1 JANUARY 1916, Page 10

The German-inspired rebels in Persia have received another blow .from

the Russians. Two Russian columns_ converged on a point held.by Emir Khishmet, twenty-five miles south-west of -Teheran, and routed the .enemy: The Persian Cabinet has fallen, and Frince.Firman .Firma, who is strongly favourable.to the Allies, has been appointed .Premier.. A Reuter , message says that the German Minister .in Prince Reuss,tas departed, though no one knows .whitker,,and that Dr. Valise has succeeded .him. " Whatever Dr, Naasel finayta 48, we presume, the Pr. -Vessel who was -formerly ,German-r;cso;,..! n Morocco—he could not be a. _worse intriguer than Princit It 'was zPrince -Reuss mho -organized the rebellion and (induced -43h° .gendarmerie in...theintereats of ,Germany, Later

mown gays that the Russians in their advance have reached a point half-way between Teheran and Ispaban.