1 JANUARY 1983, Page 19

Only an alternative

Sir: How much we agree with Richard In- grains's comments on Hymns for Today's Church (4 December) which, together with the new Church liturgy, he describes as disastrous. One point, however, is that the new liturgy, in spite of what so many are in- ferring, is an alternative form only.

The basic liturgy in the Church of England is that contained in the Book of Common Prayer and it is the aim of this Society to ensure that it is not lost sight of nor forgotten. Apart from the beauty of language, there is also the underlying doc- trine which has been diluted and misconstrued in so much of the new alter- native services.

I trust that your readers who value our spiritual heritage, which is at stake, will not fail to support this Society by becoming members. All too often we are asked to step in and take action too late. A few members, or even an individual in a parish, can do much in helping the cause before decisions are taken which are later regretted.

R. J. R. Trefusis The Prayer Book Society, 40 Great Smith Street, London SW1