1 JANUARY 1910, Page 25


[TO THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,—To those who have long appreciated and admired the moral and religious tone of the Spectator, it is not a little disconcerting to read in the last issue your commendation of Mr. Robert Blatchford. You have recently condemned in scathing terms the writers of poisonous literature. But what could be more noxious than Mr. Blatchford's blasphemous and disgusting book entitled " God and My Neighbour"? As a minister of the Gospel for several years in an industrial community on the banks of the Clyde, I am in a position to affirm that the evil caused by that book, and by Mr. Blatch- ford's weekly articles in the Clarion, is incalculable and United Free Church Manse, South Leith.

[Does our correspondent hold that it is our duty to condemn that with which we agree because it has been written by the author of books which we detest cordially ? If he does, he renounces all the standards of judgment laid down by the Founder of the religion which we both profess.—ED. Spectator.]