1 JANUARY 1921, Page 11

The Prime Minister, speaking later in the debate, discussed the

situation in the Near East. He said that the Allies were not ptepared to negotiate with Mustapha Kemal, the Turkish insurgent leader. It was possible that Mustapha Kemal might come to terms with the Turkish Government, and then we could discuss matters with the true representatives of Turkey. Mr. Lloyd George emphasized the folly of tearing up the Treaty of Sevres, which was carefully considered and which " was based on principles of policy which were vital to the British Empire." To throw over Greece and restore Smyrna to the Turks would be a betrayal for thirty pieces of silver—which we should not get. It would, we may add, be a crime to make the Asiatic Greeks suffer for the sins of ex-King Constantine. Every one knows that the restoration of Turkish rule in Smyrna would be followed by a wholesale massacre of the Greek population.