1 JULY 1837, Page 11


THOUGII much has been said in praise of the forms of the House of Commons, as insuring scrutiny of the measures passed, experi- ence proves that these forms are nugatory when it stuts the con- venience of Ministers and Metnbers to hurry thr -ugh the Parlia- mentary business. To give some idea of the rate at which legislation has been galloping in the House of Commons during the last few days, we copy from the Vote-paper of Monday and Ttietala, an account of the business transacted, exclusive of the Presentation of petitions, and the mere postponement of bills.

• The very cairn, we had almost said sobering tone of Sir WitatANt STOLES. WORTH'S excellent address to the Electors of Ltit.d., whirl, appears in our ad- tttiing columns, should confirm the Mornilli Post in his view of the state of Public reefing as to what is called Reform or Organic change.

Collier Dock and Surry Canal Bill-reported; further consideration of Report on Wednesday.

Leeds Waterworks Bill-Lords' Amendments agreed to.

Martin's Naturaliz ition Bill-reported, with A mend meuts:; Amendment agreed to.

Hartlepool Pier Bill-Lords' Amendments agreed to.

Dublin and Kilkenny Railway Bill-read at ; Clause added; Amendment made ; Bill passed.

Hind's Estat.. Bill-reported. without Amendment ; Report tnlie on the table Aelituti'. Estate Bill-read 2 1, and committed to Sir John 'Verde Bullet and the Devon List.

Clitheroe Grammar School Estate Bill-read 2d, and committed to Mr. Wilson Patten and the Lancaster List.

Edinburgh inol Glasgow R tilway 13111-Motion made and Question proposed, " That the Bill Ins now read the third time t"-Amendment proposed, to leave out the word " now," and at the end of the question, to add the words " upon this day three months :"-question put. " That the word ' now' stand part of the question :“-The House divided ; Ayes 80, Noes 57 :- Main question put, and agt col to : -Bill read 3d ; Amendineuts made ; Bill passed.

Stewart', Estate Bill-reported with Amendments; Amendments agreed to. Bloehairn Citital Bill-Report further considered [Priors Living been delivered on Thursday 15th Julie] ; Amendments iigteed to ; BM to be engrossed. Supply-Committee ; Charitable Institutions and Miscellaneous Services (Ire- land) ; and, Coninliiis 'riot Estimates prcsetited March], referred; Supply coosoiered in Committee

Sugar Duties Bill-read 24, and committed for this day.

C tttttt notation Art Amendment Bill-read 24, and committed for this day. Dublin Police Bill-read tid, and passed.

Parliament art Elect., s lid 1-reall 2.1, and committed for Wednesday. Metropolis Police O'dices Bill-ctursidered in Connuittee ; to be reported this day.

Malt Excise Acts-Resolution reported " That it is expedient to amend cer- tain Laws of Exeise relining to tie pUties in Alaltf Resolution agreed to: -It:11 ordered to be brought in by Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer and Mr. Baring.

Limitation of Actions 13iii-read 21, and committed for Vt'ettoesday.

Final Register if Electors Bill-Older for Second Reading read :-Motion made, and question put - " That t he Bill be now read a second time ;"- The liouse divided ; Ayes 29, Noes 4.

Bolton and Preston Railway 11111-Motion made, and question proposed, " That the Bill he now read the third time :"-.tiocuilment proposed, to leave

out the word " and at the eial tit* the question, to mid the words " upon this day three moot hs:"-Qaestion proposed, " That the wend now' stand part of the qiiestion :"- Antendmeut, by leave, withdrawn t-Main question put, tool agreed to :- Bill read ad, aud passed. :Martin's Norio aliz ohm Hi 1--read ad, mid posited.

Lord moon I is's Estate Bill-read 2d, and columitted to Mr. Flumptre and the Kent 1.i-t.

Belfast Hat hour (No. 2) Bill-Lords' Aniendments agreed to.

Cork and Passage Railway ( No. 2) Bill-Iteport 7th March] on Petition for Bill read ; another lidl ordered to be brought in by Ali. Callaghan and Mr. Hamilton.

Hint's Estate bill -read ;11 ; Amendments oracle ; Bill passed.

