1 JANUARY 1887, Page 34

Bosworth's Clerical Guide, 1887. (Hamilton and Adams.)—This is the second

annual issue of the publication which took the place of the Clerical Directory, for several years issued by the same house. It is a neatly printed volume, containing the usual information found in suoh books, i.e., a list of the clergy, with degree, dates of ordination (in most cases), cure or occupation (where any is held or followed); list of benefices, local situation of benefice (a new feature), with income, population, &o. ; cathedral establishments ; House of Convocation, &c. Another new feature of interest is the dedication of the church, where this can be ascertained. The volume contains a thousand excellently printed pages, at a very moderate price.—We have also to notice the British Almanac (Stationers' Company), which, as bound in one volume with the Companion to the Almanac, supplies a most useful compendium of necessary information. It is a sort of yearly record, an epitome of recent history, and does not lose its value when its purpose as an almanac is fulfilled. This is the sixtieth year of its publication. We wish it prosperity and permanence. —The Clergyman's Almanac, 1887 (same Publishers), is a handy volume of which we have already more than once spoken in praise.