: an Austria,' 168, Dinner Question, the Great, 70.94. Diplomatic Crisis of Europe, the, 66' Dissolution, the, 438.

Distressed Shipowners, the, 1230. Dixon (William) of Govan, 286. Divorce Court, the Teachings of (hr Dockyard Economy, 1122; Dockyan merit, 1209.

Emssosnist on the French Allison Educational Debate, the, 784; 1 Ireland, 831.

1458 and 1659,13.

Median Offences, what to d Electoral Corruption, Triben - Emile G

Franeeirardio,79n and the Ewes Employment of Educated -svg England and America, 738 ; 1 on American Questions, 921 England and Egypt, 1027.

English Committee on Musical Pitch, 839. English Coneict-Preserves and Irish Reform- atories, 313.

Esterhazy Million, the, 611.

Europe, the State of, 1207.

Fact verse, Fiction, 134.

Fashion as a Decoy, 690.

Filter very. Concrete, 828.

Foreign Jurisdiction and the Extradition of Criminals, 810.

Fox and the Storks, the, 1025.

France-Mysterious Manifesto of the Tuile- ries, 44.

Francis Joseph's " Urgent Private Affairs," 687.

Fraud and Bankruptcy, 1307.

French Loan, the, 856; French Amnesty,the, 858.

Free Trade in the Cabinet, 714.

Gardens of the Million, the,1233.

General Ward's Pekin Experiment, 1128. Generous Prisoner, the, 514.

Genius Loci, the, 181. Germany; 880; German Movement for Unity, 932.

God and the Right, 177.

Gold and Silver Movement, 346.

Government of the Army, 930.

Grand Jury Reform, 314, Great Eastern, Analysis of the, 1232. "Guards, the Privileges of the," 148; Note on the Guards' Controversy, 179 ; The Guards' Privileges, 234; Guards and the Line, 1056.

Harbours of Refuge, 209.

Horse Guards Circular,the; Suggested Reme dies, 1129.

Hongkong, Growth of, 586.

Humboldt, 515.

Illegitimate Drama, the, 561. Impending Revolution, produced by Art and Science, in War, 315.

Imputations on the Record Office, 1024. India and British Finance, 16; Impulse to Industry in India, 130; Questions for Lord Stanley, 208; Indian Finance, 416; Finan- cial Redemption of British India, 490 ; Ex- tinction of Moeulism in India, 614; French Power in India, 584; India andher Armies, 954; The European Army for India, 1055; Probable Important Changes in the Govern. meet of India, 1157; Indian Army Report, 528; Indian Budget, the, 807; Indian Re- volt, are we to have another, NI; Indian Finance and the Westminster /twine, 1001; Indian Representative Constituency, an, 1101.

Intermediate Schools, 234.

Intra-Metropolitan Railway Stations, 149. Intelligence" OCTIUS " Discipline," 1002. Ionian Discontent, 15; Mr. Gladstone's Pro • geese, 119; The Ionian States and England, 208.

Ireland's Danger, England's Opportunity, 1256.

Irish Conspiracy, the, 69. Irish Revival Fever, 1503; Irish Education- the Ulster Movement, 1106; Irish Found- ling, the, 180; Ireland and the Pope, 1155. Is it Peace ? 1183.

" It isnot In the Bill," 764. Italy-Daylightthrough the Thunder-Clouds, 145; Her Foe, and her Friend, 345; Restora- tion of Italy to Europe, 394; Latest Aspect of the Italian Question, 463; Why Italy hates Austria, 491,538; The Austrian Posi- tion in Italy, 636; The Crusade of Today 559; Italy, the past and future Govern' mentor, 666 ; Italy and the Conference, 783 Italian Settlement, Progress of the. 761 Italian Question,the,857 ; Italian Question Approaching Close of the, 1024; Italian Question, De la Gueronnierc on the, 1302. Jacob, General, 45.

Joint-Stock Subsidy, vice Ship-Money, De- ceased, 738.

Junior Clerkships in the Civil Service, 11. Justice °little astray, 1237.

Labour's Good Time Coming, 1058; Labour, its Intelligence and Guilds, 1154.

Lady, 9,1233.

Landed Estates Bill, 208.

Laputa on the British Navy, 16.

Law Improvements, a Couple of, 95. Law of Strikes, 1079.

I.egal Reforms, some Necessary, 801. Literary Fund Question, 587.

London Corporation Reform, 737.

Lord Chancellor's Bankruptcy and Insolvency Bill, 180.

lord Malineshury Blue-booked, 635.

Lord Campbell's New Appointment, 688. Lord Iflcho's Motion, 831.

Lord St. Leonards on Strikes and the Combi- nation Laws, 1278.

Lunacy Reports, the, 902.

Manning the Navy, 265.

Maps and Plans, 180.

Masters and Men, 881.

3lechi on Agricultural Embezzlement, 1156. Mercy and Severity Reconciled,1103. Military Curiosity, a,317; MilitaryMeasures of 1860, the, 1277; Military Examinations, 485.

Militia (our), as it is and as It ought to ho, 832.

Mill, I. S., M.P., 1235. Ministers, the late, 637; Minister of Justice, a, 638.

Ministerial Reelections, the, 663.

Ministers and Deputations, 1104.

Mistress of the Sturm, 1130.

Modern England, 17.

Modern Reform, the Morals of, 808.

Modern Chivalry Retired front Business, 1001, 31oldo-Wallachia, 178.

Monsieur Mocquard, 1155.

Moral of the late Cotton Case, 394.

Napoleon (Prince) and the Princess Clotilda, 89.

National Defence, Elements of, 03; National Gallery Disgrace, the, 689; National De- fence Measures, 785; National Resources and National Burdens, 918 ; National De- fence, the True Foundations of, 1184. val Recruitment, the True, 146.

ttrality, 489; The Working of, 536; En- icy into the Neutrality Laws, 560.

• Doths for London, 370.

r Ministry, the, 634.

on-Intervention," 714.

ities of Finance, 513.

ml Misdemeanour Exposed, an, 764.

of the Crime Factories, 4554.

le of the Darkest Spots In London," 210.

-ettlement, the, 1331.

don on the Reference to Congress, • Repeal, the Reason against, 210, lean and English, 585. Key to Administrative Re- . International,1102.

.npetiti ye Examination of, 610. Purpose and Prospects, 736.

a 1859-Promises of 1860,1369. PIRA Reform In France and England, 290. Plea for the Lowly, a, 979. Peerio's Question to England, 289.

