1 JULY 1876, Page 1


1N-0 eldot has been fired yet, but it is nearly impossible, as Lord Derby admitted on Thursday to the Duke of Argyll, that war should be averted. The Slavophil Committees in Russia, the Oinladina or Slavic Revolutionary Society, the Catholic Slays of Hungary, and the insurgents of the Herzegovina, have roused the Servians, till they have offered Prince Milano the alternatives 'of war or expulsion. The Prince, who is a patriot in a way, but an intriguer too, has yielded, and after being proclaimed by the Bosnian Christians Prince of Bosnia, joined the army on the frontier on the 29th. He has not yet moved his forces, or issued his proclamation, and it is understood that his plan is to wait an attack from Nissa, which, as we have said elsewhere, we think the Turks must make, though they are under extreme diplomatic pressure not to begin, and not to cross the frontier of Servia. The existing situation cannot, however, last many hours, and before our next number appears, rinless Mr. Disraeli strikes some dramatic coup, enabling Austria to move in force into Bosnia as an ally of the Turks, the Eastern question ought to be fairly on foot towards solution.