1 JANUARY 1937, Page 24

General Knowledge

[This contribution has been awarded the prize of 12 2s. offered for the best set of answers, in not more than 50 lines of rhymed verse, to the contribution under the same heading published in " The Spectator " of December 25th. The entries of the Rev. Dr. A. P. Sym and Mr. G. C. B. Cotterell are commended.— En. The Spectator.]

THrefleet Achilles Hector dragged Around the walls of Troy.

One bean less than five makes four—

Ask any Sixth Form boy.

The Poles have kept the Corridor Because the Huns lack polish, But equal pressure from Berlin Will quickly them demolish.

Why I so bar a Persian faith I really can't divine. An Abyssinian, an abyss, A never-secant line.

An ancient man from Germany, The cube root's —1 ; The other two aren't really real— Just algebraic fun.

The dative case of IA supplies The genitive of &rt.

Nine million souls live in Assam.

The Deuce ! he must be potty..

I'm bunkered if I carry coals.

Of Cain who shall be Judges ?

Bucks are Thame when found in Beds, But Oxon never budges. .

The field game is the ideal match For Agar's plough and Harrow,

But never shall the round be squared—

The reason's given by Barrow.

For 23 a Yule-tide log ('an quickly be extracted. Titus Oates a Baptist was

But Rome his faith exacted.

In Ep- or Ein- or Gertrude Stein Who dares to sec a lack ? In Arctic lands a kettle boils When called by pot a black.

As Pin to Pan, so Yin to Yan, The Irish trouble's whisky, More Popes were Innocent than Pius, The South Sea was too frisky.

The belicons' sole rivals are A grove of orange trees. Poet and prophet lived B.c. The egg will never please.

The axolotl's like a frog.

" B. Wooster " say the schools. From pole to pole (but Poles apart) 'Tis entropy that, rules ; No matter,_ never- mind, for.men Are generally fools.

"von TitoliAS.