1 JUNE 1850, Page 8


The Nepaulese Embassy landed at Southampton from the Ripon on Sa- turday, with all the éclat due to the political and personal distinction of its members. General Jung Bahadoor Boorman Ranagee, the Prime Minister of Nepaul, is described as being very handsome, and very dark, with long jet black hair; he is but thirty-two years old, though already a distinguished warrior, and the most influential statesman in all North- em Hindostan. He was received by the Governor-General of India at Calcutta in full durbar, and was saluted with nineteen guns on arriving and departing. He bears a csamplimentary letter to the_Queen, • and presents' of surpassing eostlinees-s-worth a quarter of a million sterling., An official blunder kept the Ambassador on board for a. hbrt time in diploinatic re- serve, and well nigh sent him backle• India with a thWartediniseion. An ticipatory ceders had been senttoll* Soittltimpton authbrities 'to peat the- baggage and present* of the Embassy without any search ; but on-Sattirg day iriorning, juit rilteithis deferencelad'been intiniated to his Excelleaby, telegraphic orders were received from the London Customhouse eonfinink the akemption to the-gesalits- lifoughtlIkrthe QUeen,' but directing the Embassy's personal 1114±6Efo7bOartially•searched as is usual. To thr.' the noble Hindoo reit tirchinoirSaCrUpla : he is the first lirahmi of hi caste who has come to Europc,jand the infidel touch of the o ifd WO be religious pollution—difficult, and in some instances impossi e, to ex- purge ,but by increniation of the .artiele. intinm tied auy.,of his luggage or any of his suite Were : he : ekld not' land onpur. shore, but would return to his country by the next steamer,. without accomplishing the object of his mission; and he set a Hindoo guard, with a drawn sword, to watch his luggage. After the " greatest alaira," and some interchange of telegraphic messages, the blunder Was rectified ; the order was restored to •lts original liberality ; and • thee•klm- bassy landed, with property auk houour.alike- intact,.

A`l opal sign.Mianual warrentfies beerCI8Wealifattling a pension of 25/: a year to Mrs. Harriet Waghern,...widow Of the late Lieutenent Thomas Waghorn, " in consideration of the eminent seer of her late 'husband." —Globe. [Right "royal " munificence ! twenty-five pound's a year for

. • . •. •

"eminent services."] It is understated that the Treasury has awarded to each of the four ban- riders of the Palace Court the sums they paid for the purchase of their: places. Mr. Biait, M.P., paid 2,0001. for his appointment as one of the- four, and was the, last purchase allowed. ' The attornias and officers of the defunct court'are waiting for compthtstion.

Some difficulties have been made, we are given to understand, in grant- ing permizsion to the East India-Company to raise two more European regiments ; but an offer of two additional regiments of her Miiistr6 Ar- my has been, we believe, refused, and it is probable the Company. Sate', allowed to raise two regiments this year.—.Yeral and Milifary Gazette.

A deputation of the MetroPolitan Sanatory Association waited upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer. on Tuesday,, to urge the bringing in of a bill for the total abolition Of the Window-tale:cad the'iinposition of a tax on houses in its stead. Sir Charles Wood replied to the statements inade,, that the difficulty is a fiscal one; and that it is moreover not So easy to• substitute a house-tax as the deputation seemed to think. At present only 487,000 houses pay window-tax, 3,000,090 are exempt ; to impose a tax on 3,000,000 houses, which is now paid by 487;000; is a difficulty that any Chancellor of the Exchequer may well shrink from. Sir. Charles ad- mitted that many sanatory evils are produced by the Window-tax, but he could hold out DO hope of modification durinc this session.., During the discussion in the House of Commons, lad* , of a cellaiteoes vote which brought the Bornetin piracy and' jah Brookes_ proceedings into the debate, Mr. Cobden declared line belief that Captain

Aaron Smith, who_ha.s, come forward at pillgie,meetings witness in - reference. W. the roisdoubted piracy, "hathinatielf peen a most titrocioni,

"If aCommittee were appointed to inquitei evideneeteimlaiessilrbe brought • forward to prove what the conduct of thatznan had been in rte ease of the Cambria, Captain Cooke. It could, be shown tlmt:CaptainAaron -Smith, who,. was with a piratical ship in the Gulf of Mexico, took Captain Cooke from/list vessel and carried him on board the • pirate‘slip, were he was tied to this mast, and wounded in such a mannerby tho crew that.heatill bore the marks,

upon his body." - - • •:- •

The Morning. Post of Thursday pnblialicia•a correspondence of a hostile, character in reference to this Parliamentary freedom; Mr. R Gaibelt wrote to Mr. Cobden on the 25th of May, from Camden Cottages, :Cant-- den • Town, that his "friend Captain Atron•Stuith" had requested him to, wait on Mr. Cobden' in refererice•th the •speetth:. he would be 'glad of an appointment. Mr. Cobden replied- " If you wish to make any communiestiOnito me respecting your friend Captain Aaron Smith, 'I' rennest that it inay%Le• made m 'writing; and-, is you are a stranger to me, you will please to be good enough to add a reference - to some person of respectability, .by which I may be able to judge howler. you are warranted in interfering in the matter in question, er *Mated to.ettiy further answer from me." Mr. Garbett complied with both requests ; notwithstanding the "pounds,. shillings, and pence" air of the "reference AS. to respectability"— " My reference then will be to the Secretary of that League of - which Richard Cobden was once the head, and of which I was a member." "You have availed yourself of the sacred shelter of the House of Commonssto. make use of language respecting my friend, Captain-Aaron Smith, which km well knew to be false, and which you also know you dared not have USA• in any other.place without being certain to receive personal chastisement."