Cork and Passage 11 Id way 13111-" for mob ing a Railway from the City of Cork to the Town of Passage, ' p esented, and read 1st ; to be read 2.1 on Thursday. Blochairn Canal Bill-to be read 341 to. ttttt rrow

Adams's Estate Bill-read 211, and committed to Mr. Tooke and the Somerset

lLSteiivbat;t's Estate Bill-read 311, and passed. Alumina, Corporatimis I 1111--Reasons of the LOCtIS to be taken into considera- tion upon Thorsday_ and to be printed.

Deptford and Dover Railway Subscription List Committee-Second Report (Westminster Bridge and Greenwich Railway Subscript:mu List) brought up, and lead ; to lit till the table, toad to be printed.

Deptford and Dover Itailway Subscriptiou List Committee-Third Report ( South wa,k and I laiiiii,i-isted ila (City ) Subset iptiuu List) brought up, and read to lie on the table, and to be printed.

Queen's Answer to Address [22.1 Joisel,-reportell. London and Brighton Railw iy-Report preseired of the Military Engineer appointed in pursnatiee of an Address of the Ilotiae to his late Majesty, on the several Lines of Brighton Railway [Address 30th May) :-To be taken into tanorolri atom to- nowt ow ; and to be printed.

Forgery Bill -Report (indict. con-Meted ; Amendments agreed to, with Amendment.; Bill to be read 31 on Friday.

Offences against the Peismit Bill-Order for further consideration of Report read ; Bill recommitted cousidered in Coulson:re; to be reported to- morrow.

Robbety and Steil hug bolo the Pinson Bill -Ostler for further consideration of Report read lilt teconnuitte I; tonsithicil in Committee ; to be re- ported to- mot row.

Burglary and Ste dialiiia Dwelliaglintise Bill -Ortli.r for further cont.idera. foul of [timid re id; 11.11 recommitted ; rousidered in Committee, to be re- ported Cu- -row.

Piracy Itin-th der for further consideration of report t tail ; 13111 recom- mitted ; consid.lcd j, t'oitimittee ; to lie repoitol

Burning or Destroylog Winding+ mill Ships /tiler for further considera- tion of Idipint read ; lt 1 tecoloolitted ; considered in Committee; to be re- ported to- non row.

Transportation for Lice Bill-- Order (or Emitter consideration of Ileptirt read ,

Bill recommitted ; Ctollsidererl 11/ ('OMICI.IIC; to lie leported to nicrrow.

Punishment of 1) ia: it 1.111-0.det Ittt.i :ter l'.1!1.III 0; Report read ; Bill ; ems' ti led in Committee; Committee report progieas; to sit ag kin ii, Al.,t141.1y SlIZ.u. Duties Bill -- tionsideriol in Committee; to be reported to. morrow. VilIs 11i11,-considete4 iti Committee; to lie repnfted to irrotow. La-i.e AC', Stigar) -Con' i,;Vitai a. COltilnitn'e; 110,01OtiOn to br repot tell to mortow. Tithes tttt intit:ditst At Amendment 13;11 -cansidered in Committee; to be reported to. mot tore.

COr011eis highest. Eypenscs nill—ie Ainelidloelos made; Bill passed. Common L ov I wo tit Iiit1 -lead ; rte., Clauses add. II ; Amendments made; A itierillowrit peopm.ed it. pr. :3. I.:3.4, to It. Leo out the word " five," and the t• rim." :tire) put, " the word i1 iirtof Ott 13:11:" -lie- Housed vi led ; A■es, 39; North 17:- Other A te•tedments made; 13111 Issed. Coroners, ( Do r hain ) Bill-read 21. Mid committed for this day.

Treasurers of Counties (Ireland) Bill—read 2d, and cotninitted fur this day. Sheriffs Fees Bill—read 3d.

Poor Employment (Ireland) Bill—Second Reading put off for three months. Civil Bill Courts ( Ireland) Bill—read 2d, and commuted for this day. Metropolis Police Offices Bill—reported. First Fruits, Tenths, &c.—Bill for the Consolidation nf the Boards of First Fruits, Tenths, and Queen Anne's Bounty, ordered to be brought in by Mr. Gaily Knight and Lord Viscount Sandon. Courts in China—Bill to audio, ise the establishing a Court or Courts with Criminal and Admiralty and Civil Jurisdiction in China, ordered to be brought in by Lord Viscount Palmerston and Sir John Hobhouse.

