1 JANUARY 1910, Page 26


[To THE EDITOR Or THZ " SPECTATOH.1 Sra,—At the present time staunch Conservatives and Liberal Unionists who happen to be Free-traders are in a peculiarly difficult position, and I should like to call the attention of all the Unionist Free-traders residing in the Kensington district to the Association of which I act as secretary. It is time that all Free- traders should join together; and whichever issue they consider the most important at the Election, it would be well to come to a united decision so that the influence of the Free-trade vote can make itself appreciated. I shall be very pleased to give any inquirers full particulars of the Association. The subscription is

the nominal sum of 2s. am, Sir, &c., G. D. LYNCH, Hon. See.

48 Kelfield Gardens, St. Quintin Park, W.