1 JUNE 1878, Page 1

Up to the publication of this statement, matters looked rather

worse than better. There were rumours on Satur- day of dissensions in the Cabinet, which caused a sort of panic on 'Change, and as they were officially denied on Sunday, moat people believed them to be true. The negotiations, moreover, appeared to lag, telegrams were received announcing uneasiness in different capitals, and Austria was re- presented as highly irritated. The Sultan, too, was evidently discomposed, the attack on Murad's Palace proving to have been serious, and altogether there were anticipations of very great farther delay, if not of a renewal of the diplomatic conflict. If the Globe's announcement is correct, much of this alarm must have been the result merely of suspense, but some of it may have been due to a contest in the Cabinet upon the plan still remaining unrevealed.