Point of View, the, 467; Again, 514. Poor Relief, the Right to. 1183' Post-Office, the, 439.

Post-Office Savings Banks, 1001, Alleged Tyrannies of the, 1025, Postage, Colonial and Foreign, Mu.

Practice of Public Law Courts, 1184, Prepayment Regulation, the 209.

Prince Consort at Aberdeen, the, 978. Prison (the) as a School-Room Door, 739, Public Men and Public Critleism,1103, Public Amusements, 1106, Railway Accidents, 668.

Rarey's (Mr.) Last Lesson, 834. Reform-Preliminaries of the Reform De- bates, 02; Progress of the Reform B111,119 ; Summary of the Non-Official Reform Plans, 146; The Government, 264; The Govern- ment Reform Bill Compared, 288; Tenden- cies of the Reform Discuasions, 267; Minis- terial Aspect of the Refill m Question, 415. Reproductive Investments - Empire Rail. ways, 120.

Respect for Law by Law-Makers, 1026. Retrogress of Education in Ireland, 346. Revolution by Steam, 369.

Itevivals-Ilistory and Natural History of, 1330.

Sailors, the Demand for, 1258.

Salem:men Dinner, the other Side of the, 210. San Juan Question, the 977.

Schautyl, Capture of, 1000.

self-Printing of Sounds, 440.

Sent for Sale, by a Refonned Metropolitan Constituency, 065. Sessions (the Two) of 1859, 854.

Smethurst, Probable Respite of. 802; Sme- thurst Reprieve, the Meaning of, 020; Sme- thurst's Case, 1185.

Spain, 979.

Spelling and Writing, 685. Stanley Law against Harbouring Murderers, the, 979.

Stephenson and Brunel, 1058. Sterling (John) on English Isolation, 585. Stockjobbing, an Excellent Season for, 93. Stolen Goods, a Growing Trade in, 763. Storm Reduced to Law, the, 1334.

" Strikes" Above and Below. Illustrated In the Struggles of a Boot, 233. Strike (the)-its Rationale, 927; Strike, In- jurious Prolongation of the, 980.

Surgeons of the Indian Army, 979. Taxation Storm Gathering iu the North, 1153. Tithes in South Australia, 179.

"To Waste a Year," 809.

Trade Prospects for 1859, 46.

Trading Frauds, 1003; Prevention of Trade Frauds, 1131.

United States-Landing of Slaves in Georgia, 67; "Good News from America-Chaos ! 149.

Universities (the) and Education, 265; Uni- versity Representation, 368, " Valls " (the) Abuse of, 586.

Victoria-The infant Hercules, 14.

Volunteer Question, the, 235; Volunteers ! 464, 613 ; Fashions for Volunteers, 561; Vo Ituiteer Cavalry, 1231; Volunteers, Hints to, 1308.

Voyage of Discovery in 3Iasearade, a, 783. War (a) or a Congress,67; The War Auction, 113; The Future of the, 610; War, the Course of, 635.

West India (a) Inquiry Commission, 119; En quire, 178. West Indian Estates, 147; West Indian Cot- ton Growth, 931.

Westminster Accident, the, 540.

"What will Redo with it: "181.

Why Public Staircases and Private Houses Fall, 95.

Why the Great Eastern Casing Exploded, 953.

Woolwich Arsenal, 1208.

Young England and Old England, 47.


Livingstone expedition, 0; Mr. King and Dr. Tait, 10; Obituary, 10, 11, 412, 486,510, 600; Earl of Ripon, 116; Humboldt, 510; Barnum's Lectures, 11; Lord Derby and Mr. Duncombe, 89; Navy, 45; Religious State Services, 88; Eland Venison Dinner, 90; Wilmot Reform Scheme, 110; National Defences, 114; Lunatics, 116; Press dinner to Salamanca, 143; Indian candidates,203; Letters unpaid, 229; Reform Still, 261; Sir F. Head and the Emperor of the French, 281; Burns, 184 ; American and English postage, 286 ; Mr. Jones's Lectures, 309; To Poerlo and his Fellow-Patriots, by Leigh Hunt, 340; Frances Johnstone, 301; Mr. Clingman, 389; Royal Commissions, 410; Captain Carnegie, 430; Nine Hours' Move- ment, 510 ; The New Rouse of Commons, 326; Reveille, by Dwehno, 683; Records in New South Wales, 556; Professor Newman to Lord Derby, 589; The Division on the Ad- dress, 633; Draft of Sir Eardley Wilmot'. Reform Bill, 645; Correspondence respect- ing the Affairs of Italy, 646; Conservative Demonstration, 753; The Builders' Strike, 801, 826, 894; The Rochdale Demonstration, 847; The Colonization and Settlement of India, 870; Parliamentary Petitions pre- sented during the Session, 877; Leigh Hunt a Memoir of his Life, 911 ; Fate of the Franklin Expedition ascertained, 800; the China Correspondence, 1014; Kossuth on the Peace of Villafranca, 1019; Sug- gestions touching the Future of the Indian Army, 1018; Mr. Bright's Policy expounded by himself, 1142; Treaties of Zurich, 1122; American Railways, 1229; Baron Liebig on Sewage Manure, 1302.


About on the Roman Question, 516. Alderson, Life and Charges of Baron, 247. Aliboue's Dictionary of British and American Authors, 517.

Alpine Adventure, 614. American Aintanack, the, 248. American Literature-its History, 211. Andrews's History of British Journalism, 51. Arctic Voyage of the Fox, the, 1334. Anglo-Indian Military Hygiene, 542. Australian Facts and Prospects, 1111. Balzac's Balthazar, translated, 981. Bentley's Complete Editionof Walpole's Let- ters, 104.

Bentley's Quarterly Review, 267. Biglow Papers, the, 1134. HIsset's Strength of Nations, 1211.

Black's (Captain) Drill Book for Volunteer Riflemen, 670. Blunt's (Professor) Plain Sermons, 28. Books for the Young, 1184.

Eroughton's (Lord) Italy, 159. Brougham's (Lord) Acts and Bills from 1811 to the Present Time, 790. Brown's (John) Genuine Autobiography, 26. Buckingham's (Duke of) Memoirs of the Court of George IV., 215.

Bucknill (Dr.) on Shakespeare, 388, 613. Burgon's Memoir of Patrick Fraser 1Wer, 396.

Bush's (Hans) Rifle Volunteers, How to Organize and Drill them, 670.

Butgoyne (General), the Military Opinions of, , 7aa.

CairiCa Prairie Farming in America, 326. Campbell (Thomas), Redding's Memories of, 1164.

