1 JANUARY 1910, Page 10

Nor do we think it an unreasonable request that Mr.

Balfour should make such a declaration. It is to be remem- bered that he has now one of the rare opportunities of statesmanship,—not of gaining a mere party success, but of saving the country from conquest by its revolutionary elements. He can, if he will, turn many who are not against him into the state of being heartily with him. But in any ease, the issue for us does not in the least depend on Mr. Balfour's statesmanship. We have no doubt whatever that much the greatest evil of all those which are at present in prospect would be the return of the present Government to power. They must be kept out at all costs. Tariff Reform can be dealt with when it becomes the immediate danger. Its difficulties are increasing daily, and we do not believe that in the end the country will accept such a nostrum. After all, great sums of money will have to be raised, and, for our part, we cannot imagine that either Protection or Preference will successfully raise them.