1 JANUARY 1954, Page 39


IA Book token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, January 12th, addressed Crossword,

99 Gower Street, London, Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle. Solutions must be on the bent below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.I


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I. Honey mixed with wine, but it's poisonous. (7.)

5. "New Foes with an Old Face," It might have been. (7.)

9. A sterile sort of weapon. (7.) 10. Anne goes back to part of France, or is it Italy 7 (7.)

L. They have all the beginnings of a strike. (10.) 12, D'IT ken this fashion in feathers 7 (4.)

13. Untruth,-say it with flowers. (3.)

14. The official who doesn't burn the bread '1 (5, 6.)

17. Squares made in disguises. (11.) 19. Sec 20. (3.)

20. Stand-in for the knight in the case of 19. (4.) 22. Miss Penn ? (4. 6.)

26. The star performer looks forbidding. (7.) 27. She mixes the crop, Sir. (7.) 28, Novel armament behind the curtain. it seems. (7.) All rust (army.). (7.)


1. It sounds like a tall chimney among plants. (5.) 2. It's in a man (Snag.). (9.) 3. No bull's-eye for Scots architects. (7.) 4. Hark, a rooster embodies it. (5.) 5. He starved possibly, though it seems Paradoxical. (9,) 7. Fishy aspect of chapter ten. (5.) 8. The simian crossword. (9.) 13. Of this illumination there Is almost more than enough in the middle. (9.) 15. The business end of Tell's missile scores a near miss. (9.) 16. Mr. Tonans's production. (9.) 18. " Little - come about her eyes " (Yeats). (7.) 21. Giant and hunter of Boeotia. (5.) 23. A born friend and where. (5.) 24. No Sarah, as the Scot said with a burr. (5.) 25. The dog's is curative. (4.)