Capps's Prize Essay on the National Debt, 193, Cawnpore, Story of, 612.

Chadwick's (W.) Life and Times of De Foe, 418.

Chappell's Popular Music of the Olden Time, 859.

Chevalier on the Fall in the Value of Gold, 212.

Clayton's Personal Memoirs of Charles the Second, 467.

Cobbold's Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by Themselves, 1311.

Coopland's (Mrs.) Escape front Gwitlior, 371, Coquerel's Fine Arts in Italy, 470.

Cornwallis Correspondence, the, 102. Cornwallis's (K.) Two Journies to Japan, 160. Cornhill Magazine, the, 1311.

Crawford's (Miss) Life in Tuscany, 468. Crompton (Samuel), the Life and Times of, 909.

Cumming's Great Tribulation, 1167. Dana's To Cuba. and Back, 788.

Darwin's Origin of Species, 1210.

Dasent's (Dr.) Talcs from the Norse, 29. Doran'. (Dr.) New Pictures and Old Panels, 29.

Draper's (Dr.) Human Physiology, Statical and Dynamical, 886. Duberly's (Mrs.) CampaigningExperiences in Rajpootana, 838. Dundonald's (Earls!) Service's in Chili, Peru, and Brazil, 73.

Dundonald's (Earl of) Autobiography, 1309. Ecclesiastical Geography, 1193. Edkin's (the Rev. Joseph) the licligious Condition of the Chinese, 694.

Education of the Blind, 1006.

Edwards's Memoirs of Libraries, 446. Elliott's (Mrs. D.) Journal during the French Revolution, 49.

English Constitution, Legislation and Go- vernment, 1235. English Lady's (an) Six Years' Travels in Russia, 397.

English Etymology, 1337.

Epidemics of the Middle Ages, 1108. Fairholt's Tobacco, its History and Asso- ciations, 789.

Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry, 670.

Forbes's (Professor) Natural History of the European Seas, 1083.

Foreign Books, 1337.

Fortification, Modern, 1259. Frazer, Letters of Sir Augustus Simen, 492. Friends in Council, Second Series, 1109. Froebel's (Julius) Seven Years' Travel in Oral America, ff.c., 767. Garibaldi (General) Life of, written by him- self, 860. Gosse's Letters from Alabama, 907.

Grattan's (Colley) Civilized America, 114. Guizot's Memoirs, 323. Guthrie's (Dr.) Discourses on "Inheritance," 28.

Hall's (31r. and Mrs. S. C.) Book of the Thames, 191.

Hinds Philosophy, 1239.

Hongkong to Manilla, 419. Hooper (George), the Italian Campaigns of General Bonaparte, 741. Roadie's (Robert) Memoirs, 589. Howitt's (Mary) History of the United States, 391.

Hume (John Deacon), Badham's Life of, 192. Idylls of the King, (Tennyson's), 784. Italy since 1815, 663.

Ireland, a little Tour in, 935.

Julius throw, the Landing of, 1132.

Jerrold (Douglas), Life of, 48. Jervis's Our Engines of War ; the Rifle Mus- ket, 884. Jew's (a) Visit to the Holy Land, 365. Kane's Wanderings amongst the Indians of North America, 269. Kean (Charles), The Life and Theatrical Times of, 830.

Keightley's Milton, 1004. Kelly's (Waiter K.) Proverbs of all Nations, 933.

King's (Rev. S. W.) Pennine Alps, 293. Lamartine (Alphonse de) Mary Stuart, 718. Lane's Arabian Night's, 249. Lawrence (Sir Henry), the Essays of, 1234. Liebig's Letters on Modem Agriculture, 445. Mackay's American Tour, 613.

Maddyn's Chiefs of Parties, 413. Majendie's (Lieutenant) Up Among the Pan- dies, 838.

Man of Fortune, 493. Man and his Dwelling Place, 934. Martinean's (Miss) England and her Soldiers, 590.

Maeson's British Novelists and their Styles, 766.

Medley's (Capt.)Year's Campaigning in India, 26, Mental Philosophy in Germany, 1281. Mereweather's (Mr.) Diary of a Working Clergyman in Tasmania and Australia, 469. Michiels's (Alfred) Secret History of the Austrian Government, 936. Mill (5. S.) on Liberty, 199. Dissertations and DiSCIISSIODR, 1107. Morgan's (Lady) Passages from My Autobio- graphy, 125.

Murray's Handbook of India, 292. Murray. (Mrs. Elizahdh), Sixteen Years of an-lan- ist's Life in Morocco, ete, 893. Naval Position and Policy, our, by a Naval Peer, 648. Newman (Dr.) on University Subjects, 542. New Novsra.--Ghost Stories, 74; Foster Bro. thers--Winter Evenings, 75; Right or Wrong, 105; The Vermoys-Alfred Staun- ton, 106; the Bertraxns, 324; Gilbert Mid • hurst, M.P.-Poplar House Academy, 329; Life's Foreshadowings-a Tale for the Pharisees, 972; Last of the Cavaliers, 419 ; The Dean, 490; False and True, 421; Re- collections of Geoffrey Haralyn-Love me Little, Love me Long, 117; Woodleigh- The Broad Arrow, 518; Confidences, 670; The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, 717 • the Lees of Blebdon Ball - Miriem Copley, 718; Through the Shadows, 740; The Semi- detached House-A Life for a Life, 814; liaised to the Peerage-Almost a Heroine, 983; An Anti--Puseyite Novel, 1085; Mr. and Mrs. Ashebth-Bentley Priory, 1169; Misrepresentatioe - Cousin Stella - The

Dennes of Daundelyon,1189; Againat Wind and Tide, 1136; Now or Never-The Morn- ing of ISfe, 1837; Seven Years-Narrsgan- sett, or the Plantations, 1262, Orleans, Memoir of the Duchess of, 347. Osborn's Palestine, Past and Present, 213. Osborn's (Captain) Cruise in Japanese Waters, 883.

Page's (Commander) La Plata, 216.

Pascal (Maise), 1166.

Philippine Islands,China, and Morocco, 1310. Poetry-Lyrics of Life-Pastoral and other Poents,741 ; Idylls of the King,764 ; Poems by Miss Muloch, 1311. Porter's (Major) History of the Hospitallers or Knights of Malta, 117.

Prescott's Philip the Second, 25.

Pyrroft's ('• Iles. James) Twenty Years in the Chu .8112.

Quakerism, .3ecline of, 1160.

Ramsay's (Professor) Reminiscences of Scot. tish Life, ttc., 8.37.

