1 JULY 1893, Page 11

Lord Randolph Churchill, speaking at Pontefract on Saturday last, made

a very happy point by saying that Mr. 'Gladatone's new financial resolutions would condemn Ireland to penal,—he meant, he said, "financial,"—servitude for six .years. This is, indeed, precisely what the Parnellites think of the step taken. They have issued an address to their Irish friends in the United States, imploring their support to resist and defeat this withdrawal of all financial power from the Irish Legislature for this long period, which they regard as fatal to any genuine kind of Home-rule. This address, winch appeared in Monday's Times, and was signed by Mr. sjohn Redmond, Mr, T. Harrington, and Mr. J. E. Kenny, shows that the rift between them and the Anti-Parnellites, -so far from being in process of reduction, is growing steadily wider. "Oar opponents," they say, meaning awl the Unionists but the Anti-Parnellites, "have sat silent while restriction on restriction has been grafted on the Bill. Even our endeavour to secure for the proposed Legislature the name of Parliament, and for the Lower 'Chamber the old and dignified title of House: of Com- mons of Ireland, received the support of many sympa- thetic English Radicals, while those Irish representatives who now claim to be the depositary of national feeling, defeated our proposals by going into the division lobby with the Government and the Tories combined. But the climax has come. The Prime Minister has officially announced in the House of Commons that it is now the intention of the

Government to withhold from Ireland, for at least a period of six years after the passing of the Bill, all power of imposing, controlling, or interfering with, her own taxes,"—an announce- ment which, as the Parnellites declare," took the whole House of Commons aghast" [Is "to take aghast" an Irish idiom and was "received without protest by the men who had sacri- ficed Parnell for an English alliance." This is not the tone of men who are disposed to return to the leaderless host which, for the moment, Mr. Sexton affects to command.