1 JULY 1893, Page 24


[To TUE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR,"] Sin,—Sir Wilfrid Lawson, in the Spectator of June 24th, tells us, among other things, that Shakespeare says : "Men put an enemy into their mouths to steal away their brains." Shakespeare does nothing of the kind. Cassio does, and with excellent reason under the circumstances ; but that is a totally different thing. Your true dramatist never says anything. We shall next be told that Shakespeare advises all fathers te teach their sons, as "a, first principle of life," to foreswear their potations, and to "addict themselves to sack." I really think, Sir, our editors are frequently much to blame for allowing hare-brained faddists to debauch our literature in this fashion in search of arguments (1)—I am, Sir, Ste.,