Rawlinson's Hampton Lectures, 1283. Realities of Paris Life, 958. Reynold's Beginning of the Divine Life, 812. Riley's Guildhall Libor Albus, 268. Robertson's Becket, 1333.

Robinson (Dr.) on the Prevention and Treat- ment of Mental Disorder., 492.

Rogers (Samuel), Itecollectiens by, 649. Rowell's Essay on the Cause of Rain ,tess, 650. Rose's Diaries and Correspondence, 1282. Rubens, Unpublished Papers relating to, 444. Ruskin's Two Paths, 584.

Russell's (Lord J.) Life of Fox, 291.

Palleske's Life of, 1166.

Shakespeare, Two Expositor's of, 1061. Shelley's (Lady) Shelley Memorials. 813. Sick Man of the Bosphorus, the, 1060. Stanley's (Canon) Sermons, 348. Stapleton's (Augustus Granville) George Can- ning and his Times, 891.

Stowe's (Mrs. Beecher) Minister's Wooing, 1038.

Symons (J. C.) William Burke the Author of Junius, 848.

Taylor (Bayard) in Greece and Crete, 1005. Ten Years of Preacher-Life, 1040, Tennant's Ceylon,1083 ; (Second Not ice,)1110. Theology, Controversial, 1187.

Trollope's (A.) Italian Women 370; Trol

lope's Tuscany in 1849 and Women, 1839, 985; Trollope's West Indies and the Spanish Main, 1166.

Tronson's Voyage of the Barracouta to Japan, dc., 885.

Trench's (Dean) Select Glossary of English Words, &c., 669.

Universal Review, the, 268. Unprotected Females in Sicily and Calabria, 50.

Vandyck's Nuggets from the Oldest Diggings, 962.

Vaughan's (Dr.) Revolutions in English His- tory, 883.

Walpole's Reign of George the Third, 158, Wellington Despatches, Supplementary, 541. Wenkstem's (Otto) War in Hungary, 1039. "White.; (Walter) Northumberland and the Border, 812.

Wilson (James) of Woodville, 566. Williams's (the Rev. E. A.) the Cruise of the Pearl round the World, 907.

Williams's (W. Mattieu) Through Norway with a Knapsack, 930.

Wood's Fankwel, 348.

Wraxall's Armies of the Great Powers, 948. Wright's (Thomas) Guide to the Ruins Uricoulum at Wroxeter, 863.


Adam Bede, 194. Adams's Twelve Founda- tions, 31. Admiralty Manual of Scientific Inquiry, 651. Almsoacks, 31. Almost a Iferoine, 959, America, Seven Years Tra- vel in Central, 719. Antonio de Dosulnis, 613. Antiquities, (Scottish) Catalogue of, 813. Archeology of Berkshire, 1237. 'Ana-- trian Goveruntent, Secret History of the, 861.

BMWS Emotions, 3118. Bayne's Essays, 211. Beauty. 615. Becket, Life and Mortyr...sa of St. Thomas, 671. Becton's Metiers*, 417. Bennett's Songs, 31. Bennett's CPO Physiology,76, Ithanavar,76. Bitter Sw1apt 161. Bonaparte (General), The Italian Campaigns or, 719. llohr'a Books, 195, 295. liudibras, 494: Petrarch, 719; Pori]; and Its Environs, 811; The Young Lady's Book, 815; Relies of Father Prout, 1262. Books for the Young, 959, 1135, 1284. Bray's Poetical Remains, 671. British Novelists and their Styles, by Professor Masson, 7i. Brialmont's Life of Wellington, coselu4lssg volumes of, 1338. Ilan (Dr.), The Sdnie Denied and Lod, 788. British Catalogue of Books, 471. Broughton's (Lord) Italy. 126. Buchanan's Poems, 182. Bunsen's Egypt, 161. Buried Titan, 373. Bums, 251, 270. Burke, the Author of Junius, 851. Metella, 1109. Campbell on Shake- speare's I.egal Acquirements, 126. Cassell's Natural Ilidory, 290; Bible, 447. Cardin the Hills. 194. Canning (George)641d his Times, 631. Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, 864, Civil Service, Guide to the, 984. ChadwickIe Defoe, 9118. Chan, hers's Encyclopedia, 399. Chiefs Dough ter, 494. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 80. Christianity in China, 107. Clerical }..)zr lough, 330. Combat of the Thirty, .1%2. Comets, 251. Communing., 447,- Congress, Dictionary of, 294. Constitetional Pr 399. Corkran's History- of England, 1 Commercial Cris* in 1857-68, 1262.

ter's Poems, "M. CrOkCr'S Boswell, 291. Curtis's &Wad and College History of 161(g. land, irgo. phleal Science, 519. General History for the Use of Schools, Manual of, 1131. Glan- ces or the Wonders of the Shore, 959. Glosarlal Index (Herbert Culeridge%), 696. Gosee's Letters from Alabama, 888. Great Britain, Colonial Administration of, 871. GuideBooks—Black's Scotiand—Longrean's Practical Guide for Italy, 651. Hakluyt Society's Early Voyage to Australia, 1189; Expeditions into the Valley of Aran • zone, 1189. Hand Shadows, 107. Hare on Election,,, 161. .Healing Art, 107, Healthy Skin, 374, Henry St. John, Gentleman, 983. Here and There in London 251. Hioyer's Horses, 370. Hints for the Table, 30. Hellingshead's Under Bow Bells, 1085. liomceopathic Hand - book, 374. Horse Poeticm, 349. Hospital Practice, 251. Hunt on Voice, 51. Homely Rhymes, 107. Idylls of the Ring, 743, Iliad, 291. India- ?decreer's Essay, 161; Ludlow's Thoughts, 214; The English in, 699. Ishmael, 519. Italy, 543. Italian Corps (the), 815. Italian War of 58-9, 884. Italy, the Story of, 864. Jackson's Address, 76. James's Naval His- tory, 518. Joan of Arc, 447. Jones's Essays, 250. Julian Home, 1139.

Roan's (Charles) Life and Theatrical Times of, 815. Keightley's Life, Opinions' Writ- ings, and Poems of Milton, 910. Kelly 's Railway Guide, 52. Kingsley's Miscella- nies, 1111. Kltfard, 447. Kitchl-Garni ; Wanderings round Lake Superior, 1313. Lang% Wanderings in India, 790, Lardiser's Chemistry, 76. Latin Reader, 349, Law Review, 251, 349. Liberty 3609, 3339. Little Tour in Ireland, 910, Leering, 76. Letters from the Highlands, 398, Liebig's Letters, 421. Life and Books, 52. Life in Tuscany, .421, Lines for the Gentle, 162, Literary Year Book, 161, Liverpool, 374, Local Etymology, 330, Locomotive Engine, 126. Lover's Metrical Tales, 1213.

