1 JANUARY 1916, Page 21


SIE,—As an officer of the C.L.N.G.V. helping to pass our men on from Victoria to other great termini when they come home on leave, I can say that the blessing of the prohibited hours at present in force helps enormously to pass the men to their homes without the temptation to drop in at the " public "—often to lose their leave. If only the Trade Unions, some of whom are shouting to have the restriction removed, would realize what a good thing it is to our men and what a help it is to those endeavouring to help our men, they would be less selfish in the desire to drink in prohibited hours. I am much in favour of your " Down Glasses " policy. I only wish you would draw attention to the benefit to the troops returning from the front that this latest Order has been.—I am, Sir, &c.,


Adjt. lit Batt. C.L.N.O.V.

Penn Court, 51 Cromwell Road, S.W.