Mr,. Cobden answered,. on the 28th,_ t,hat Mr. Garbett's insulting tone should.not deter him from offering to do-justice Aci.his friend. -.1.,oil

" You say that my atatement respecting him was false. Disprove Sat: statement, and I will retract it in my place in Parliament, . with enlample, apology for the wrong done to his character. If, instead of disproving you seek to evade the question by blustering about 'personal chestisement,' it will afford the strongest possible proof that I have not mistaken the cha- racter of Captain Aaron Smith or his friend. As for such tihjin I pay my

police-rate in order that society may be protected against and am obliged to you for the hint. y violence„

"Do not suppose that I have sought to shelter myself behind the privi- leges of Parliament. If your friend should again obtrude his' offensive pre- sence upon a respectable body of philanthropists, as he did at the public meeting respecting the Borne= massacre, and should I chance to be on the- platform, he shall be told to his face all, and more than all, that I have said in the House ; unless, in the mean time, he clears his character by better arguments than menaces of physical outrage." Mr. Garbett answered, on the 30th, that if Mr. Cobden had at first written in a different spirit, he would have found that the " interview " sought for was "not intended to intimidate," but to show what the facts in reference to Captain Aaron Smith really were ; " and if I satisfied you that you were in error, I simply wished you to do justice to a calumniated man." He explains the facts as they have formerly been stated—

It is true that Captain Cooke was taken out of the brig Industry, on the 7th August 1822, by a piratical vessel ; but "Captain Smith was himself a

prisoner" on board that piratical vessel, and compelled to act as Recommender ; " from that ship he afterwards escaped." He was tried at the Old Bailey on the 19th December 1823 ; and though prisoners could not employ counsel at that time, the jury instantly acquitted him, without turning round. "Cap- tain Smith afterwards published a narrative of the capture of these ships ; in which he clearly shows that what Captain Cooke had stated was untrue, and the latter party has never had the manliness to answer it or in any man- ner to defend himself."

With reference to the concluding paragraph of Mr. Cobden's letter, Mr. Garbett says-

" If parties will call public meetings with the ,avowed object of casting censures on an absent individual, they must submit to the inconvenience of hearing their proceedings censured by those who are still fond of the old

En maxim of a fair field and no favour.' " this seems to be a conclusion of -the affair.

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last : the first column of figures gives the aggregate number of deaths in the corresponding weeks of the ten previous years.

Ten Weeks Week of 1838-49. of 1850. Xtmotic Diseases 1798 .... 158 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 488 .... 48 : Tubeeeular Diseases 11357 .... 168 Diseases of the Brain, spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 1167 .... 102

• Diseasei of the Heart and Blood-vessels 26.5 • • • . 36

Diseases otthe Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 1025 . •• • 138

Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 554 • • • • 57 Diseases of the Kidneys, &e 77 • • • • 8

Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, •Ite 99 • • • • 9 Rheumatism, diseases of the Hones, Joints, Re 61 • • • • 6

Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, &c • 14 .... 3

Malformations 12 • • • • 1 Premature Birth 200 • • • • 19 Atrophy - 133 • • • • 18

Age 496 .... 39

Sudden 107 • • • • 10 Violence, Psivation, Cold, andIntemperance 256 , ... 38

Total (including unspecified causes) 8653 866

The corrected average for the week is 944 ; so that the mortality of last

• week was 78 under the calculated mean. Diseases of the respiratory organs, - .exclusively of consumption, were largely fatal-138 against an average of 112 ; deaths by consumptionliself continue at a low proportion-103 in place of the past average of 163. Among the deaths by measles, is one base of a man aged thirty-five.

The mean pressure of the atmosphere was 29.486 inches ; temperature 55.5' —rather hit her than the average of the same week in seven years. The mean direction of the wind for the week was North-east and South-west.

It is said that the Commissioners of Hackney Carriages intend to have the -watermen of coach-stands sworn in as special constables at the different stands, particularly to prevent the system of allowing unlicensed persons who have lost their licences for misconduct to drive with badges belonging to other persons.

The Honourable C. Murray has brought home from Egypt, by the Ripon steamer, a most valuable and interesting collection of animals, birds, and reptiles, for the Zoological Society; the rarest of which, and the most extra- ordinary, is the hippopotamus. A large tank, holding 400 gallons of water, and a berth, had been fitted up on board the Ripon for the amphibious mon- ster; and so excellent have been the arrangements that he has reached England in perfect health, having borne the voyage so well as to increase in fatness since leaving Alexandria. He is about ten months old, and weighs probably 5001b.; is perfectly under the command of his Arab keeper, who sleeps with him in a berth built close to his sleeping-place. The keeper on the voyage was seldom away for more than five minutes without a summons to return, in the shape of a loud grunt. He is as quiet and docile as a kitten, and nearly as playful. This hippopotamus is said to be the first ever brought to Europe alive, and the operation has not been accomplished without great difficulty and expense. Among the rest of the miscellaneous collection are an ibex, a lion, some wild cats, civet cats, pelicans, gazelles, and several rare specimens of lizards, and sernts ; the latter attended by an Arab boy .of curious aspect, who feeds and bandies them as any one else would a pet dog or a perfectly harmless creature.—Tinies.

A marine belonging to the Victoria and Albert yacht having fallen into the sea at Portsmouth, Mr. Sesife leaped into the water and rescued him. This is the third life that the gentleman has gallantly saved.