Macdonald's Narrative, 421. Maciesn's Book- keeping, 422. Maddyn's Chiefs of Parties, 421, Majendle's Up Among the Pandies, 790. Magazin de Librairie, 31. Maps, 195, 214, 330, 874, 507, 591. Manchester Flora, the, 1190. Martin's Indian Mutiny, 76, Martineau's Endowed Schools of Ireland, 75. Martineau's (Miss) England and her Soldiers, 643. Martyrs of Lyons, 270. Mm' soy's Poems, 251. Manrice's (Rev. F. D.' What is Revelation 5611, Meredith's Wan. derer,194. Military Topics, by Sir J. Bur- goyne, 694. Moral Emblems, by Jacob Cats,

--r 1313. Morphy (Paul) The Chess Champion, 743. Microscope, 161, Mind, Lemons on, 30. Mineralogy, Ancient, 671. Miser Lord, 422. Morgan (Lady), the Friends, Foes, and Ad- ventures of, 959. Moore's Works, 374. Mothers of Great Men, 518. Much in Little, 349. My Third Book,984. National Cycle- pxdia, 671. Navy Discipline, 330, New Zealand, The Years' Residence in, 671.

' New Zealand, the Story of, 1262. North- umberland and the Border, 743, Motley's Poems, 270. Novusn Tesiamentum, 494 Nuggets from the Oldest Diggings, 889. Oceola, 181. Opportunities for Industry, 349. Osborn's (Captain Shemrd) Cruise in Ja- panese Waters, 839, Our Brothers and Cousins, 194; Farm of Four Acres, 471, Our Naval Position' 018, Oxford Exami- nation Papers, 161, Oxfosd'31tueum, 422. Parkin on Disease, 270. Penn— Maeaulay's Charges, 51. Periodicals, 422, 519. Per- son° of a Tone, 47L Physiology of Common

52. Poems, 162, 194, 214, 471. Pow- ...a s L)rder of Nature, 615. Prayers for So- cial Worship, 349. Prince Named, 373. Prince of the Home of David, 284. Prince's Journal, 294. Private Bill Legislation, 294. Proverbs of all Nitrions, 888. Publicatious Received, 75, 106, 160, 194, 214, 250, 329, 691. Pycroft's Twenty Years in the Church, 109. Pylgremage of the Bowie, The Book of the, 1042.

1Leade's Love me Little, 421. Realities of Paris Life, 935. Reformers of England, $49. Revelations, 447. Revolutions in English History, 694. Reynard the Fox, IA.,' " Reynolds's Notes on Pictures, 127. Riffi,, the, Colonel Wilford's Three Lectures on, 1237. Rights and Wrongs ; a Manual of Household Law, 1338. Romance of the Ranks, 519. Round about the Sofa, 230. ,Rontledge's Natural History, 349. Ruth:, 422.

Saekeille's Works, 107, School Books, 194, 471, Sermons, 76, 270. Scottish Annual, 250, Scottish Eceleshuffical and Civil A.ffairs (History of), 888. Scott's Poems, 294. Scripture Versions, 3L Sermons, 494. Servant's Behaviour Book, 447, Sela's Twice Round the Clock, 1063. Science In Theology, 1237. Shakespeare, New Exegesis of, 981. Shelley Memorials, 788. Shot-Gun and Sporting Rifle, 910. Since on Debility, 270. Songs for the Suffer- ing, 373. Soul and the Future Life, 127, Southern Lights and Shadows, 75. Sparks from a Locomotive, 910. Spell-Bound, 349. Speaker (the) at Home, 1042. Student's Name, 194. Surgery, Manual of Operative, 1176. Sword and Gown, 1085.

Tale. 127, 251, 349. Taylor's (Bayard) Tra- vel; in Greece and Russia, 983; At Home and Abrosd,1213. Terramoto, 107. Theology celogists, 471. Through Norway with , 933. Tobacco : its History and s, 743. T0011106'01 Dental Sur- E, 374. Tour in Dalmatia, 519. Trot 's (Anthony) Tuscany in 1848 and in , 910. Tronson's 'Voyage of the Bonn. loots, SM.. Trnbner's Guide to American Literature; 161. Truman's Poems, 52. Tyl Owlgiaas, 1111.

'Under Government, 954. Unica, 194, Victoria, 447. Virgil, 251. Volume of Smoke, 417.

Walpole's Last Journals, 126. Wars of the Ames. 52, Wedgewood's Dictionary of Eng- lish Etymology, 1262, Whately's Paley, 594. Whelk the Snow Falls, 1190, White Hands, 330. White's History of France, 104. Why :Should we Learn ? 270. Whyte's Dante, 31. Williams's Original Papers, 421. Williams's (Rev. Mr.) Crete° of the Pearl, 861. Wilkins's Progressive Greek Delectus. 1007, Wornum% Painting, 214, Wright% Homer, 31.

...ressisar News-652' 472, 695, 719, 743, 768, 701, 815, 839, 864, 888, 910, 933, 959, 984, 1007,1042, 2063, 1086, 1112, 1138, 1170, 1190, , 1238, 1263, 103, 1313,1139, Overarms st. Tty LEIGH IIVNT. No. I. :reduction, 711 No, II. Commemoration Rums, 101 ; X•So. III. A Scottish Episco- Minister, Poor and Contented, 122; Ir. Birthi of the Queen's Grandson. 157; V. The P: nch Emperor's Moustache, No VI - ew and Strange Calamity,

237; No. VII. Pocrio and his Companions, 317; No. VIII. The late Mr. Pickering the Bookseller, 395; No. IX. An Involuntary Absentee, 940; No. X. The late King of Naples, 601; No. Xl. The Nickname of the late King of Naples MR' No. 1UI. The late Mr. Oilier, 610; No. XIII. Young Old Statesmen, 719; No. XIV. Young Old Statesmen ;concluded), 787; No. XV, A Word or Two respecting the Shelley ?de- murrals, 814; No. XVI. Corrections of the Preceding Occarimal,859 ; Leigh Hent,905.

