1 JULY 1911, Page 33

The American Year Book : a _Record of Events and

Progress in 1910. Edited by S. N. D. North. (Appleton and Co. 15s. net.)—This is the first issue of what is intended to be an annual volume. In form it resembles the Annual' Register rather than. the year books to which we are accustomed, for it gives under various headings, such as "International Relations," " Mining and Metallurgy," "Art and Archaeology," a continuous narrative of the principal events of the year 1910. Large numbers of useful statistics are naturally included in the different sections, and the book is fur- nished with an efficient index. A. special feature is that the editor has had the assistance of representatives of a number of learned societies, and that in consequence the progress of the sciences is very capably described.—The Statesman's Year Book, 1911 (Macmillan and Co. I0s, &I. net), is too firmly established as a book of reference to need any lengthy commendation. The new issue embodies the preliminary results of the censuses taken in many countries during the last year.