1 JUNE 1850, Page 10

We are authorized to announce that Lord Cottenham will be

forthwith raised to the rank of Earl of Cottenham, of Cottenham, in the county of Cambridge, and Viscount Crowhurst, of Crowhurst, in the county of Surrey.—Globe.

The nomination. to a vacancy among the Poor Brethren of the Charter- house having come round to the Queen's tarn, her Majesty has nonsi-

nated Mr. Robert Hunt, an elder and only surviving brother of Mr. Leigh Hunt. Mr. Robert Hunt entered life as an artist, but attained no suc- cess in his profession. His success has been of a different kind : -except that he was Ultra-Liberal-in polities at a time when such opinions invited opprobrium, his life has been blameless ; in his quiet career, a keen relish of life, maintained by a temperateness carried almost to a pitch of singu- larity, supplied the want of luxuries ; and at the age of seventy-seven he enters the Charterhouse with a heart as eimple and guileless as that of the most unspoiled child who enters into the opposite side. of the foUndation.