Paris in 1939—Notes for Visitors. Nos. I. and 11. Quarter of the Madeleine and Maumee d'Aatin, 236, 312,


Adelphi—Tartuffe, 91 ; Mrs. Forbes, 91; Bor- gia Ring, 117; Ici on parte Francais, 819; The Ride Volunteers, 640; The Rouse? or the Home? 695; The Babes in the Wood, 744; An Old Offender, 791; One Touch of Nature, 839; Love and Hunger, 1008; A Bow on the premises, 1137; The Dead Heart—Dinorall under Difficulties, 1137. Aldridge's Russian Testimonials, 319. Christmas Pieces, 12, 1339.

Constantinople Theatre, 118, Easter Pieces, 472.

Gossip, 319, 350, 769, 840, 888.

Haymarket—The World and the Stage, 319, Everybody's Friend, 399; Electra, 472 ; The Election, 672; The Ride, and how to use it, 985; The Late Lamented, 1214.

Kean Testimonial, 616.

Lyceum—Marion de Lorme, 42; a Sister's Sacrifice, 91; Last Hope, 288; Leprechaun, 263; Francesca, 579; Paris and Pleasure, 2239; The Key under the Door-Mat, 1263. Olympic—Nine PoLuts of the Law, ; Re- tained for the Defence, 547; Payable on Demand, 743; a Husband to Order, 108e; The Head of the Family, 1191; A Base Im- postor, 1239,

Parisian Theatricals, 42, 72, 176, 206, =3, 423, 472, 495, 519, 544, 367 ; C,endeillon, 12; Mau- rice de Saxe, 144; Madame Guyon, 209; Reyes d'Amour—L'Outrage—La Fee Cara- bosse, 203; Iffirculaneum—Un Beau 31a- riage, 187; Le Maitre d'Ecole, 315; Par- don de Pioermel, 400, 423; Marguerite de Saint Gemme, 494; Une Prenve

502; Be Vieux Celibataire — La Veille de Marengo, 941; La Tie de Boberue— Le Baron de Fourcherif—Le Banquet des Bar- batten, 671; Le Phillnte de Mature, 606; Rosalinde —La Voie Sacree, 720; RIsette —Be Brigadier Feuerstein, 865 ; Les Pirates de la Beeline, 865; Les Chevaliers dol'inces- Nez—Lhi-Cri, 888; Un Ange de,Charite, 936; Paris hors Paris—Un Portrait de Maitre— Noblesse Oblige, 937; La Jeunesse de Louis Ooze—Las Turlututaines de Fran- gorse—Les Meli Melo de la Rue Meslay, 960; Les Compagnons de la Truett°, 1009; La Pagode—Les Petits Violons da Roi, —Le Testament de Cesar Girodot, 1029; Un Petit I'lls de Masearillo—Les Projets de ma Tante—Une Mlle de Voltaire, 1087; Las Dettes du Cceur—Le Rol de Boheme, et ses Sept Châteaux, 1112; Le Passe dune Femme, 1137; Le Due Job—Le Savetier de Quineampoix.— 1191 ; Les Hommes Ner- yen:, 1191; Le Pere Prodigue—Yvonne —Les PetitesMains—L'Amour—La Fill° de Trento Asia—Don Gregorio, 1303, Princess's Theatre—Hamlet, 71; Louis XI., 144; Henry V., 360, 375; If the Cup lite, 640; the Wife's Secret, 818; Clone of Mr. Roan's Management, 912; Reopening wi- der Harris—Ivy Hall—Love and Fortune, 1008; Puss, 1112; The Master Passion, or the Outlaws of the Adriatic, 1128; Raney Chickweed, 1101; Gossip, 1214; Home Truths, 1239.

Sadler',, Wells Theatre—The Fool's Revenge, 1086.

St. James's Theatre—French Plays, 491, 319 ; Reopening under Chatterton—Magie Top, 1028; The Widow's Wedding, 1028; Living for Appearances, 1157; The Swan and Ed- gar, 1111; The Chatterbox, 1229; The Houshold Fairy, 1310.

Strand—Vandyke Brown, 310; School for Coquettes, 720; The Lady of Lyons, 744; The Goose with the Golden Eggs, 936; The Great Russian Bear, 1028; Romeo and Juliet, 1197; Shameful Behaviour, 1339. Webster, Dinner to, 330.


Bois;Death of, 448.

Bradford Musical Festival, 888.

Concerts, 72, 263, 448, 520, 544, 710; Monday Popular, 233, 287, 375, 400, 8156; Gold- sclunidt's, 423.

Covent Garden—Royal Italian Opera—Pro- gramme, 263, 360; Opening, 400; Maria de Hoban, 423; La Gazza Laden, 472: Rigo- letto, 495; Grisi, 819; Pence, 44; Martha, 592; Mello, 662—Royal English Opera- Satanella, 144; close, 321; Reopening- Dinerah, 1029; Victorine, 1303, Crystal Palace—Beethoven, 375; Antigone, 823; Royal Italian Opera, 520; Annual De- moustration of the Metropolitan Schools, 652.

Drury Lane—Italian Opera programme, 319; opening, 472; Titiens, 495; Sarolta—Gea- ziani, 320; Don Giovanni, 568; Barbiere, 892; II Giuramento, 652; I Vespri Sidliani, 791, French Opera at St. James's Theatre, 12,42, 72,118, 144.

Handel Commemoration Festival, 319, 672, 696.

Harmonium, the, 320.

Home's Lecture, 177.

London Glee Union, 400, 568, Mendelssohn's Works in Paris, 91; Comme- moration, 145.

Musical Gossip, 118, 145, 177, 207, 233, 284, 287, 320, 351, 373, 448, 495, 544, 616, 652, 744, 769, 791, 817,840, 1087, 1113, 1137, 1137,1191, 1215, 1229,1264, Musical Publications—Moore's Sacred Songs, 77; Neukonun's Method for the Organ- Richard.s's Studies —Jewson's Etudes—Miss Dance's "Swallow," 91; Currie'a Musical Analysis, 142; New Pianoforte Music, 207; New Vocal Music, 233; Moore's Melodies— Seems, 204; Irish Melodies, 400; Henry's Pffinoforte—Rimbault's Opera Books—Bee- gee's Fantaisie, 448; We walk by Faith— Maidenhood, 449; Chappell's—Addison's- D'Aimaine's, 320; Boosey'.0peratic Album, 791; Boosey's Shilling Tutors, 201; Signor Campana'sFour Romances—Joseph Culkin's Vocal Compositions — Boosey's Mozart's Twelfth Mass—,Songs from Verdi's Balls di Maschera—Matiemoiselle Pores Be Ren- dezvous 792.

Musical Society of London, 91, 118, 207, 233, 375, 592.