Military Commissions--Bill to continue Military Commissions. and Commis- sions in the Royal Marines, in force, notwithstanding demise of the Crown, ordered to be brought in by Lord Viscount Howick and Mr. Baring. Militia Estimates— Select Committee appointed, " to repine Estimates of the Charge of the Disembodied Militia for a year, tithe 31st March 1838."

Letters Patent— Act (4 and 5 Will. 4. c. 941 read ; Bill fur betterenabling her Majesty to confer certain powers and immunities on Trading and other Com- panies, ordered to be brought in by Mr. Puulett Thomson and Mr. Attorney- General.

Dean and Chapter of Durham— Address for "Copy of all Proceedings (now existing in the Privy Council Office and in the Treasury of the County Pala- tine of Durham). with regard to the tenant right of the Lessees of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, and the decisions with regard to the same in the reigns of Elizabeth and Chatles the Second, and during the Usurpation."—

(Mr. Hodgson )

COtitt of Exchequer (Scotland) Bill—" to render valid certain Acts done in the performance of duties in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland by the Lord Oidinary on the Bills in the Court of Session, and fel the better regula- tion of the said Court of Exchequer," presented, and read 1st; to be read 2d thus day, aid to be printed.

Military Commissions Bill—" for continuing Military Commissions, and Corn- ntieiolis in the Royal Marines, in filler, notwithstanding the demise of the Crown," presented, and read 1st ; to be read 2r1 this day.

Letters Patent Bill—. for better enallliug her Majesty to confer certain powers arid itmounities on Trading and other Companies," presented, and read 1st ; to be read 2d this day, and to be printed. Malt Duties Regulation Bill—" to amend certain Laws of Excise relating to the Duties on Malt made in the United Kindom," presented, and read 1st ; to be read 2d on Thursday, and to be printed. First Fruits and Tenths. &c. Bill—" for the consolidation of the Board of First Fruits, Tenths, and Queen Anne's Bounty." presented and read 1st ; to be read 2d on Thursday 6th July, and to be printed. Reform of Parliament ( Ireland) Bill—" to alter and explain certain parts °fan Act of the third and fourth years of the reign of his late Majesty, for amend- ing the Reptestotation of the People in It eland," presented and rend 1st; to be read 2d on Thursday, and to be printed.

Jackson's Estate Bill—read tat; lobe read 2d.

Sheriffs' (Scotland) Bill—read 1st ; to be read 2d on Thursday ; and to be printed. Jamaica—Address for "Copies or Extracts of Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Governor of Jamaica, relating to the removal of Dr. Palmer from the office of Special Magistrate in Jamaica."—(Mr Fowell Buxton. ) Exclusive of what may be considered mere acts. of registra,;on --the forwarding of bills through formal stages—we have here a vast amount of important business of a public nature tea nsacted and the-item " Supply Committee," &c. is intended Ibr the recoid of about a hundred different grunts of money in the Miscellaneous 'Estimates, amounting to about two millions sterling. But with respect to the Private Bills, under cover of w hicli much injustice as well as jobbing is annually committed, of what use is their pas- sage through so many stages in the whole House, if not to give an opportunity of ascertaining what bad been done by the packed Committees which "report" thcm ? But there are scarcely a dozen instances in a session of any thicg like an attempt to remedy in the House the wrongs sanctioned by a Committee up stairs. Our list will give some vague notion of the kind of business transacted ; but what imagination keeps pace with the speed at which it is got through? During the first four nights of the week, the House sat for twenty-eight hours altogether, and per- formed 430 distinct acts; which is at the rate of 3 minutes 54 se- conds to each. Among these acts, were alterations via great variety of important laws, and the grant of a very large sum of el. ney. This is called " getting through business." The Rotten Borough House of Commons, in the most reckless days cf PITT or CASTLEREAGH, is surpassed by the " Reformed."