1 JANUARY 1876, Page 9

,Press law of a very stringent Character has been passed

by large majorities, the worst featnre of which is that it takes away the jury, which was the only restriction on oppressive convictions. and puts the power of convicting of a Press offence into the hands of the " Correctional Tribunals," which always decide for authority and against liberty. It is said in France that even the Empire would never have ventured to establish such a Press law, but that a restored Empire, if the Empire be restored, will now plead Republican authority for its Draconic stringency. The worst - feature of the discussion was that even the Liberals seemed to - think but little of the great question they were discussing, while they thought much of the personalities of recrimination. And yet, in spite of this oppressive Press law, Lyons, 11 and Versailles are still to be kept in a state of siege. The majority against raising the state of siege universally was 48,-377 against 329.