Musical Pitch, 616, 1239.

Musical Union, 287, 400, 495.

New Philharmonic Concerts, 320, 520, 616. Opera, 207.

Paris Season 1"

Philharmonic Concerts, 495, 544, 591, 607.

Provincial Music Tours, 177. Purcell Club, 1491 Reunion des Arts, 320, Boger, Accident to, 817; Reappearance of, 1303.

Royal Academy, 351.

Royal Society of Female Musicians, 368.

St. Martin's Hall—Creation, 91.

Sacred Harmonic Society, 91, 371 Soeiete des Jeunes Artistes, 207.

Spohr's Festival Anthem, 1238.

Thompson, Miss, 43.

Tonle Sol-Fa Association, 960.

Verdi's" Macbeth," 448.

Vocal Association, 118, 176, 351, 588, 696


Art Publications, 108. Gazette des Beaux- Arts—Art Journal, 721.

Barnum on Money-getting and Humbug, 42. Baxter's Pictures, 150.

Bell's Guards' Memorial, 331.

Bmver's Panorama. 128.

British Artists, Society of, 375.

British Institution, 183, 617.

Canterbury Hail Pictures, 53.

Church's Heart of the Andes, 720.

Cockerel's Lecture, 106.

Cruikshank Republished, 31.

Doberty's Sculpture, 215.

Ecclesiastical Society Prizes, 108. Exeter College, Oxford, 100.

Female Artists, 215.

Foley's Caractacus, 1029, French Artists, 400.

Glasgow Art-Union, 1171.

Gossip, 53, 128, 183, 215, 239, 271, 295, 331,352, 376, 421, 449, 497, 520, 545, 569.

Institution of the Fine Arts, 351, King's College Soiree, 128.

Kinkel's Lecture, 130.

Laurence's Pictures, 1240.

Leslie, Death of, 520.

Libri Sale, 376.

Mantis "Pleasure " and "Sorrow," 817.

Murillos at Paris 108.

National Gallery Question, Settlement of, 183.

National Portrait Gallery, 42,293.

New National Gallery, 351, New Foreign Office, 215.

New Society of Painters in Ws:ter-Colours, 449.

Northwick's (Lord) Collection (Sale of), 840, 889.

Panorama of Canton, 295. Paton's (Noel) Home, 31.

Photographic Society, 52. Photographic En- graving, 960. Sun Painting in the Natural Colour., 1037.

Prints, 52, 150, 320.

Raphael Fresco, 183.

Roberts's Sketches in Spain, 1239.

Robinson's (Mr.) Lecture, 215.

Rogers and Sons' Wood Carving, 617, Royal Academy, 423, 473, 495, 314, 568, 392, 616.

Ruskin's Notes, 520.

Scott, Attacks on Mr. 0,230.

Smith's (A.) Chinese Museum, 352.

Society of Arts, 520.

South Kensington Museum, 351. Raphael ;old Michael Angelo (Studies by), 840.

Talking Fish, 535.

Turner and Vernon Galleries, the New, 295.

Ternet's Capture of the Malakoff, 108, Water Colour Society, 496.

Wedgwood, 183.

West End Exhibition, 1171.

Winter Cabinet Exhibition, 1191.


Aluminium, 176, Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 488. Askew's Jack, 206, Bailey's Instiurtaneom Razor-warmer, 632, Betjeranna's Chair, 231. Bookbinding, a Luxury of, 391. Blow-pipe, new, 807. Bronzes, 608.

Caraharicu'a New Types, 735. Camp Chairs, 783. Candle Shades 926. Carpets, 391. Castle's Patent Ventilating Corset, 633. Ceramic Statuary, 632, Chandelier,Patent Sliding, 807. Chess-board, the Statu Quo, 663. China, Minton's Modem Seems, 831. Chinese Food, 117., Coffee-roaster, 206. Cole's Lecture, 609. Collyer's material for Paper, 344. Copying Press, a new, 1206. Cork-cutting Machine, 901. Coventry Dis- pate, 534, Crace's Lecture on Art in Ma- nufactures, 173. Croquet, the Game of, 663. Candy's Store, 287,

Dauglish's Bread-making, 414. Day's Chess- board, 391. Dobson's Engraved Glass, 306, Douglas's Cooling Range, 434, Dowlais Iron Company, 366. Drawing-room Bil- liards, 461. Dress Novelties, 66; Gentle- men's, 262, Driving Bands, Caoutchouc, 1077. Dry Goods, 43.

Elliaon's Patent, 176. Evans's Beer-tap, 760. Exhibition of 1861, 66.

Falcony's Powder, 360. Fashions, 43,60. Fil- ter, Dr. Medleck's, 663. Food Prices in France, 42. Fraud in Manufacture, 51.1. Frauds in Experts, 116. Freeby's Patent Breech-loader, 662. Furniture, Novelties in 231,311.

Gas Stove, 392; Improvements, 462; Escape Indicator, 807; Gas Bath-boiler, 1077, Gen- tlemen's Dress, 236, 4138, 688. Geyalin's liedsteads,366; Horse-taming Nose-pincers, 878. Grocery trade, 42. Gold Chains, 583. (Sidney's Self-acting Fumigator, 926. Gib- bons'a Door-handles, 391. Glass Chande- liers, 488, Guideway- Agriculture, 231, Greatrex's New Fire Eacape, 1013. Guyot's Brace, 344,

Hancock's Washffig Machine, 263, Harri- son's Electrode, 90. Hart's Gas-burner, 90. Haughton's Paper Process, 144. Hayden's Patent Boiler, 878. Hazard's Chair, 144. Hobbs's Model Field Pieces, 928, 1171. Holland's New Rifle Primer, 602. Honey's Indurated Table Cutlery, 783. Howland's Improved Mangle, 735. Hurst'e Arabian Cement, 760.

Improvements, 66, 90, 200,131, 296, 312, 364, 512, 535, 557, 583, 808, 1077. India-rubber Vulcanite Apparatus, 855. Instantaneous Photography, 609.

Jackets, Self-expanding, 855. Joinery, nine's New Joint in, 975. Another New Joint, 1094.1101, 1206. Jones's Dyeing, 414. Enkla's Brush, 553. Kynaton's Life-hooks, 712.

Lace, Valenciennes and Maltese, Imitation of, 686. I.adies' Dresses 116. Lark e's Cover, 314. La rater's Brneket, 512. Leather

Yarns and 117. Loysel's Hydrostatic Percolator, 760, Lund's Inventions, 911. Lever Cork screw, 760. Lyon's Potato• slicer, Mc., 633.

