1 JUNE 1861, Page 9


A statement upon authority has been published to the effect that it is expected that at Her Majesty's drawing-room, to be held on the 19th of June, all ladies will appear in mourning. The ladies of the Corps Diplomatiqne, the wives of Her Majesty's Cabinet Ministers and of Her Majesty's Household, will wear deep crape mourning with black ornaments. All other ladies attending the Court will appear in black, with black feathers, lappets, and gloves ; diamonds may be worn. Ladies to be presented on their marriage, and young unmar- ried ladies to be presented for the first time, may appear in white.

The Prince Consort will preside at the inauguration of the Royal Horticultural Gardens at South Kensington, Os the bth of June, accompanied by the junior members of the royal family and the illustrious visitors staying at the Palace. An address will be received and memorial trees planted.

Lord Herbert has appointed Major-General Sir E. Lugard, E.C.B , to be per- manent Under-Seeretary to the War Department, for the military division of the office.

Lord Brougham has consented to preside at a public meeting which is to be held on Saturday, the 8th of June, in St. James's Hall, for the promotion of self- supporting hoarding-schools for the lower and middle classes in connexion with St. Nicholas College, Shoreham. The Notional Gelling states that the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Prussia intend to pay a visit of some weeks' duration to the ,English Court about the commencenieut of July.

IL de Lesseps passed through Malta yesterday by the Valetta, from Marseilles to Alexaudria. We understand that be has pledged himself to have the Isthmus of Sues Canal in such a state of progress by the end of one year as to permit of small vessels passing from one sea to the other.—Malta Tines.

The Charity Commissioners have given notice that the well-known library of Archbishop Tenisos, in the parish of St. Martia-M-the-Fields, will be saki by seetion.

11. Carnet has jest published an interesting memoir of his father, the celebrated Republican Minister of War.

It is rumoured that M. Guitot and his son have turned Roman Catholics; and, moreover, that M. Gnizot, jun., means to solicit the totes of an eminently Catholic constituency in the south of France at the next general election of the rftp Legislatif. [Credat instants]. The Government have granted the Royal Irish Academy 1001. a year for the recovery of antiquities in Ireland through the agency of the constabulary.

Some of the German journals state that Prince de Metternich, the Austrian Ambassador at the French Court, on seeing M. Richard Wagner leave Paris after the failure of his Tann/teaser, sent him twenty-five bottles of his Johannisberg as a consolation. This wine, the Falerniaa of the nineteenth century, produced on the Metternich estate, is kept by the family for their own use, and presents of it are seldom given to any but crowned heads. The few exceptions to this rale, within the present eentury, have been twenty-five bottles each to Goethe, Canoga, Jades Junin, and Wagner.