1 JULY 1905, Page 29

The Cass against the Proposed Appeal to the First Six

Centuries. (C. T. Thynne. 6d. and is. net.)—This is a collection of letters addressed to the Record and the English Churchman. Many have felt that while it was worth while to go a long way for a working method of comprehension, the six centuries took us a little too far. It is true that the terms of the Declaration were guarded. "Nothing can bo accepted as truly Catholic which cannot claim the general assent and observance of the Christian Church before the end of the sixth century." But that there was a very general observance of many superstitions before this time can hardly be denied. Asceticism, the adoration of relics, and other matters were the rule. Let any one read Isaac Taylor's "Ancient Christianity" if he would know what the practice of oven the" second and third centuries was. But the question is too large to be argued here. This pamphlet will be found helpful.