Materials, new, for Dress, 736. Meadow's Veneering, 44. Medal's Show-rooms, 288. Medical Field-panniers, 976. Miller's Bread, 43. Miscellaneous, 144. Moore's Scissors and Scythe-Sharpener, 87e. Moseley's Pen, MI Muslin Embroidery, 686. Myers's Railway Break, 557.

Belt Needle Threader, 830. New Aerial Ship, 901. Newman's Atmospheric Clock, 976. Novelle's Locomotive, 133. Novelties for Window Curtains and Portieres, 366,

Ornamental Earthenware, 552 ; Glass, 606; Leather-work, 760.

Palmer's Chaff-cutter, 232 ; Stamping Ma- chine, 312. Paper Clip, 712, Paris Fashions, 143, 173, 205, 230, HI, 206, 311, 343, 366, 391, 414, 438,488, 511, 534, 557, 582, 608, 632,662. 686, 712, 734, 760, 782. Parkins's Writing- ease, 414. Photographic Ornamentation of Hardware, 686. Pictures, New Mode of Hanging, 632. Photographic Operating Chamber, Portable, 1077. Photographic Printing on Wood, 1882. Piesse's Fumiga- tion, 538. Poupard's Patent Safety Skid, 855. Premiums offered, 43. Progress of Photography, 232.

Remanufacture of Vulcanized Caontchoue. 557. Rites for Volunteers, 582, Rifle Dis- tance Gauge, 783. Robinson's Paper-hang- ing, 287.

Savory and Moore's Bottles, 231. Scott's New Economical Steam Generator, 1101. Sewing Machine, 206, 1182. Shawl Trade, 66. Simpson's Portable Freezing Vase, 633, 760. Smith's Mangle, 206. Smokeless Grate, 90, Spectacles, 976. Societe of Arts, 461. South Remington Museum—Models, 117; Chinese Art, 609. State of Trade, 143, 175, 205, 230, 162, 286, 311, 343, 38y, 413, 562, Stewart's Hopper, 344, Strikes, 117. Stoneware, 783. Szerelmey's Inventions, 14.4, Thomas's Double-bottom Horse-shoe, 735.

Toalmin's productions, 414. Trimming Trade, 43. Tucker's Mattress, 583. Turner's Patent Tents, 1171. Twining's Museum, 176.

Umbrella, Lund's Durable, 1101. Upholstery, 08,

Vegetable Parehment,117. Veneer l'sinting, 1043. Volunteer -Uniform, 488.

Watkins's Patent Revolving Candle Dipping Machine, 735. Waverley Ink, 66, 176, Wedg- wood Ware, 366, Zahn's Machine, 438,


Aborigines of British Guiana, by C. II. Streit, 1081.

A Day on Parnassus, 538.

Adulteration of Public Opinion, by C , 239. Appeal in Criminal Cases, by a Leicestershire Magistrate, 980.

Advantages of Steam Power in the Cultiva- tion of Sugar and Cotton, by B., 1025. Austria to Blame, by J. J. M., 583.

British Legion, a by W. B. C., 150 ; British Army in the Stocks, the, by a Soldier, 764. British Guiana—a Cotton and 0offee Field, by C. H. Strutt, 1258.

Builders' Strike, by William Stevens, 906, 827, 1059.

Bright's Budget (Mr.), by James Jackson, 1277.

Charitable Suggestion, a, by J. B. L., 788. Christianity and Panties, by J.. .5.36., 18. Civil Service, Entrance to the, by W. Meade, 3193, Construction of Ships, by J. .5.36,, 1108. Cotton in Jamaica, by OS. 31., 878; Cotton Prospects in the West Indies, by C. H. Strutt, 000; Cotton in America and the West Indies, by It„ 927; Cotton Trade in Bengal, the, by a " Talookdar," 1051; Cot- ton Field, Jamaica ass, by B., 1206; Cot- ton Supply, by B., 1304.

Covered Warrants, the, by an Old Sufferer, 95. Drinking Fountains—a Plea for Animals. by a Thirsty Dog, 442.

Economy of Bloodshed, by J. J. M., 633. Employment for Women, by O. R. L., 1504. England and Italy, by Wegt Countryman, 906. Enlistment of Soldiers, by W. B. C., 96. Extension of the Suffrage, by W. B. C., 239. First-State Men in Second-Rate Places, by J. J. 31., 414 ; First Class Men, by F. D.,442. Gentlemen Students in Art, by Henry, 414. Grand Juries as a Political Safeguard, by Jurist, 396.

Hapsburghs and the Sidonias, by T. IL Web sdteias rn' 009for In Home Service, by Hussar, 533 ; Indian Council in England, an, by Z., 1107; Indian Native Army, by a Non-Commis- sioned Officer serving in India, 1107; In- dian Army, Reduction of the, by a Veteran, 1505.

Investment of Small Savings, by A. W. 'W., 512; by G. W., 594.

Land and Sea Militia, by W. B. C., 19.

Lords Stanley and Chandos at Manchester, by B., 1127.

Machinery and Shortened Labour Hours, by J. J. 31 , 1082.

Mr. MorrisMoore, 716.

Moon's Axial Motion, the, by E. Hill, 1303; Another Letter, by A. H., 1304; Moon's Rotation, the, by T. W. W., 1328.

National Defences, Our, by a Militia Field (9ffi- cer, 19; by Thomas Hodgkinson, 118. New Cabinet, by a Politician, 583, Northumberland Burr, the, by logo-Critics, 850; by A. M. 878.

Officers, a School for, by a Young Officer, 584.

Practical Benefits of Parliamentary Reform, by R. L. J., 609.

Record Office, Efficiency of the, by H., 1028. Recruiting, by a Veteran. 955.

Reform Crisis, a Word on the, by a Remote Observer, 317.

Revivals, by a Cornishman, 1207.

Russet, France, and Germany, by S., 739. Savings Banks, Reform in, by a Magistrate the County of Somerset, 558.

" Ship Iron," by B. B., 1183.

Sham Representation of Majorities: Elect(r Impostures, by C., 588.

Soldier's Invitation, a, bv to Non-Comm. sioned Officer serving in India, 583. Steam Ploughing and Drainage in the Indies, by B., 1082.

Suffrage, the, by J. C. Symons, 206. 'University Representation, by A 491.

West Indies, Labour in the, by 6


What Italy Asks, by 1)., 344. Wilmot's ;Sir E.) Amended P' E. Eardley Wilmot, 462.