1 JUNE 1956, Page 27



BLACK (12 men) WHITE (8 men)

WHITE to play and mate in 2 moves: solution next week. Solution to last week's problem by Smedley: Kt-Q 6, 20 4 Kt-K B 3 16 Kt x P ch K-K 2 (./) 3l 4 P-QB4 17 Kt X Bch K-Q 1 (k)

k. ,„ N 18

5 -- B 3 P P-Q 3 19 Kt-Q 6 (/) P x Pt 6 LK 4 (a) P-K. Kt 3 20 , R-Kt 1 R-R 2 ,.. 2 () B-Kt 21 B-K 5 Kt-K 1 (m) 8 i",.ss;.R41(e) P-K R 4? (d) 22 Kt-B 7 ch R x Kt (m) -..'"`" a 3 ICt-R 3? (e) 2319 X R Q x P (n)

, Kt

Alo..,o's Kt 5 Kt-B 2 24 R-Q 7 ch K-B 1

P-Q R 31(f ) 25 R-Q 6 ch K-B 2

1211B4 P k P 26 19,-K 6 ch K-Q 2 13 X K 11 P Kt-Kt 5 (g) 27 R x Q Kt P P-Q Kt 4 146 Kt1 B-Q 5 ch (h) 28 P-B 5 2 Q-K R5

P x Q 29 R-IC B K-Q 1

(q)-\)6/<. ()QxP 30 R- Resigns Or 44 hnue has advantage in space, but 13Iack hils chances 'Sit:eking (by P-Q Kt 4 or P-K B 4) the bases of the aligb▪ j jawn chain.-and hopes to meet White P-K B 4 by llnd then occupying K 4 with a piece. Chances are White's favoir, but not very much._ _ _ 13 4 is premature, e.g., 6 ... P x P; B x P, le) T With good chances. Ks% 5.1reutening to increase his spatial advantage by l) 6. 48r, ositional error, weakening K side and conceding 4'set(''filwg square KC 4 to White. P-K R 3 is correct, to le) -p-^ 5 with P-Kt 4. ;Ind Paring for Q side advance with Kt-B 2, P-Q R 3 rom. Kt 4, but his king's side position is now too corn- 9 kt...le,d,l0 allow time for this. Better 8 . . . B-Kt 5; ,,(f)*Zt 13 X B; 10 Q x B, Kt-Q 2. play10 0-0. 11 P-B 4, P ,x P; 12 1/41(134)_ge"Cte;Kt 5 as sequel shows.

0-0, though after P-K 5 White has big

' . 13 x 11; 14 Kr x PI and in all 14ariations ▪ c"les out at least a pawn ahead. After text if 14 ‘V1I1as other ideas. then 14 . . B x B; 15 Kt x P??, Q x P ch—bui orazing position. White has given up queen for i,v9rnpleete.eis and has three pieces en prise—and yet has a Wollgame. If Black returns queen, White comes ()) 16n uP with won ending. • • • Kith 1; 17 B-1(1 5 oh. x Kt; 18 P-Q 6 ch, K-C) 1; 19 P x Kt " and t r; rot Q B x R ch, K x B; 21 Kt-Q 5 ch with R, k( 7hchat , Kt.x P ch and B x Kt, also B-Kt 5 ch and Vtherwise B-B 6 ch. \‘'hile he queen makes a threat! By a series of checks 511 is ,,now Works his rook into the optimum position, and 5. Good key and excellent play with 3 'blocks by Black rook.

game of the most interesting types of middle `ille struggle is that between queen and minor U1: in general, while the board is fairly ?Wcled the minor pieces have the better of it, h",„ile in the end game the queen tends to get only tilaper hand. Here the poor queen—despite

being faced with two minor pieces—never

to target for White threats. The game is from livZurich club championship and illustrates the orelY and vigorous play of the present generation young Swiss players. white, V. LEACH Black, E. NIEVERGELT I p Opening, Benoni.